Women-of-color led project with Soniya from Orbis86 NFT Project

November 22, 2022 Soniya from Orbis86 NFT PROJECT Season 1 Episode 17
Women-of-color led project with Soniya from Orbis86 NFT Project
Show Notes Transcript

What a great conversation on treating the world, business, relationships, etc with love and kindness...remembering to be an ally to those who are less privileged. 


foreign [Music]

[Music] foreign

[Music] [Laughter] [Music]

foreign [Music]


[Music] foreign



[Music] foreign





excited guys I'm gonna play a song and get some people in here it's going to buy some friends I'm excited thank you [Music] foreign [Music] foreign



[Music] foreign [Music]



hello good morning good evening good afternoon wherever you're joining us from I am really excited tonight you know we're doing our space there's a lot of spaces going on right now and I'm just so excited uh we have some people here joining us to come for some great content I know there's a lot of giveaways going on out there and this one hour uh this one hour Panda space I try to just bring amazing people with amazing stories with awesome backgrounds with Brilliant Minds and I take away so much from these spaces and what's really exciting also is I like to spread these spaces out after we get these recorded I put them on our podcast and I'm having a lot of fun uh seeing the replays of these great episodes people are really finding great content uh by listening to these and so we have yet again another Amazing Project here with us tonight we don't always do web 3 and nft projects on these Panda spaces it just so turns out that some of the most amazing brilliant people we are finding uh are right here in this nft and web 3 space so tonight we have an amazing project uh I could go into a lot of the things about the project itself that I'm really impressed with it's very much a metaverse project and it's so cool they've got big connections I mean I I definitely want to dive in and talk about their nft project but what's really inspiring me so far about finding out about these guys is it's a women-led team and I am just looking at their team right now on their website and it's huge and I cannot wait to just hear about the story uh kind of rewind even and here I think I think I think we have Sonia on the uh behind the pfp I'll have to be uh corrected if that's wrong but okay I I think I'm getting a thumbs up perfect so I am just so excited to hear your story and to kind of rewind I like to take people back to you know when I grew up dot dot dot and if that's uh I understand if that's you just want to get to nft stuff too sometimes that's how it goes but I'm just really excited and I'd love for you to go ahead and unmute and let us know who's here with us

Helene and hey all the pandas and all the listeners out there I see a few folks down here that are a part of our community already we have been either there are folks like Buckeye who is a sigma Ambassador for the project or we have Ryan down there and Ryan Robert sorry I have I can see you guys and how you follow us and that that in itself shows so much love and affection and it is one of the reasons why we are here in the NFD space right lane and you know so late forgive me if I am butchering Your Meme no but that's perfect and I I wanted to ask if I butchered yours absolutely not a lot of the times the extra I in my name throws people off so they're like okay how did I pronounce your name but it is so dear so thank you thanks for checking but folks uh so Elaine your question was like you know you wanted me to start from the beginning I'd be happy to do that I love that yes just so we you know we have just amazing people on this space and uh a lot of times we just jump right into the the now stuff and the project and I just think there's so much to learn from people's stories that some sometimes they don't know what they're getting into coming onto a space with me but I do I like to take it back and I just remember my childhood so vividly and I've got children now and I see you know just flashbacks of my childhood which seems like yesterday and a lot of the things that I learned a lot of who I am a lot of who I'm proud of and that I'm not proud of you know it stems from when I was a kid and I'm still just a kid learning and so I don't know I really I would appreciate that if you if you wouldn't if you know if you'd be so kind to maybe just give us a little background and tell us a little bit about who you are and what it's helped make you such a wonderful person that's here now with us well Elaine that's High Praise coming for me

from we are after all humans and I think it's our virtues and our vices that make us who we are so um so yeah you know I I hope I hope that I come up as wonderful to others as well but that being said let me let me talk about uh okay I am not I'm not very good when it comes to talking about the past because I have had uh just like all of us right I have had some tough moments in my past but that being said I feel like that has been a part of the journey and it is through the Journey that you become the person you are today um quite often um I grew up in India so in India there is a saying um a phrase a saying that generally points towards the journey a diamond has to make before it actually gets sold on the stand and as we all know diamonds are actually found in coal mines because they are highly compressed carbon but when you mine a raw diamond it doesn't have the same luster that we see when we buy a diamond in the store so a diamond has to be a polished it has to be broken down it has to be of all the beautiful facets that you see on a princess cut or a square cut or uh or you know a pillow cut all of those lovely cuts that you see on a diamond that gives it the luster the refraction which just makes it Shine so brilliantly that comes after it has been chiseled thousands of times over and then it becomes that beautiful Diamond that we all ooh and oomph over I feel in life that's what happens to us as humans as well every little cut that we go through that is part of the journey it it is a part of us growing up it is a part of us discovering who we are it is an aspect of us polishing each facet of our character to become that light in this world that can Inspire others um as such I believe that you know all the journeys that we have been on it becomes a part of us and the cultures that we grow up in and the cultures that we live through everything and every person around us it just becomes a part of our being and that's why I'm very proud of you know where I came from I generally don't Focus so much on my past because I feel like right now I'm in a very good place and I feel that um you know I am in a much much better place than so many people out there so I don't like to dwell on the past but that being said many a times it's nice to just reflect on where you have come from especially at times when you feel low because when you look at the journey that you yourself have undertaken you realize how far along you have come so anytime you feel a little demotivated you can look back at your past and see okay I've lived through all of that I can live through this so ideal uh ideally you know it might feel like I'm recording a question I'm definitely not trying to do that but as we progress through the show I would definitely love to um reflect a little bit on aspects of my past that have made me the person that I am right now uh well if my accent isn't a clue I grew up in India I live in California at the moment but the journey from India to California has been an interesting one and I would definitely love to shed some light on it during the course of this beautiful space Oh My Gosh and you know what I love how you presented that and yes don't don't be afraid to uh present how you want to I that's exactly what I'm essentially fishing for are people reflecting on their past and we don't have to get into specifics to to talk about the lessons that we've learned you know what I mean and I I love that and uh I am definitely definitely interested in that next part of the story will you please honestly I could just sit here in silence and I think the whole crowd would just be a okay with that you're so easy and fun to listen to so yes please I I want the next part well okay all right so you asked for it so um well I was raised by my mom um not to say that my dad is a bad person because I have a really good relationship with him but when I understand my mom and dad separated and it was um I think there were quite a few learnings coming off of that while my dad was around in India we would belong to what you could call the upper middle class in India which means that as long as I wasn't asking for a jet plane or something ridiculously expensive like that all my needs would be fulfilled and the upper middle class in India lives a fairly decent and luxurious life after my mom and dad separated it was it was a completely different situation um you also get to know you know you all we have all heard the saying that rats desert a sinking ship so this is actually during these testing times that you get to know who all are the people that you can really rely on many a times it is said that hey don't tell your problems to others because 99 of the people don't care and the remaining one person are happy that you have a problem so uh so as a child who was 10 years thin I actually um my mom raised me from there unfortunately we did run into um into quite uh quite some issues financially thankfully the house that we lived in was always in my mom's name so we were I have never been in a situation where I was homeless and uh you know I I think I have to thank the forces of nature for that but I definitely saw my life go from um you know being in a position where I could ask for anything that wasn't ridiculously unachievable unattainable to a point where um I would save money from my lunch box so um so that you know I could probably support my mom with that little money that I'm saving that was literally from my pocket money and that continued for a fair few years I took up engineering as a subject I was actually more interested in English literature but I ended up enrolling in engineering because I wanted to support my mom and at that time I remember that um I've I had to apply for the economically backward concession in India and ridiculously enough um the family income so as you know even in the US right when we look at below poverty line the poverty line definition in the U.S I believe for individuals it's like eighteen thousand dollars so if you make lesser than eighteen thousand dollars annually you belong to to I mean you know you are poor and then you can enroll in benefits like Medicaid you know which is the state-sponsored health insurance and you can apply for food stamps and whatnot um in India it was funny because uh somehow in India they don't update uh the archaic systems uh in time feminine the limit for poverty line was actually 18 000 rupees back then 18 000 rupees that was three hundred dollars three hundred dollars annually so if your family made less than three hundred dollars annually then you belong to the economically backward class and you could get concessions when attending um attending a college attending a university getting a degree so even with the concessions the fees for the tuition plus my hostile expenses plus my boarding charges the expenses for even used books and my graduate school uniform all of that combined with about three hundred dollars so I used to find that extremely ridiculous that the expense of attending a college right and and trust me this was actually on the lower end even back then was equal to what the government of India had set as a limit for defining a family as economically backward and being eligible for concessions but so obviously at that time you don't even have 300 or 350 dollars to help fund my education but my mom was always very street smart and I think my spirit of um I find myself to be a go-getter and I feel like that is really inspired by my mom so she did not let that stop her or stop me and she asked other wealthier and Kinder individuals for help and organizations for help and so because of the kindness of other people who were more blessed than what we were at that time I was able to get scholarships like at that time I didn't even have 350 dollars to actually enroll in high school and that was literally my expense for the entire year which included tuition food lodging boarding books uniform everything and we couldn't even afford that and this is I am guys I'm not 60 years old I am 36. so when I say that this happened to me this is back in 2003 so it I mean I know it's still like about two decades ago but two decades ago 350 was still not a huge amount even in U.S uh in U.S even at that point a single credit a single course rather a trimester even at a community college would cost you more than a couple of hundred dollars and I feel like that has left a huge impact on who I am today because if there weren't people who were motivated enough and selfless enough to come help me I wouldn't have been here and that is a huge part of what we are trying to build I mean yes we are an nft project but if you look at all the sigmas that we already have on board each person is invested in taking web 3 to the next level as an nft project what you see on our website right now all of it points to the commercial aspect of what we're working on because at the end of the day we all need to make money to survive but in the background we are also working on the impact aspect and the impact that we want to create is to help add a few dollars to the Baseline annual economy of microeconomies like the countries in Africa so here here are some stats okay I'm an engineer so you know data stats I I live with it there are 24 countries in the world all of them in South Africa where they are annual income for each person so their per capita GDP is under a thousand dollars the poorest country in the world Burundi they have an annual per capita income of three hundred dollars per person and what we want to do is try to add a few dollars to those Baseline annual economies because here if we make a hundred dollars I mean you know you could go out for a fancy meal in the U.S and end up blowing through a hundred dollars and you won't even notice it but if you give a hundred dollars to someone in Burundi you would actually be giving them three months three to four months of their annual income and that is where I feel Victory can be a huge equalizer because it can help break down barriers it can help get rid of currencies that have been subject to the fallacies and the flaws of our current economic systems because if our economic systems were strong countries wouldn't have fallen prey to hyperinflation a country's National currency wouldn't have lost 100 percent of its value and people wouldn't have to suffer and I am so fortunate and blessed that all the people that I have found through the segment through our community they all are equally passionate about leaving their Mark in web 3 by creating this impact and they all have had beautiful Journeys and they all understand why it is important for us to build this equitable place and Equitable future not just for our generation but for generations to come because you and I we are never going to be equal right we all are like nfts each one of us we are all humans but we are all still different not even twins can say that they are equals because we are our own self we are an individual and because of that we were never going to be equal however that should not stop someone brilliant right from Somalia from Africa from India that should not stop them from pursuing a career that can be that is only available to Ivy League graduates at the moment and that I feel is what a web 3 enabled world would look like as we decentralize our systems we then decentralize Finance we decentralize power and by doing that we Empower billions of people around the globe to at the very least get equal access to Opportunities and that is the key to resolving some of the conflicts because you know you can only take a horse to the river the horse still has to drink the water by himself but being able to take the horse to the river that is a big step and all the people that I work with despite the bear Market that we are in despite the failures of systems like FTX we believe in the power of decentralization and we believe that it is decentralization it is web 3 that can help bring all the horses in the world to that River I love that that was amazing I don't even have to like have any follow-up questions because not only do you you tell the story so beautifully but then you you wrap it into a lesson learned and what you can take away from it you're such a good uh public presenter that was amazing I would really like to know so you're This brilliant engineer doing awesome engineer stuff and how long ago did you fall into the nft space and tell me about your team and how how you guys all came together and is it is it all women or uh do you have men in the in the project as well and uh just kind of get into the team a little bit now I'm excited uh to hear the chapter between your engineer life and and coming to the states and and then eventually getting uh here and do you are you still an engineer well an engineer creates things so I would still stick to that definition but I did transition from engineering into product management so today I play the role of a product manager I that's why I said you know I still love building things I might not be sitting and coding behind a desk the entire day but I have a strong and beautiful team and some of them I see here like I can see draws progress down there progress has been a community moderator for us and he is amazing then I would love to you know one of the things about web3 is when you think about your team traditionally in web 2 your team would always be the people who are on your payroll that you pay however with web 3 we now have dials and through those we can bring together your community members who are equally invested in the project and they become your team they become your family and ask that I'm so proud that through our Dao and I can see Buckeye down there I can see I can see each Mal down there and these are members and I also see Philip down there hey Philip so all of these folks they are part of our Sigma ambassadors so on our payroll we have about 25 to 30 people and in our Sigma ambassadors we have 25 24 folks who are part of the team the dove structure is so powerful because birds of a feather get a chance to really flock together and then move together in this direction towards a better brighter world and just imagine I mean hey you know I'm I'm finding this entire project from my pocket you asked me whether it's an all women team now it is not an all women team but we have well more than 50 percent of our employees are women and that being said we are geared more towards um creating a more inclusive future and I feel like you can't build an exclusively inclusive future the guys who are on our team in fact these are folks who love to help increase representation in web 3. and quite often what I see is when people want to work on something like hey um let's just you know I'm going to take a Chapter out of History right if you think about who was the person in us who helped abolish a slavery like let's talk about you know the U.S president who had a huge role in abolishing slavery and Lane I know you guys are from Idaho so your history is better than mine right if I was to just ask you hey can you name one president who had played a huge role whose name would come to your mind Abe Lincoln right and with Abe Lincoln a slave or was he black no no no no no they're right a deep that is important quite often when the oppressed speak up if they only talk to other oppressed folks around them their voices never leave this Echo chamber and it is important for their voices to be to leave that Echo chamber and reach out to the world so it is extremely important for those who are in a position of privilege to advocate for those who do not have that privilege and because of that we strongly believe in this culture of allyship because it's not about excluding those who are privileged or I mean you know just because we are a woman that I am I'm the founder of the project right so this is a Woman Led project but just because it is that it doesn't mean that we want to exclude the guys because who on boarded me to webpity I don't see Will and Vince in the audience but Philip knows them and these folks don't want to bother me these guys were white guys who wanted me to web3 right so you have all of these people who absolutely fit the role of an ally and you need to in fact Empower them as well so they can in their position of privilege that we all think they have continue to onboard more people into web 3 who need to get a part of that representation in vetri and so again our team it's not just an all-women team in fact as you know at workplace we cannot discriminate on the basis of gender though I feel that there is a certain flaw in that too because if you want to really increase representation and workplace and you cannot just go and hire more women how do you really you know be able to increase representation so there there I know why we have the anti-discriminatory practices in police but yes that being said um we try to have more women on board however when we are interviewing candidates we do not discriminate based on race and gender but when I find a powerful woman I love to bring around one so maybe I am inherently biased I don't know but I am at least glad that we have 50 percent women on our team because if you look at the tech representation in United States alone trust me in the rest of the world it's even more obscure but in the United States only 25 percent of the tech Workforce are women out of which five percent narrations three person blacks one person Latina so considering that women make fifty percent roughly of the world's population just 25 percent of representation in Tech and by Tech it's typically the web 2 Tech but we are also seeing that percolate into web3 that shows us how a skewed the numbers are in fact in web 3 if you look up I mean you know block works and all of these other research funds they have done their research only 15 percent of the wallet holders Bitcoin wallet holders are women so we have to be more intentional about bringing women into the space and the reason why we focus more on women is because despite being 50 of the world's population the representation is completely lacking and now with web 3 with remote opportunities we have an opportunity for even mothers who are at home who cannot go to office to bring them into web 3. we have an opportunity to empower those who couldn't go and take a typical jobs because web3 jobs they are a different breed altogether and we want to start there but we don't want to stop there because representation goes beyond just having equal gender representation we want more people of color into the mix we want representation from the lgbtqia community because unfortunately people are biased and we don't we don't realize it so the best way to really help increase representation is not by excluding those we think are in positions of privilege but it is by including them and making them the Champions and ambassadors who go and preach about representation to the folks around them and bring more representation into the space and that is what we are all about that is so beautiful and I'm so proud of you guys oh my goodness I have a big sister I grew up the youngest of six and my mom was just a rock star my big sister was just my hero I just grew up kind of trusting women leading to be honest and I am uh a father of two daughters and you know I just want this world I want them to just shatter glass ceilings and what you guys are doing is so inspiring and it really really brings me a lot of joy that uh people like you are laying a foundation for a better future for daughters like mine you know and um I am curious uh you you did bring up the younger generation and uh what are what are your goals with your project maybe for for the younger generation is anything geared towards I know the metaverse and everything I guess this is kind of getting into your project a little bit maybe maybe that's a great segue to just give us a little Lowdown on what your project is the nuts and bolts of it and man how how you're going to go ahead and uh provide for less less privileged people all thanks for asking that question Lane um so as I mentioned earlier there are two aspects of a project one the commercial aspect which you see on the website right now where we're building these beautiful characters and we are not building our own meta was however the characters we are making their meta was ready so our characters are being built on unreal sorry they're being built on blender and Blended to Unreal Engine 5 is an easy Bridge So Meta voice is built on Unreal Engine as long as they allow for character Imports you could do that at the same time like literally as we are talking right now I've been talking to my team about about also creating voxel representations of our characters because as we know sandbox for example you know which is a very popular meta was that has walkfill characters so we have been also looking at doing that so people can easily use their characters and take them into the metabolous now talking about the younger generation so through our comics and animation we actually want storylines inspired by people's own experiences that could Inspire others watching them so I can see Philip there in the audience and Philip comes from from a Native American Heritage you know from a Native American lineage and he has been drinking elements of the Native American history into the backstory that he is creating for Orvis 86. so the storyline the comics and the animation animated series that we are working on the stories of that and the directions that the characters will take and they are journeys would actually be inspired by the tales of our community members so one of the things that we also want to do is hope I mean you know we hope to create a vehicle such that these comics and these animated series they serve to educate people through stories and what I mean by that is we all know about uh the struggles that people who are struggling with their what they are gender identity you know the journey that they go through we have heard the phrase coming out of a closet and we have watched a lot of movies and I think we all at this point understand what

um what homosexuality is what does it mean to be a bisexual and people who are broad-minded I mean you still have conservatives to think that oh all of that is wrong but those who understand they're like no you know it's as long as they're not you know anyone is not hurting anyone why should I be the judge of what somebody else does in their life and their identity I shouldn't be the one messing with it however there there is realization and there is sympathy however there isn't a call to action to show support to folks so what we really want to do through our stories and our stories would be set in in a fantasy world but that being said they are going to bring in all of these human elements and we hope that this could serve as an educational vehicle to not just educate people about these differences in our society and about the hard Journeys that people who are different or people who are minority have to take but also Inspire them Inspire the audience and motivate the audience to empathize with these folks and to come out and support these people so everything that we are working on even on the impact angle it's geared towards not just helping spread this message helping people realize that how our Beauty and our strengths lie in our differences and it is okay to be different but more importantly inspire people to take action so when you see kids at school bully someone because they are confused with their own gender identity then you have people who can come out and support and take action because that is important just realizing people are different is not enough people go through so much [ __ ] and they'll because they're different and a lot of the times they do they go through all of that alone and if we can Inspire some folks to provide the support that is needed by people are going through these Journeys then that would be a big win for us and that's one of the things that we're doing through our storytelling and animated series but then also for not just a younger generation right but for anyone who has a will to learn about web3 our impact arm is all about creating these educational opportunities so I will talk a little more about the impact um and like in the course of conversation but I did want to talk about what you see on our website and I know it just seems like hey it's another storytelling project and storytelling nfts are really cool right now but we have been working on this project since November so we have been working on this for a year and in nft terms that's like 10 years because most nft projects they just launch in a couple of months as much as we are proud of the artwork that we have we are even more prouder of the community that we are building around it because again more than the artwork it is the Stories Behind These pfps that we want to bring to life that we want again to you know educate people about the differences that are there but more importantly Inspire and motivate people to take action and show support

so what are some ways that we can show support and be an ally uh just in general and with your project

well condos uh Lane you know one of the ways in which you can show support obviously is by just helping spread the word but more importantly if you go to our Twitter even even now you will see that you know we do not just talk about if you look at our tweet it's not all about hey here's a project and come by our nfts in fact we haven't even finally start my date yet it would be in Jan but a lot of it is also educational so if I'm not wrong right now our pin thread talks about FTX and the collapse and we have a lot of threads on wallet security we have so many threads on security in the space on learning about nfts there are community members you will see a lot of short videos being created by like we have progress down there we have Philip all of these guys have created this videos what I would really ask folks to do is if you find something valuable that you want to share with others please do that and for anyone who is trying to learn about web3 and the web3 lingo is a huge challenge if you go to our website under resources you will find a tab for glossary I will ask people to please explore that glossary because you know you're going to you will we have curated over I don't know like over a couple of hundred web three terms for people to learn and I am going to just ask people to share that with others and one of the ways in which you could help us is by reaching out to us and helping us build this curriculum build this learning for others who are coming into this space so that would be a huge support for the project um I mean yes like all other projects we can just come up and tell you that hey please follow us and retweet but honestly the best way to show support is for you to become a part of a community and help us help others

and I am looking here at the sigma Dow can you tell us a little bit about that and it's 96 sold and so what is that kind of a precursor to your mint then at the segmented out these are allow list on the nfts and we just have one spot which actually the guys from aplist they would be the ones that are closing out on our final spot these 25 still Philip down their Buckeye down there that you can see and I know we have teach them out down there all of these folks are part of our Sigma Dao nfts um we haven't yet launched it out we will be launching our Dao in q1 of next year q1 23 but these nfts served as a way for folks who wanted to steer the direction of the project and who wanted to contribute towards the impact on that we are working on to come onto this project as members of our Dao so um we have already given a lot of value back to our Dow members and you know what personally it was a huge show of support because we minted in this awful beam bear market and you know we minted in October this was an allow list only men people put in an application and each person in the Dao I actually know them personally we have had a lot of conversations and we went through the applications before we added their wallet to our allow list and then they went and minted it and our allow list mint was uh point three five eight and you know that right now in the nft world trying to sell anything for 0.358 if people need to really have strong belief in a project for them to go and you know take that leap of faith so I don't think I've ever even heard about a a minted allow list that is incredible you had people meant to get on your allow list to Mint is that what you're telling me uh no no no it no it wasn't that people had to submit an application to get onto our allow list for the students cool cool okay sorry sir keep going and and Lane the allow list questions right literally even our question they won't get towards uh like you know that hey do you have enough in your wallet to come and mint that was that was a dark question are three questions really they focused on why are you passionate about web3 how do you want to advance web3 and how will you contribute to Arbus 86 as a dow member so all that's why I was saying that you know through the dial we have had such a powerful group of people come together such strong personalities and enigmas that it's it's been a huge blessing and with these folks coming in as members of a Dao our team of 25 has become a team of 50. and people endowed they are invested in the project so folks who are members of the Dao they are you could think of them as the steering committee for what happens with Arvest 86 and they also get control of the treasury of the project 10 percent of our sales our sales secondary sales all of that 10 of the sales get actually allocated to the drought Treasury and besides that we already have certain Blue Chip nfts that uh we will be allocating to our Dow's treasury wallet we have been exploring wallets like genasis safe and I'll be happy to you know just educate people about these multi-sig wallets Etc um but the idea is that through this bow that we are creating we have people who come in and through their expertise help steer the direction of the project so one of the things that I am I do not consider myself an expert on I mean I would probably I'm a jack of this trade definitely not an ease is tokenomics so the people who are leading to economics one of them is Devin and Devin teaches fintech and he has been in the web tree space for like almost a decade now and he teaches fintech at the University of Washington and then we have Sean who has helped just so many companies in the tokenomic space race capital so I am so proud of all of these folks who have come together because through their expertise we become such a powerful body because now you don't have just one person making all the decisions and doing all the work you have the power of the collective backing you and all of the folks in this Sigma so we call ourselves the stigma so all of our Sigma folks folks have been in the web 3 space for at least a couple of years and most of them have been in the space for more than that and it is funny because you know web 3 when we look at nfts a lot of the times the crowd it's young people in their 20s I'm in my 30s but we have so many folks in our sigmas who are in their 30s and 40s right so it's not the typical uh you know 20s crowd the two youngest members on our Sigma who are in 20s Danielle and Michelle both of them are actually rock star scientists so Michelle she is a second year student of the genetics and Daniel he is in pursuing his final year of PhD in chemistry and he's a chemist and both of them also have a project the project is called Zumo cheese and I'll find their tweet and put it up here and Sumo jeans is all about creating a meta verse for people to come and learn

is alive right so Daniel and Michelle even they are part of our sigmas oh my goodness what a small world that's a great connection I love them oh my goodness oh I absolutely love them and you know I'm so proud that through web3 I have discovered you know personally for me the corporate world and I've worked for a lot of Fortune 500 companies right my last company was broadcom if you guys go and look them up they are like Fortune 50 or 100 company um in a corporate world it's so different you are working to help a corporation grow larger and bigger and you're helping make the rich richer to be honest right because a lot of the 1400 companies Fortune 500 companies they are actually focused on how do we make our shareholders richer and that is fine I mean you know they have a duty towards their shareholders but in fact tree it's all about how do we Empower each other and everything that you do you know you can see where is that impact being created so I am so thrilled and excited to be in this world where we are able to impact it's it's not about impacting a billion lives right it's just about impacting one life at a time because then it's through the butterfly effect that we will be able to reach to billions out there and we call it a small world yes but it also is a show of strength Lane when you see the same names coming up especially in this bear Market because now you know that hey all of these folks we all are here and we are staying through this bear because we are building for a brighter future

I just I love that I love building for the future and one member at a time I just feel that so much with our mission also we're helping one giant panda at a time just small steps add up and build up and man I uh I didn't think that we could have you know more love in this space or or good stuff but sheebs and queen came up here and Sonia I would I would like to introduce you to them they're two of also the most loving people I've ever met and they also have good heads on their shoulders I would love as we're wrapping up here if you guys don't mind Chiefs and queen I'd love to hear maybe any questions you have or any feedback or anything to add on to that thank you guys trait that Dan and Michelle are my favorite Geeks beautiful couple they're very loving and very creative they're not like they're you know their PHD so they're like geeky but they don't sound nerdy they sound fun nerd people I love them but they're so cute what he did with the art and I know I know panamania and emojis are collabed for a while I I was in your spaces in the beginning when you were doing with them and Chris so yeah I I absolutely love the product and the and the and the uh the goals and Inspirations that they have to help the children

I I also just fell in love with them so quick I was on their mint party they're just they're really easy to love and I always tease and joke around but man any any of you Engineers or scientists you just blow my mind and you're really Heroes to me the work you do I'm jealous I always wanted to be a scientist or an engineer I am just a uh yeah martial art guy okay I mean come on I'm pretty sure a lot of Engineers are jealous of that because you know what happens when you are I had an engine and just sitting on your butt the entire day you have to start seeing a chiropractor really soon I'm pretty sure as a martial artist you didn't have to do that I appreciate that yes I I love where I've you know every decision you make that butterfly effect like you said it's it's fun to see where uh your life goes and and each decision takes you cheaps my friend I'd love to hear your voice tonight how are you

oh son of a [ __ ] dude I'm answering a text right now go to Queen first [Laughter] geez you can always count on chips to just bring the honesty and the great great Positive Vibes oh I just that cracked me out oh man well uh Sonia I I will I will get uh Chiefs after he responds to his message but as we're kind of wrapping up here you know an hour flies by and I feel like we could have just a few hours of great conversation but what I like to do is you know uh I like to make sure people expect an hour space and it kind of leaves people on you know hanging on the edge of their seat wanting more and wanting to click in and follow you and check you out and do their research and uh you know find out who they're in circles with and what projects they're collaborating with the fact that you told me you're friends with zumojis you know there's really really great ways to educate yourself in this space and take a peek around around and move slow and move smart and can you believe just the amazing knowledge and wisdom we were just given in a short hour of time and Sonia thank you so much for your time by the way it's such a gift and I just want people to take away if if you can get an hour from someone and take things away just imagine hopping into communities getting getting a little bit more of that and so that's what I will always uh recommend to everyone is let this kind of fuel you I I know these Panda spaces we don't dive into all the nuts and bolts we never have enough time but I like to uh give people just enough so they're they're wanting more and I know uh hopping in and looking into your website it's a really really fun journey to start looking into your project and your team and I'm also really impressed you guys are out here on these spaces I've been seeing you guys everywhere and I'm just uh overall mostly impressed and the reason I messaged you so quickly was I heard you present and uh your team and just just your voice and everything it's very uh full of love and that obviously is going to attract me I'm such a pushover for kindness and for you know uh missions based on helping others and you know we we're helping pandas and a lot of times I get that a little bit of guilt in my heart like ah should we be helping humans more and should I have done a project where that was our focus and uh there's so much good out there to be done I I love my role with helping the pandas because I think there's more qualified and better people out there to help the humans to be honest to be honestly you know most of the humans can ask for help you're helping those who can't even come and ask for help for kudos to you guys you know just never second doubt yourself never second guess what you're working on because honestly you are bringing voice to bringing voice to these animals who can't come and defend themselves right and we know they live in the life of captivity um the as humans I mean you know we are such awful beasts because if you go back and look at the mass destruction caused by the comet colliding with Earth when dinosaurs went extinct humans are now the cause for the second largest Extinction event that we have seen on planet planet Earth and we are responsible for the extinction of so many species because we don't we don't really care enough so honestly you are I mean you know I wouldn't even I wouldn't have if I was in Yoshi's I wouldn't have ever even thought that hey should I be helping uh for humans because and not because of qualifications or anything right because you know what Lane sometimes you can just help someone by just giving them a kind smile you never know what [ __ ] they're going through in their life and a kind smile a kind word from a stranger could mean so much to someone so I'm pretty sure you're anyway doing that all the time like hey you know you guys brought us on here and it's not to you guys have already minted out right so you don't have to do this like you don't you're not trying to get us on here so um we could like you know cross-sell each other or anything right it's because like you said that hey you want to put other projects up there in Spotlight like help Empower others who are building in the space with love and kindness you are already helping other humans but what's more is you're helping those animals who can't speak for themselves Lane so and you're doing it with it with I Can Only Imagine what great humans the three little kids that you are bringing up right now what great humans they are going to grow up into oh they already are they're they just blow my mind how creative and smart and clever they are it's fun and that was a lot of really nice stuff that you said thank you so much and uh I really think that uh yeah leading with love and kindness it's just the way to go and you know Queen and sheebs that's that's another reason why I was attracted to them they just have that aura of love and kindness and uh being an ally like you were talking about and uh Jeeves are you there my friend are you ready to give us any words of wisdom or any questions for Sonia my friend

oh man I am not ready dude I'm still texting

oh man well I'm gonna start wrapping up here my friend so I I need to hear I need to hear some sheep's wisdom uh here in the next few minutes so just chime in when you're ready my friend well uh Sonia I'm I'm gonna go ahead and run a little giveaway I know that's not the main focus of these spaces but I do I can't help myself I like to say thanks uh with that and so I will run a little giveaway here in a minute uh would you like to just give us any last call to action or wrap it up uh with any last thoughts uh of the conversation or anything I'd like to just leave it to you to uh have have the open mic here towards the end so Panda one of the things I'd love to do is I'm pretty sure that like pandemonium and we have Chiefs and queen and I'm pretty sure we have some good projects down there listening as well we would love to invite you all to some of the spaces that we host um we haven't yet scheduled one but we are hosting a crawl space and we get a good number of people coming in these cross chain spaces um and one of the chains that I really love and I haven't we you will not find this information on a website yet trust for your website needs updates because you know we've been working on this for a year so it's a little out outdated but we are planning to Mint on ethereum but also mint on hedera and in the hedora community we have found so much love and folks are really warm and I know that on ethereum it's not like you know it's on ethereum a lot of the projects are like us right where we all are building with love but then there are a huge huge huge number of projects that are all about hey how do I 50x or 100x might return overnight and this is not really the time for that right well the project was valuable that is going to happen but this is a time for people to come together and build together and as much as I love folks in ethereum who are doing that I've also found a lot of folks in hedera who are doing that and so as a project we made this decision that we will mint we'll have our main mint on hedera but we will all submit a smaller portion of our nfts on uh sorry we'll have our main mint on ethereum but we'll also mint a portion of our nfts on hedera so I would love to invite some of these projects on our cross chain spaces because it would just be so amazing to share this love across that three right I mean as a fragically strong you believe that we cannot be exclusively inclusive and unfortunately right now we do have a lot of that hey I am an eat Maxi or I am a Solana Maxi mentality and we are trying to break those barriers and tell people that hey you know we are one big web free community and we are one big victory family so Lane I would love to invite you and we will I will go ahead and share that information I can see that I have some of our team members down there mukta hi she is uh she is a gem of a person and you know I don't know what uh I would do without her she has been a key member of a marketing team I'm really glad to see you here and I am going to ask mukta to reach out to Chiefs and to Queen and Panda to you guys and invite you to our crossover space that we will be hosting on December 9th and it's just going to be an amazing space for where we want to introduce some of our hedera family to the ethereum family and the ethereum family to the hedera family and just share all this love

thank you for the invitation I will definitely take you up on that I am no discriminator of chains I like the cross collaboration of chains I grew up skiing and I snowboarded and I never understood the the uh the battle or the competition between you know you're basically doing the same thing and trying to enjoy the hill and trying to spread it to other people I don't know the same thing so I love that okay uh so you guys uh if you are a part of another project um I I'm always chit chatting with other projects and so uh so when you make sure you guys keep me updated and I'll always invite my friends as well so that's amazing thank you for uh letting us know about that because I think getting in on any kind of uh you know weekly space I think it's really cool to have uh that consistency and so yeah please keep me updated and thank you for the invite absolutely and the one last thing that I wanted to mention question was we will on our Twitter and discard we will also be hosting a giveaway for two tickets to Miami women web 3 Summit how this is being hosted in the first week of December so uh obviously you know it's short time to travel but folks who are already in Miami please just follow us by tomorrow or day after we will host that giveaway and uh and I mean you know again it's more about learning so it would be an amazing opportunity for folks who can attend Miami to learn from the conference and connect with some other amazing projects there um also I'm speaking at the Central and women webtree Summit in Miami so if you are in the space and you end up attending the Miami Summit just come up and say hi it's always nice to meet people behind the pfps in real life and it's also nice to you know meet people from real life on Twitter's faces and look at their pfps I've I've actually gone through both of those experiences and both of the experiences are equally fun so again guys you know obviously if you are going to be at Miami for art reason come and say hi

oh I wish I was there to be able to come say hi that would be so fun uh well thank you so much Sonia for your time that is so valuable and I really appreciate you sharing it with us Queen cheebs would you like to uh you know give us any any of your last great thoughts before we wrap up here yes we were in a in a swing on a communication leadership and today so the book we chose was the five love languages and Walker and Krypton blue had gotten into Panda since uh since us and me and sheeps and they've been excited about panda stew and Walker saw your Tweet and he's like oh my God they're in a space we had such a we had quite a big space going but we ended our space to come Sports you guys and check out my pin 3 that pinned it in the Jumbotron and I just want to say and I'm not a paid promoter but I'm just excited folder I'm just been feeling like every time I read into this project they just get excited how much you guys are you are doing and then I see here your passion about the project and what you're doing I'm just I'm just like so excited to be part of this project so um if you guys want to retweet my tweet that'd be awesome if I said spoke anything out of term please let me know I can correct it since I'm new I just don't want to miss state or you know say something wrong either uh Queen I don't think you could do anything wrong gosh thank you so much that's so sweet and uh yeah anybody uh interested in any pandomania stuff right after this space I'll be hopping over into ape spaces and I'm I'm gonna throw down a deal so if you're looking to hop in I'll I'll be uh right over there and I'll I'll do a little deal for that anyone in in there listening to pandemonious stuff thank you Queen uh you're the best cheap see you there my friend

oh my goodness we are going to have to cross our fingers that we we catch him and if not he is always in my DM saying hey hey what what do we got going on and hey there's this and hey man Jeeves is the man and I just I love just uh making friends in this space and the love and kindness I I just have had great experiences this week just like all the weeks and Sonia again gosh thank you so much I hope we can stay in touch and continue to collaborate and I really really look forward to it so thank you so much and you guys I do have here a winner I just pulled it and it was the first uh sometimes I have to redraw because they're not in the room or they didn't follow the rules and just a little bit ago I'm really excited this person because they came into our Discord and said hey I'm busy I'm still here and it's like of course you are we love you you've been a supporter of ours from the very beginning a week late My Buddy Darren congrats you got another Panda for your wallet my friend thank you for being here and I hope you're well and I uh I don't want to say I miss you because then you'll you'll feel bad like like you're gone and come back and apologize you never have to apologize you're always there so much love and much love to everyone who uh tuned in tonight I really appreciate it I know there's a lot of great spaces going on and it just warms my heart that you'd come here for great content that's our goal with these Panda spaces and again I do have a an official podcast uh I'm turning these all into episodes and so we have a really great catalog of you know not just nft stuff like I said I've got uh this next week an interview with my one of my best friends growing up he's a nurse and he got into nft so I get I guess a lot of times it spills over into nft stuff but um I'm gonna have athletes I'm gonna have business people entrepreneurs in other Industries you know and so it's always fun obviously to meet someone as talented and awesome uh and tough as Sonia that is in the nft space but please check out all of our episodes I've got like 16 episodes now it's been awesome and I've got subscribers it's pretty cool so uh I guess I should probably have like an official release form for like people like Sonya to uh sign but I think get into these Twitter spaces it says like yo warning this is recorded So I think I'm safe I don't know I'll have to look into that and ask my attorney but I think most people are okay with being being uh if they're live on a space they're usually okay with uh being cataloged on the podcast so I really love uh going back through these and this is just going to be another great one I hope people were inspired and took something away from this I sure did and I always tell you guys this is a selfish guilty pleasure of mine to hop on and chit chat with amazing people so Sonia thank you so much again and uh before I I close this up and play a little music closing it up you guys have any last thoughts hey so panda lane I just wanted to say that um I went and snatched one of your lovely Panda wearing the pride wig so we got that I mean as I mentioned right for a community wallet we try to get uh some nice valuable nfts and nfts are not just valuable because of the trading volume that they have had but also because of the team supporting it and yeah I just that hey Panda 59 is ours and I as as soon as I saw that that hair the wig with all the pride colors in there I was like oh that's that's our guy oh I see it oh my goodness that is amazing okay well I am known for gifting and I'm known for supporting right back at you so you better believe you caught me off guard here Sonia I can't just in seconds here to do anything about this ah you're the best thank you so much and hey you've got to check out our cute little red panda collection there's a lot of really really I mean straight in your face like uh Ally stuff you know we've got a Love Is Love shirt uh and we've got rainbows all over the place I I definitely have uh I I have tried to be an ally as best I can and uh I've got best best best buddies and just I've changed and learned a lot through my life and how I grew up and the circles and the you know stupid [ __ ] that you are kind of brainwashed into thinking about to shake off a lot of stuff and I I'm really really proud to have been able to make mindset changes throughout my life and so I'm really eager to be an ally however I can for any any group that's not as privileged as anyone else and so check out our red pandas I think you'll really dig some of those traits if if you like the the rainbow hair so uh thank you so much and Chiefs I love you bro I wanted to hear some wise thoughts so as this music is going uh feel free to chime in thank you all so much and like I said I am I am going to be hopping over here into the Apes spaces and I'll have a uh a nice little deal for anyone listening in on that space uh and Sonia you I'm gonna count you in on that deal so I've got I've got a treat for you in the DMS thank you so much thank you all much love I hope you have a wonderful week


thank you

[Music] foreign [Music]


foreign [Music] foreign

