Navigating WEB3 with LOVE & KINDNESS with Cheebz & Queen

November 19, 2022 Cheebz & Queen Season 1 Episode 16
Navigating WEB3 with LOVE & KINDNESS with Cheebz & Queen
Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

I'm so happy to have met these 2!!!! WHAT A PAIR!  They host great TWITTER SPACES themselves, and we were happy to have them on the Inspirational NFT Program Twitter SPACE.




[Music] foreign




okay [Music]

thank you foreign



[Music] foreign





[Music] another song get our other co-hosts in here we've got some amazing guests with us today guys hold on to your hats



foreign [Music]

that's all right okay let's jump [Music]


[Music] thank you [Music]









oh I'm so excited Jay is here yeah oh and we got Shelby here as well I am so excited to get an update from you my friend and we've got some just amazing guests with us today and I just fell in love with them and their spaces and their love and everyone in their spaces and queens and cheap spaces always come up and say the same thing that it's different and they love the vibe and they love what they're doing for this space and I am really excited to pick their brains today about what they're doing what they think the space is needing right now how they're helping people on board into the communities and I I am really looking forward to our conversation I've had a couple great uh just great times this past week with them and so I just wanted to keep the ball rolling and get them up here and look look at them sporting their pandas just uh true supporters a lot of love from these two that I'm really excited to share with all of you and again Jay I gotta come back to you man how are you I haven't heard your voice in a minute and I need I need I need to hear from you how are you

uh oh Jay you there you're on you're on mute

he is showing hearts I am assuming uh Jay is busy at the moment and listening in so I I gotta wait I gotta wait to hear your voice Jay oh no he's giving sad I don't know what that means Jay those sad emojis uh I hope you're okay I hope everything's okay and uh you're just listening in I see Shelby's showing some hearts so I think I think everything's okay hey shout out to donkey kicks in the house I know they are busy and they're always showing Love by joining faces and popping in and supporting but I want to invite them up to speak and uh see if we can't get an update from them as well uh you guys I want to give you an update about my personal onboarding as you know this is the inspirational nft program we focus on bringing people into this space safely uh introducing them to Great projects to help them understand value so you know everything that we're doing I am applying to my real life friends and I've got a really fun testimonial uh here in a little bit I'm gonna play the audio it's a video but uh he was so nervous you can you can hear it and see it but it's just really fun I'm going to give you a little sneak peek of some of the testimonials I'm going to start dropping for the inspirational nft program and I'll I'll make use of it with my own project as well if you're okay with that Jade yo Jay oh I heard you I was bugged I was a co-host it wouldn't let me unmute I had to leave and come back the whole Space is bugged I try to join in my other account and it wouldn't even let me but oh well laughs yeah there's there's some uh funky funky Twitter things going on nowadays they they slimmed down maybe maybe they're trying to get the algorithms caught up with their lower Workforce Now oh my god I've just read all sorts of stuff about what elon's doing and Twitter and saw a bunch of testimonials from previous employees and you know the letters going out at 2 A.M saying you need to be working in full force or or quit and dude it's it's a riot what he's created and I love what he's doing he's a man of action right all right well come on you kids in there like a football coach all right this is what we're gonna do I need you guys full of force you need to come in here at 2 A.M blah blah fly to Los Angeles you know and like he's getting [ __ ] done everyone else is like whoa I'm just trying to live my life bro I've been working here for 25 years and you know what I mean like it's actually hilarious to uh read everything that's going on um but anyways dude Lane I miss you hello I've been literally so busy I have my second Airbnb guest here um they're watching the Ducks game tonight and then coming back but I've just been setting up my new life out here with Special K Glass and and um it's pretty nuts dude I feel like an angel's been guiding me and it just kind of dropped me here and my whole life is just set up perfectly and now I just got to enjoy it and sustain it so um I'm here and I'm developing and I'm building and I'm doing cool things with Apollo AO Apollo and Dogecoin ride and Special K um Oddball I don't know if you guys know Oddball I got a lot of stuff working in the backgrounds that's uh coming up but again Lane I love you I miss you thank you for doing this every Saturday um and I'm sorry I missed last Saturday but I will never again I'm here forever and how are you sir by the way we're getting you out here very very soon I know I know I got I got the official approval from Chris that oh nice I know I know the True Value in a visit for me is the you know my family and my cute adorable kids and my awesome wife it's so hard you know we do share both you know all three of our kids they have other parents we come from you know divorces and and so we we have to manage schedules very carefully my wife works it's really difficult for me to you know when and we plan a vacation or anything it takes a lot of just scheduled rearrange and everything so I if I can come out by myself easy does it I'm so excited bro I got the approval I know it won't be as nice without my adorable kids being there but I am excited to blow some glass and learn some things and just give you give you a hug again and meet Chris in person and everyone there on the Special K team and I'm excited to see your setup and hey Jay and Shelby I uh just the other night finished the other half of that delicious special chocolate you gifted to me and it was so good bro that was good stuff I don't know where you got that but good selection yeah and I have a wonderful night's sleep so well hey very nice further Ado I would like to kick things off uh hear chibs and queens I'd like to give you just a quick little rundown of what this space is all about my friend Jay here he is a genius if you didn't know that and you need to connect with him and if you haven't already everyone does his b project the work he's doing on Special K the work he's doing for everybody and anybody I don't know how many hands you have Jay but they're all in a bunch of pies and I'm so excited about everything you always have going on and so uh Jay in the one of the many awesome projects He created this inspirational nft program it's a free mint you can go on the floor also and pick them up for dirt cheap the point of these nfts is not to make money or see what the floor gets to they're gonna be free forever and we have an unlimited supply of Jay correct me if I'm wrong if I ever say anything wrong here but the point is to spread joy to spread inspiration if you haven't checked out the nft it is heartwarming so check out the nft itself it's got a beaut beautiful message from Jay himself and the whole point of it is to teach people how to Mint safely how to take care of your nfts and how to onboard your friends and so I am always excited for this space to obviously have our guests on here but I would like to take just one quick second and sheeps gave me the go-ahead he's he's taking care of a couple things in the background so he said I have a couple minutes here to uh get started so I would like to this is actually uh my nephew uh Andrew and I asked him you know I went through the whole inft program with him and I asked him to do a testimonial he was so nervous but you guys have to listen to this I hope it comes through okay here's a great little sneak peek into a little compilation I'm working on to show the effectiveness of the inft program so here we go this is Andrew my nephew oh as soon as it came it kind of I got nervous okay

I am very happy to tell you that with Lane's help I had a very easy time getting onto web 3 being part of the future he helped me get my very first nft which had a very nice message and getting onto the Discord which was just as simple getting out of the Discord helps me realize the value of this great product it helped me see the both economical and health benefits make sure to get one

yeah I am very happy to tell you that with their help I had a very easy time getting on web3 and being part of the future getting my very first nft was very simple and I had a very nice message getting onto their Discord was very simple and it's easy to navigate and it helped me realize the value of holding one of these Panda nfts it's helped you see the economical and health benefits make sure to get one okay so that's just a little sneak peek I've got a bunch of these I'm working on and obviously they're talking about my project as well but the the point there is how nice of a breeze and a bridge it is to cross over from the inft to my own project they're all set they got their wallet they learned how to Mint they know how to buy you know it's really really sleek and Jay has put together a Sleek system so hop into the live in the now check out the link tree we've got all the links there that you need there's a great link there for a video to send out to your friends to show them how to download their metamask and again that's the whole point of this show but I am excited to move on to our guests and before we get to chibs and queens I did ask donkey kicks to come up and give us a quick update as you know we've got some sweet sneakers and I know they've got some fun stuff going on so give us a quick update Jay what's up yo what's going on Elaine how are you doing brother wonderful I'm always happy to see you pop your head in likewise likewise I try to get in with the partner projects man you know it's all love and support um but I I definitely gotta say I love being in the space where I see Jay because all these compliments that he gets I just sit there and uh direct them towards myself and it feels good so thank you Jay uh for having the same name I appreciate that man I hope your move as well um I definitely got to say what's up to net Conquest Queen and Rhino um I quickly had put in a DM or sorry a a message in the in the space uh sorry Discord to get everybody out here just so we can show some support and love to a partner project man we're we're super excited guys uh Lane and I have been really connecting and chatting in the background and we're doing some really crazy things uh all we're gonna say for now is Christmas is gonna be very special uh we're working super hard on the back and um as for updates man we've actually wrapped up this year's Partnerships um because we've we've honestly we weren't expecting such a crazy turnout but it has been um and I said this from day one we really want to strategically plan every partnership and make sure we have the time to facilitate um all the demand and Supply that comes with each project and we want to make sure our energy is there uh where they're 100 like we said we'd uh we would be for every project so we actually ended it with a Solana project we want to cross pollinate um So Meta tattoo club um is is this year's end uh we have a few in the pipeline I I might do one more perhaps just because it's Christmas and there's is a giving a cherishing Vibe going around right now in the spirit but we've got 33 applicants pending for next year so we'll we'll go through that filter them out it's a lot of work guys but um again uh I think uh 80 of our second Shipment has been received uh we're just waiting on a few more uh people in the world geographically depending on where they are in the world getting their sneakers uh Annette did an amazing job I definitely got to shout her out I know she's a part of the panamania family as well your video was amazing and honestly set standards for everybody else Elaine actually has to give us a video for his donkey kick pairs so bro you gotta beat her man uh that's that's coming you know this and um the the thing I'm gonna end with here is guys if you guys have not picked up a panamania sneaker make sure you guys do that uh they are absolutely insane I know Conquest has made some great content as well and on Tuesday where Ashley revealing the quit bitching uh sneaker Fusion so you guys be ready for that we're gonna have posters out by tonight um It's Gonna Be A vibe I know Lane's gonna come through and everybody else here is an open invitation to you guys we hope to see you guys there um it's gonna be 6 p.m PST time 9 p.m EST time so hopefully we'll see all you guys there and again brother thank you so much for giving me uh you know the time up here it's always a pleasure to be hanging out with you in the same same space and J as well so I'm going to hang out as long as I can I'm just going to jump into a meeting very soon I gotta drive so I'll be listening to you guys on my drive I just want to say I appreciate you once again man and um you know as always this is a great space guys make sure you retweet the space out get some people in here um because you get to learn some beautiful things some from from some beautiful people so I appreciate man take care of yourself bro and uh we'll we'll definitely chat soon I love it Jay thank you some good Alpha there too and of course uh he left it out but mint your own donkey kick you get your royalties off a real shoe I mean what a great example of a project to bring up to kick off our inspirational program of trying to build the bridge between web 2 and web3 they got sneakers For Heaven's Sake it's perfect so I'm stoked I just uh like you said we've got a really fun month coming up that really my whole goal is is onboarding web two people and Donkey kicks has helped me tremendously with my with my strategy over these next few months that you'll start to see so with that being said I did see Ponzi pandas at our second hour my friend please uh come on up at our second hour here in about 40 minutes we bring out people from the crowd uh I'd love to have you come up and uh now I would love to dive in with our main guests chibs and queens web three Legend Queen web3 I still I I love to call you Queens but I don't know if you like to go by Queen so you'll have to uh tell me specifically what you like to go by my friend but how are you too how thank you for joining us I'm so excited to have you both here how are you oh yeah so excited and honored to be here I do go by Queen um I just uh my my page was a Queen open at Queen of fantasy space but that page got taken down so I had to just change start a new identity and that's why I created this one because I kind of got pissed at whoever whatever happened so I was gonna take it to the next level so you know I mean even hanging out with you and hanging out with special K2 an MLG for almost a year since they launched their least social Beast project um tickets last November or something so yeah just connecting with everyone and uh getting to know each other each other just at the real level and uh that's what it's about just like I seen your guys's fashion you know I see I see kind of mania passion what you're doing and I saw a special Kate's passion and it's just like sharing with it from your heart and it's just uh just being genuine and that's what it's all about I love that oh you've got the biggest heart Queen and thank you okay I'm gonna go with Queen now that uh you might hear me slip it up sometimes just because I've been I've been calling you Queens this whole time so so nice to have you here in chibs you with us my friend yeah I'm definitely here um so yeah I'm definitely super excited to be here um a second everything that you know Queen said and um you know uh you've been in our spaces a lot so we're very much so about the onboarding and uh inspirational stuff and we like to make our spaces very open so anybody in a listener can come up and talk and talk about their day talk about nfts crypto whatever it is that you would like to talk about um we do that I think I think it's very important to provide a space for people to actually hang out and hear each other and you know not just listen to speak but actually listen to hear um and that's what we do so definitely super excited to be here it's been awesome since I've been a part of the panamania family I know Queen loves it as well so super excited to be here and I'm sure we're gonna have some amazing talks that's what I noticed with your guys's space and just with any interaction with you guys so far you know Chiefs and queen I met you guys on another space and I I had to DM you and just tell you guys you know my respect and and give you guys props and uh a lot of people don't don't receive that like you like you're hoping for you know what I mean you go you go and you give a nice compliment and you're hoping for like a oh thanks and sometimes people are just like ah okay and you're like oh you guys are so sweet from from every interaction I've had with you it was like hearts emojis and like oh my gosh what this is amazing like everything you you're hoping for when you gift someone or when you reach out to someone you guys are just genuine good people and I I noticed that about your space how you do have goals of onboarding people with love and Chiefs I have to give you props bro when someone starts acting up in your spaces you call them out and you're like bro be nice come on what are you doing who was that guy I don't want to call anyone out but he was your friend and you were giving him [ __ ] but it was just cracking me up how you do have a loving easy going attitude but you can still demand the love and the respect that you you want in your rooms and you hold a standard to your rooms and so I was just really impressed and you know our our space we have a consistent time on Saturdays but gosh even if you guys had a space going right now I'd be like yo you guys got to go check out their space it's it's a really great thing so I know you guys are involved in a lot and and supporting a lot of uh projects and I know we'll get into that but more than anything on this space this first hour I like to kind of dive into exactly what you guys do all the time anyways Chit Chat Inspire motivate talk about some stuff get some good lessons out of it and so I really do have some good questions that I think will get some good inspiration out of you guys but before we do that I kind of want to know a little bit about the the people behind the profile picture and the username will you tell us if you will and I and I I don't know how docs or undocked you guys are and you guys can you guys can stay within your boundaries but I I want to know just a little bit about you guys and even if you were to rewind a few years and tell us about you know who you were as a kid even and your personality a little bit I would love to get just a quick little uh background on on both of you Queen would you like to start yeah sure under my original profile I have used my real name used my picture and I have met a lot of people in persons like they I don't think you can get any more dogs than that and let me met a lot of project members in San Diego and ft convention in last April uh look at turbo I love turbo I've known him for almost a year and I just dwelt the genuine connections with everybody and onboarding is what I've been I started doing last November I onboarded a lot of people from to the Chrono side to the east side they were terrified and it was like we were discussing the other day it's not teaching them what to do it's teaching them what not to do is what vital and what's important and uh in it you know you I I was just saying I created my own polygon nfts and I was sending it to them and just for the for the process of just having them go through the hidden folder and going through the navigating through the open C and all that but my background I am I've done project management in the field nurse I'm a nurse registered nurse um and so I've done all aspects of it I've done the hospital side of it I've done still the nurse in the home health where we lie around the patient from the home hospital to home done the clinical manager clinical supervisor Clinical Director all aspects of it preceptor and um and the main goal was the the community liaison kind of where we uh at having the patient to be successful at home and cut down on hospitalization so that we can save the um the the cost efficiently manage them at home so basically done uh the the uh the community liaison whether it was between the hospital the nursing home the doctor to to have the patient first best interest at heart but a lot of it ended up like a 90 ended up a customer service so that comes in handy here and that's what I'm able to use it in this in this Arena right here oh my gosh and I bet you have such sweet bedside manner as a nurse I can just imagine how lucky your patients are how cool what a great resume and it's like I said what an honor to have you here and I'm excited to ask you a few questions and I do see turbo requesting my friend please stick around uh the second hour will bring people up from the audience this first hour we we really uh just like to focus on our main guests here and then we'll open it up to the audience I'd love to have you come up and she's my good friend let's hear about yours your life story uh yes so uh I come from the cryptos coin side originally but once it kind of collapsed last year I started looking into nfts and at that point in time I was doing construction uh basically like I have my whole life I've done a couple other things but construction's been my main thing and then uh you know after covet and everything hit business slowed down a lot so the business that I was working for ended up shutting down but that also pushed me more into web 3 and more into nfts and learning more about it and meeting new people and dedicating more time to it and learning as much as I could so I definitely come from the crypto coin side but uh yeah so I've been in a lot of different projects small ones these gen ones um bigger ones as well and one thing that I love most about the pandemonia is that a lot of the bigger ones that I've been in I see a lot of BS going on on the back end or like you know certain people doing certain things and um I don't know it's just a lot of things go on in a lot of the bigger projects and it may not always be what you think it is so I started looking for more just original projects and that's when queen and I met and we started doing spaces together pretty much instantly after I think the first space that we were in together but yeah so um definitely just very happy to be a part of the panamania family and um as far as that you know um I am actually I'm from Illinois and I grew up playing sports my whole life so I definitely love sports so if anybody wants to talk sports we can do that all the time uh but yeah I mean I just uh I want to onboard good people and uh have like-minded uh good people meet each other and form friendships and I think it's power and numbers is very important well you're doing a tremendous job my friends I your mission is clear you guys teaming up the partnership is amazing your spaces bring in a lot of people but more importantly it was quality I had I had several uh interactions on all three of my Collections and you guys are really cultivating not only a loving space uh but a really a space of buyers and I don't know about any other project managers listening to this or any other builders but spaces can be deceiving my friends I don't know how many of you have pitched to a 500 600 700 plus room with not a single cell but I've done it multiple times and it's extremely disheartening because it's like what there's a lot of people here this doesn't make sense this the the odds tell me at least this many what's going on here my calculator relationship it's disheartening it's frustrating and then it makes you wonder why you spent that time waiting for your turn in line uh that was a little disrespected to begin with only to be uh kind of shuffled path to the next one and it was just very different with you guys uh it was full of love it was full of questions there weren't uh expectations to come up and present at a specific time you're very clear with your expectations and I love it and I so that's kind of why I was really excited to have both of you on here and I do want you you know even though we're on this space I want you guys to promote your spaces that's that's what you guys are doing and uh and obviously promote anything else you want to but uh to kind of get into my first question about everything uh my brother Brad he was explaining on a space a few weeks ago that you know business is easy if you can identify a problem and identify a solution to fix that problem and I think just from listening to chibs and queen I think they did Identify some problems in the space and they are working on a solution that seems to be going very well as a project uh Creator myself it is a great space and it was cultivating I think everything thereafter so chibs and queens Queen my my question is do you or did you see anything wrong with the space and what are you doing to fix it in the space in general

yeah in the space in general or even Twitter spaces in general yeah um so communication is lacking sometimes that is a big issue I started building community building with the projects last October last November and we put our heart and soul I'm 110 percenter and everybody can identify that everybody can witness to that I'm 110 percenter and uh it seemed like we were lacking the communication from the founders that we were expected to read their mind and the outcome was kind of fabricated in their mind but not not communicated to us so I think that's a big problem and um yes last week I started talking with some friends and we were talking about some books how to win friends and influence people and the five love language and different self-improvement and we're like you know what that is freaking lacking here because uh we have become a microwave mentality Society we want everything to be thrown in our lab we don't want to work for it but we just want the results so we said well we're gonna start doing that on Tuesdays so if you see my pin tweet we're talking like five love languages and how that is that applies to doesn't matter so you go to buy the groceries or if you are marketing your business or are you building your brand or whatever you're doing because if you don't know what the next person needs you cannot fulfill their need so I think that is lacking at the big time but in the web 3 part I think we there is a big talk that we can build or build the web 3 the way we want to but it's just the hot air in the practicality we're bringing the web to here and I I say it loudly every day we're not changing anything as long as we're not changing what we did in the web 2 and if we're bringing it to everybody the inequality exists and it exists at a different level it it exists big time for us as a woman and I'm not going to make that as a subject it exists uh and even the um I don't have that much of the um the uh the language um you know the uh I have the word stuck dialect in my but I don't have that much of the the language barrier but I have worked with the founders who did and and everything was respected as long as I was talking or with someone a Caucasian or that different um decent descent was talking but once that that Founders started talking they were treated differently so that exists even bigger here and I think there's a lot of practices that we need to change but Chiefs and I were not not a word I'm not blowing my own bubble or anything like it but I've been being a nurse I've just treated a person as a person and I see that in sheeps too and I think that's why we attracted each other and we saw that the genuineness was there and the genuine respect was there and that's what that's why we we kind of started working with each other oh queen that was a great answer oh my gosh I wasn't sure if I was you know fishing for something that maybe you weren't you know maybe you were just gonna be like well I guess I guess there weren't any problems but I'm so glad you dove in and identified some problems that you were saying oh my gosh thank you so much and cheaps how about you my friend well it's hard to follow that of Queen you cracked me up um no you're awesome I definitely agree with everything that you said um but I mean for me I guess more so when I got into the nft Twitter space um I learned really quickly that if you didn't have an expensive pfp or if you didn't have the pfp of the room you're in or if you didn't have a lot of followers basically no one cared what you said which I thought was wrong from the very beginning because I was always like well wait a minute I have ideas too but no one wants to hear him like what the heck you know um you I mean if you're a quest you don't get brought up whatever uh see like here's the difference like with my rooms or with rooms I do with queen or whatever uh I won't bring someone up say if they're following hundreds of people and they only have like one or two followers well because then that tells me they're probably a bot but if you are following people and you only have a couple hundred followers whatever I'm still going to bring you up and let you speak because I've heard people with less followers be more intelligent than people with 20 000 followers and that's honest truth so that was the main thing that I saw there was a problem and I've seen it throughout being in different projects and stuff and especially being in the bigger ones they you know people tend to treat you like you what you say doesn't matter because your followers or your status or whatever pfp you have whatever however many you're holding in the collection whatever so yeah I mean I just really saw that as a huge problem and then we just started doing our spaces and people tend to love it now see if only we could figure out how to get paid for the spaces that would be fantastic uh but just kidding but now um it's uh it's a great time we enjoy it and we enjoy uh bringing good people together and then look I mean look we met you pandomania so that's fantastic and then everybody else in the room right now uh thank you so much for being here and yeah I mean really that's the main thing that I saw was just kind of just the disrespect um just overall so we wanted to kind of normalize being genuine and being nice and letting other people speak so yeah that's uh pretty much it for me

so what what exactly do you think are some specifics that um maybe maybe take for example a really great project enters the space they're trying to get some eyeballs I mean let's let's say they're just on on paper there's an A plus project amazing value amazing play to earn game maybe that that's just awesome but they just have no eyeballs and in this space there there are almost um social requirements if you will to hop up on the stage and to be provided a platform there might be some requirements here and there and maybe dive into that is that fair do you think that's good for the space do you think that uh some smaller projects kind of get washed to the Wayside and they should have been successful and they weren't because they just it was unfair I don't know I'm really fishing here but what do you think is that fair I think stay the course that you are you are communicating to the holders and to the New Perspectives hey if you're part of my project this is what you're going to get this is what we're doing and your passion comes through in the shows and I think there's been a like I I've been with I've done Community Building since the last November like I said and I it it ends up like as a community manager as a as a as a team member I'm the one talking and the founder doesn't want to speak and and then those ended up sometimes be people do not want to trust when they don't hear from the founder or from the vital team members so when they hear from you they're hearing your passion and and you know I'm sorry to make a little bit longer but there we I we've been teaching working with people like how to Showcase your projects so come talk to me tell me about you and then know we will talk about your project and and that's there's a difference between a showcase and a show shell is here okay we're

here oh I'm so sorry I unmuted I was saying goodbye to my wife and son they're stepping out the door I'm sorry it's okay it's okay I just I wanted you to hear

it until the shell is a paid person or a team member that might not know that much in and out of the passion from your heart where when you when it's you it's your baby it's your your pride and a joy and you're sharing it with the world and that the difference shows when you are showcasing your own project or someone is chilling for you

man that's so true they're really I like that how there's a difference between how'd you say it showcasing and Shilling and uh I think you guys really do a great job of allowing projects to Showcase and to show off and uh just just a simple question sometimes can make someone feel heard and queen I can tell you've read uh how to how to win friends and influence people and the love languages that is so fun I grew up on that you know my mom on road trips she'd be making me take personality tests and listen to to self-help stuff by Zig Ziglar and all of that and I just I really love uh diving into people's minds and personalities and Love Languages and so I want I want to know a little bit more about that you guys you guys obviously understand that you you remember people's names you say uh nice things and catch small details you ask very specific good questions how did you guys learn this was it just from Reading good books and reading how to do this properly and what's what's some good advice that you have for people

um well for me it was just more so being in a lot of rooms that did it wrong just hearing the way that they would treat people and not let them talk or you know not really even ask them questions and just kind of you know okay you said your piece you have 60 like you know when I hear you know I've heard it a million times people say oh you know you have 60 seconds to do your shill or whatever I always thought that was so disrespectful so I just really try to bring a space where everyone can talk I'll never forget still one time back when I first started doing rooms and it was a 100 djen Community but we I don't know we were just a great group of people and actually really intelligent as well and we used to get the rooms up to 75 80 people all the time and that was just a very very d-gen Community but people enjoyed the rooms and I did the same thing that I do now I never really thought about it though because I was just kind of new to it but still there was one time where a guy came in and I think he only had like I don't know maybe six or seven hundred followers or something but he was asking me questions about how to set up his metamask and stuff and I could tell he was real because he didn't want anything from me he was genuinely asking questions and he said he came from a room that they kicked him out because they didn't want to answer the questions and help them out and I sat there and talked through it with them for like an hour and a half and he was very happy about it and thankful for it he didn't want anything from me and he wasn't trolling because I mean there was nothing for it from him he was literally just sitting there I'm asking for help so yeah I mean I just very much so wanted to start doing something where people could be themselves and talk and meet other like-minded people

so what what advice do you guys have uh when navigating this space as a project Builder and as a community member what what are some know-hows that you guys have picked up along the way and that you would like to I mean there's a lot we could we could spend hours on you know an hour on each subject but just kind of elevator pitch type summarization uh maybe for community members and then for project Builders what are some good pieces of advice for uh navigating this space correctly and safely well for both um for navigating the space regardless you want to even if you're just starting out you want to go to rooms and find one or two people that you trust you know and then start going to other spaces that they go to and then you can find some more people that you trust and then sooner or later you find a bunch of different rooms that you can go to where it's hopefully a good like-minded people so that's the biggest way that I learned that helped me navigating through the space because at first I was just going to random spaces and I had no idea what I was doing and then I found a few people that I could you know trust and I thought were intelligent so I followed them into a space and then say you know one person became three people and then three people came became six people you know and and then so on so now I have a bunch of people that if I see they're in a space I always just go in there and just even if I'm not speaking just listen just because there's always something to learn I mean we're all new in this space whether you started today or you started a year ago or all new everything is so so new right now we're all still figuring it out so I think that's definitely been the biggest thing that's helped me as far as navigating through the space and also uh just a huge thing too is if you're like a project owner and you're a new project or even if you just want to meet people and gain followers and be a part of communities or whatever I think a big thing is getting up and talking is huge because it's you know anyone can tweet but it's hard to hear someone's I guess you know how genuine they are in their tweet and it's kind of hard to hear you can't tell the type of person that I guess um if that makes sense it's not 100 accurate but uh at least it's better than reading a tweet and I can tell you right now you're gonna get a lot more engagement and a lot more um connections and even friendships when you go up and you talk but I mean yeah I think that's the biggest thing for me and I think even for projects especially if you're a project definitely get up and talk in spaces and don't be scared to talk about your project because the only way it's going to succeed is if you get people's eyes on it

I wanna I wanna say this first so I don't forget um you know and I'm not saying this to just uh just this is coming from the heart as I think I've said it before like in our special yesterday too and um you got the right all the ingredients so you got the you got awesome project with the utility but there is a there is a care that is coming from your heart and and that's kind of that is at a many different levels so and as a Founder you you know you're grinding you're putting a lot of work and sometimes um people are coming at you when there is a complaint but nobody's just giving you thank you so I think as a holder as a community member we can just acknowledge and put our put our feet in there too and see how hard it is as a Founder to make everyone happy because they're like the whole Space goes right and then one person complain clients and your focus is like oh dang I did one person was unhappy

so I I don't think you'll get enough thank you so I think if we could just remind people holders in the community to just hey Founders are people too and they need love too so they could be just acknowledged and we thank thank for what they're doing and and I think what in our space you the common thing you saw was that everyone felt comfortable and you make them feel comfortable too and and uh you know like in a lot of the big spaces they're not gonna get that chance and some to talk and to come up as an open mic and sometime Even in our spaces even when they feel comfortable it takes them a month or a week now um and and and when they come up there from uh other like they're from turkey or from Korea or from Ukraine and and once they start talking and and and they they're holding their faces on Spaces next day and out of those people I found so many good artists and then I'm connecting them I'm making always I'm asking them once they express that they're feeling comfortable and they want to join more of our spaces I make groups so I made Korean group I made Canadian group I made veterans groups I made Dad's group mom's group so I bunched them in a different group and I keep them separated too and and I I let them know hey there would be a lot of spaces coming in but if it gets overwhelming you can mute them or and you're always okay to leave this the group if it becomes too much if you use a shopping cart method and and yeah so I I think that that also helps to kind of reach out to people but I do um I do I know you asked me what I go by I go by Queen everyone knows me by Queen but I pride myself to be a mother hen in the space

I love that and it's it does come across just uh 100 and your love is felt and you guys I I'm so glad Jay you've got to be proud of me on this one bringing sheaves and Queen in here they just fit our our Vibe and our mission and everything and I want to support them in their spaces as much as as we can and so you know usually here at the end of the first hour before we bring up some other people I usually give people uh our guests a chance to present their project now I know you guys have spoken about your spaces and we've brushed uh by some details but I would like you to just take uh the rest of this this first hour to uh really give us the lowdown give us the times the dates and when to beware please and and I know we've posted some stuff up top but if you have any specific spaces coming up go ahead and post those links up there I will let Queen uh take care of that and then for my half of it um I'd like you to tell the people about the pandemonious because they're amazing and I know queen and I just love the project so much

oh you can't do that to me that was that was a trick you pulled a trick on Me Chief no I promise though I will I will give a few uh announcements about pandomania my dogs are all hyped up as well but they know I've always got big news so I'll definitely give you guys oh here they go one's a space that's gotta happen I'm so sorry guys but yes I will give some updates on pandemonia for sure uh I have I have a little uh at the end I will give some updates that way uh I can kind of wrap things up that way so she I'm I'm uh taking the mic and I'm cheating and doing a trick right back at you so it's your turn again

well okay so since queen and I are basically going to say the same thing I'm gonna go ahead and say um if you're in here right now please like retweet comment the room um go up top in the nest and like and retweet everything up there uh there is a giveaway going on up there as long as you're in the room make sure you follow the rules there is a giveaway posted up there by pandomania where you can win yourself a panda it is an amazing project I'm going to let you it's then Mike's going to be tossed back to you after Queen regardless my friend so that way you could tell the crowd I see your laughing faces so you can tell the crowd about the project so I will definitely let Queen cover this because we're gonna say the same thing so I'll let her speak about it and then you can go ahead and tell the crowd about the panamania

yeah so um we have I was doing Tuesday I was doing um spaces for the woman but I think uh it doesn't need to be segregated that's why we switched it to communication and I think we can all share the space and that's the that's the that's the one you've been thank you so much uh we were doing spaces every day but then um our spaces were ending long long time so because it ends up 12 hours so we decided we'll do it every other night and uh we we're we're pretty flexible to changing it and switching it to the time where it works because we do pull up a lot of people from the other side of the world to the Europeans and the Australians and everybody so um um our Pro our spaces are like we said open for everyone to come and share and network and collab and showcase and uh and Community build basically organ organic community building by working with each other and uh yeah that's that's what we're doing

you guys are the best well I just appreciate you guys your big hearts here I am trying to to uh have you guys showcase and cheebs is just Relentless they're they're both they're staring at me with their just amazing supportive profile pictures of little pandemonia characters saying oh I also want you to go check out pandomania you guys are too nice uh so I will I will I promise I'll give a few updates and uh just so I can just so I can count uh my efforts here I would like to uh pin up another tweet and this is actually another trick cheebs because I'm actually going to use this to talk about another project funky you guys funky extension is so damn cool it is a way for you to turn any of your nfts into a utility it will count points for anything you meant anything you hold you get daily holding points you can turn those points into giveaway entries or you can trade them in for other nfts and other prizes and tokens so in that next uh the most recent one I pinned up there please click through it's not optimized for mobile yet but you can enter through your computer nice and easy it's a really cool system and any other projects out there if you're looking for a giveaway process that is going to blow your mind and give you like really cool uh interaction and actual like data it is phenomenal I can't tell you how cool it is so uh please also of course there's a free Panda nft giveaway through the whole process but there's quests they've made it really fun you can mint these Mojo vials to give you boosts on the points you earn I minted a 10x booster I got so lucky and so it's really fun you guys have to check it out I'm a partner project with them so I'm using my time sheets here to kind of promote pandomania but mostly funky it is so cool you guys have to take advantage and start earning points on all your nfts in your metamask it's so neat so there's my little uh pitch I'll give a few more pandomania updates towards the end but Jay I would also love to hear from Jay and she leaves Queen you guys are just the best I I uh this next hour what we like to do is bring people up uh and if they have questions or a project or whatever it is we like to give them some time to uh also hopefully come through and share some onboarding testimonials those are just the best we love to have people come up and say yo uh the the free nft helped me get my mother-in-law into nfts and thank you so we're looking for those and uh Jay is very good at checking the comments Down Below on the the bottom right if you have any questions you don't want to come up feel free to ask questions we like to use this next hour just as kind of an open mic and so I do see turbo requesting thank you so much for sticking around my friend I'll bring you up and uh while Jay is kind of turning hour one into hour two I will bring some people up and and we'll get ready for for hour two so Jay I I want to know a about the bees be about the the Special K stuff you got working on and see you haven't even told me your Alpha bro I want to know tell me what's going on with your secret project and D I got one more d are we gonna launch this toke this coin of yours this token of yours baby we gotta get that damn you hit everything on the nail that's exactly what I'm up to

any of those questions to be honest um uh I've been collabing with Apollo and Dogecoin ride and on our Wednesday spaces we've been hitting seven 800 viewers um which has been nice now I don't know how many have bought it and how many are real yeah I have no idea how or what they're doing in the backgrounds but with that building and going the way that it is um that's gonna help and once we're gonna start promoting the token I'm trying to convince Apollo and Dogecoin ride to take their token ideas and consolidate it into the Twee family token that we're talking about you know the catch-all if we have multiple streams of revenue from multiple projects multiple you know business owners coming into one centralized token it just looks good everybody wins in so many levels so that that is what we're working on but I can say just keep an eye out for Apollo space there were actually I'm sorry it's Dogecoin ride Space and the me and Paulo of the co-hosts on uh Wednesday at I believe it is eight or nine P it's pretty late it's I think it's 7 P.M um Pacific time so 10 p.m Eastern Standard time but Wednesday nights they're big spaces they're fun they're entertaining they're quick they're short a lot of alpha going on that's where the information for our future project is coming as far as the bees I haven't showed them in a month and I feel terrible my my community is asking and my Discord but you know I will always be the be Dev and I'm saving the bees with nfts that is my project if you guys want to Mint gets you uh into the Discord and we have you know discussions in there sometimes but a little bit slow lately but eventually you will get 50 profit share in the business that I'm creating which is a mobile apiary business I'm taking the proceeds from the nft collection and we're gonna buy and build a bunch of B uh hives and we're going to it's actually funny I I just talked to this guy a couple days ago um there's a gentleman I forget his name he's an Amish beekeeper in South Texas and that is where we're getting our first bees from Amish bees and queens and we're going to be breeding our own Queens but anyways um it'll take about a year or two for us to get off the ground and really start making some revenue and getting our name out there but we are going to be renting on our beehives to farmlands to help with crops and they actually pay really good money to hire bees for pollinating their crops so it's a win-win-win for everybody and it's a lucrative business and it makes a lot of money and together we're gonna make that happen and I'm gonna share the proceeds so that's the bee project again I haven't filled within a month and I'm going to get back to it soon but right now I am partnered with Special K Glass I just moved halfway across the country to Eugene Oregon to be his in-house developer and we developed the forever bong which is the nft is a video of the bong or the glasswork the artwork of the glass it doesn't have to be a bong he does vases and plates and dinner wear and ash trays and whatever but it's a forever vase or forever bong and it's a video of it being made and if it ever breaks it's insured for life like he'll make you another one it's a really cool lifetime utility nft but we developed that we're pushing that out I'm gonna be pushing it out on Wednesday at this big space that we have like 7 800 people in and uh so hopefully that does well but anyways I'm just a developer I'm the B Dev and I'm trying to get into you know helping everybody on board into web3 if you're looking to you know start your own project or your own business and want to crowdsource and have an nft collection or your own token or just understand web3 or blockchain technology a little bit better that's what I do I'm for hired I I'm available for hire right now but the space on Saturday everything I do is free I just want to educate so if anybody wants to come up and ask questions about blockchain technology or web3 or nfts or crypto or erc20s or 1155s and 721s you got all these numbers and crazy things thrown out here you're like what is all this um my specialty is taking what you know and trying to figure out where you're at you know and taking all those puzzle pieces that are floating around in your head all this information that you just have no idea what to do with and I try to connect it for you so we make a puzzle together and you can put it in the wall look at it and you go oh everything makes sense now that's what I do so if that's what you're looking for please hit me up I I finally just got my life established I've got two little nine week old husky puppies I'm home all day every day picking up poop and uh I love my life and it's amazing I'm here to help um yes I do need to make money but I'm a lot cheaper than a lot of people out there and I provide a lot more value than I promise you but that's who I am that's what I do we're developing something for Apollo and um Dogecoin ride and Oddball they're doing a really cool project I don't I don't know what I can and can't say but just hang out come follow us on Wednesday but please anybody yeah ask in the comments I'll answer them and please come up raise your hand we'll get you up here and we'll answer any questions and if you have a testimonial about that nft inspirational program that would be amazing um it is a tool just designed to help you onboard somebody you know we all want a friend and we can share that next nft launch or that next crypto launch anything in web 3 you know you're like oh I'm so excited you look left you look right you're like [ __ ] I have nobody to share this with you know unless they're on Twitter spaces all day like we are um but yeah we want to help you onboard your friends and your family and we make it really easy by touch the heart and you know bring a little emotion to it and teaching them like you really only one step away from being involved in this great world of you know web 3 of cryptocurrency and that's to download an app called metamask and my what I teach people is tell people to download them the app metamask because you want to show them something really cool you want to give them something the inspirational nft program and then shut up the in sales 101 Dale Carnegie the thing he will tell you is learn when to shut up as soon as you say crypto or nfts you lose them they got PTSD they've heard all sorts of stories about people losing their money you know this scammed rug blah blah blah don't say it just say hey bro I got something really cool I want to give you go download this app it's called metamask if you don't know how go to the inspirational nft program right here and there's a video four minutes I know it's boring it's long four minutes it's like 10 years in web 3 world but just watch it and you're gonna be involved with cryptocurrency you're gonna feel safe you're going to understand and then come up to this uh inspirational ft Program full stack web3 onboarding platform that we hold every Saturday at 7 pm Eastern Standard Time and ask questions let us help you let us help you help your friends and family get on boarded that's what we're here for um and Elaine thank you again I love you so much for the people that you bring in here because they're so like-minded we're all on the same page trying to do the same thing so we're just here to help each other I love it if it's anything I can do to help anybody in this room please hit me up I I'm free or I'm cheap and I just want to help and I want to I want to grow the web 3 space and show people that it's more than just rugs and scams and a bunch of you know people that know how to talk and take your money but anyways I hope I answered all your questions um I love the space I love all of you guys and um I'm here to answer any questions you answered my questions and more my friend because I also forgot to ask about your puppies because that was a super important piece that I needed to know and I'm so glad you updated us on that and I kept thinking like oh he's leaving a little bit of the nft program I can talk about but no then you swooped it and you talked about that also so it was perfect and you guys just to back up what Jay was saying the live in the now movement it's so easy to onboard your friends I promise I have dozens of in real life friends now that have been on board and through this very process and it's easy now because my you know I'm thinking back to Sun Valley last summer my sister was like okay okay okay tell me about this nft stuff and I thought I had the most amazing presentation that made it crystal clear that she would walk away thinking I'm this is it I'm gonna get in because Lane made it clear and I have my questions answered she left more confused than ever you know that it's not easy to do on your own to dive in and try to make it simple for someone it's usually going to get over complicated and that's what I was doing and now I seriously have the sweetest process I don't even need to talk to my friend's voice to voice I can just chat them my little template I have it saved in my notes I have just the easiest little back and forth and by the time they're done usually you know my nephew for example he's he's with it he's very Savvy he can click around and find things he did it in five minutes like five minutes later he's like okay I'm preparing your video and that was the the audio that I shared with you earlier just it's really fast and he already is now buying more of my nfts he like you get people on the path and you answer a few basic questions you get them feeling safe the nft program that Jay's put together really does work you guys I I am so ecstatic about it and I'll continue to do these spaces uh forever because if we can capture one or two people from the web 2 world once a week that's it that's all you need to shoot for it will build and if we're all doing that that's that's when it will build and if you guys can please pretty pretty please make a challenge for yourself this week uh pull some some Zig Ziglar stuff uh you know write a goal down make this make this on purpose think in the morning I want to onboard two people to the nft space to the web 3 space have it on your mind have a plan and before I didn't have a plan I had a bunch of info I'd try to make it come across clear and it just got ruined and they didn't they were more scared like Jay was saying than anything so now it's very comforting it's very heartwarming and people uh are really walked through it nice and easy so that's that's all I'll have to say about that I would like to before we turn the mic over to some audience members chibs Queen thank you guys again so much do you guys have any last words of wisdom for us before we turn the mic over to some audience members actually my friend Walker is here and that's how we started the love language because we were freaking carrying so much fun we like traveled back in the time when we started that journey and how fun it was and how we learned different things and at the same time there were some new people and we were sharing with them how to make it into a practice and you know switching one habit with the other and making a practice turning it into a good habit and yeah there's a walker I would like to invite him foreign what a beautiful introduction uh know what's going on everybody uh we just been hanging out vibing with you guys seems like all day you know just doing the the web three thing and um yeah you said Zig Ziglar and you had me at hello you know like I don't know uh you know we're talking books and stuff I'm a big advocate of um personal development and you know some of the stuff you know like like Queen said earlier that I feel like is missing into space so shout out to everybody reading books still and consuming great information and you know applying it even even more shout outs to them and you know shout out to listeners uh chibs over here hey you you guys are just killing it like I I can't believe what's going on in this space like I was in another space earlier and then we came to this space and you know what like I don't know I I think at this point you know I think I just need to be a listener there's a lot of value going on over here and I'm just gonna sit back and you know soak up some some knowledge

yo I love that and I I noticed you were talking about some Fitness stuff and books and we have a really good book written by my my actual Seafood that I train with who trained uh since he was a a teenager with Dan inosanto who was Bruce Lee's training partner and friend uh we've got a great book if you guys are into books that just I have to I have to tell people about that that's on one of our options for our health and fitness utility and he talks about gaining a mindset like Bruce Lee and it's really good it's definitely you know not diving into specifics of combat he uses combat language and everything but uh he really dives into getting that mentality I loved it so I I love that you mentioned that about reading books that's always been a goal for me to read books and to make sure my children grow up reading books and to see them all reading and we go to the bookstore and that's like a fun occasion for them and they look forward to it like I don't know how I did it I don't know how I tricked them but they love books oh it's I feel so happy that's like I feel like I've done parenting I'm done I did it success the reading so oh man but yeah I'm really glad that you're on a fitness journey and a health Journey too do you uh do you work out are you you're trying to gain weight then I haven't worked out um I need to you know just yeah I need to start working out and doing all the right things but like I said I got sick and lost a bunch of weight you know and it it really shook me up you know and then like seeing my weight at like 128 129 you know from 145 pounds it was like it was low-key devastating looking at the scale every day but it's something that we had to do you know because if if you don't track it you can't change it uh and like Queen was saying you know that space on Tuesday it literally came out of us having a really really good conversation uh and we just started talking and you guys if you haven't read that book uh the five love languages go check it out at least go check out the audiobook we're going to be talking about some of the stuff and you know you guys are talking cell strategy somebody else mentioned you know Dale Carnegie I said I hope I man I fell into the right space today we just fell right into the right spot today but seriously you guys you know like I am uh ah I'm committed to changing my life you know and see these are some of the things and you know you got to have positive people in your life to you know help you along the way and I just signed up for this funky thing I'm looking at it you can redeem you know like 10 000 Panda tokens for like 50 000 of these things and like there's a lot of stuff going on over here I have a little bit of questions about that but you know like I think I'm gonna figure it out I think we listed a a project on here so I'm I'm just exploring and seeing what's going on I'm into my mojo you know so I'm I'm just hey and I like the pandas uh yeah freaking um yeah I think I think we should get a panda oh man that was a lot of good stuff and nice stuff you said and hey I I don't mean to bring up the the personal questions like I did I I halfway feel bad but it sounds like you're open to talk about it so thank you so much for sharing that with us I actually wanted to uh to further keep talking about it like an idiot but I it just hits so close to home for me because 11 years ago now that's crazy to think about I'm 37 almost 38 when I was 26 I got shingles that's like what 80 year olds get a young kid I was I am so damn driven that I get I it's almost uh bad and it was bad it has a 26 year old to develop shingles I was pulling all-nighters I was busy I was working I was building my businesses I was having the time of my life and boom I come down with the craziest case that the doctors were like what how old are you this sh this shouldn't be happening and I dropped crazy weight bro and it was devastating because uh I have always grown up so skinny and small and I finally got some size I was a late bloomer and I finally was like feeling good and confident and then I got devastated by this weight loss and man I can I can tell you it it has not only did it affect me then but it's affected me now I've you know it it's really hard and so I just wanted to let you know I've been through that and I I understand that and man good luck and congrats on your progress so far it's hard people don't understand that losing appetite or whatever it may be whatever the cause is whatever the root sickness is that might be causing uh weight loss A lot of people are like oh I'd give anything for that and it's like Ugh I don't like that it's really hard man and it you can develop some really uh hard issues that last a while so good luck with that and thank you for sharing that with us I know that's uh vulnerable and and scary but gosh thank you what are you talking about you're over here posing with your shirt off right uh you know fully Doc's shirt off weight and everything and you know like that that's vulnerable because I want to post my before and after picks but you know I haven't got enough you know engagement yet but that might get all the engagement so we're just gonna you know we'll see what happens but uh not um I just got a really high metabolism so and the most I've weighed is about a 167 pounds and I was ripped when I was working out um and I've I haven't worked out like that it literally takes me about four thousand six thousand calories for me to be able to gain weight and to be honest right now like that's just it's just disgusting and excruciating so I gotta work my way into it uh I'll be starting with some weight gainers and uh supplementing meals with addition to other meals to make it a little easier because I don't know about you but when you just first start like is hard eating an extra 2 000 calories when you're already full you know like it is exhausting so kind of got to build into it and you gotta go and you want to do something sustainable you want to put the weight on in a sustainable fashion instead of like a whole bunch of bad I can go gain 20 pounds in in fat if I really tried but it's not healthy and it's not it's not the right way to go so it might take a while I'm trying to get it done by February uh and yeah I'll definitely keep you filled in on the upgrade on the on the process I love it bro and hey uh subtle plug for pandomania we've got our health and fitness utility uh where you can even get some supplements we got some great options for supplements in there too so uh I have to live on some calorie supplements to hit my goals it's just hard gainers I understand your pain bro it's and and I'll I'll work weeks weeks weeks to gain five pounds and then go on on one road trip miss a few Mills and I'm I lose 10. it's wild I it's really really disheartening and hard and so I feel your pain but uh let's let's be accountable to each other and stay up uh in touch about it

yeah definitely I might have to take you up on those supplements wherever you're you know shopping for a panda uh we're excited you know it's been it's been a fascinating day today just hanging out in these spaces um yeah I'll keep you guys posted love it thank you and thank you for coming up we had uh a couple other people that were up here and we lost them uh I know people have been having bad luck with Twitter all day today so I hope uh we didn't we didn't lose them maybe they can come back but anybody else if you have any questions or you'd like to present I would love to bring you up here uh if not I'm going to start to get my giveaway ready up top and uh Chiefs Queen Jay uh I'd like to leave it uh the mic open for you guys uh until we get someone else up here uh go ahead and take the mic any any one of you three and I'm gonna get a giveaway going here in the background and uh yes

well maybe we can hear from today or did he he did not share yet right

so did we hear about the social Beast already oh me I Jeeves I'm actually not with the social bees um oh oh yeah I have my own beat project but I do know that social B is well okay okay yeah you shared what you're doing with the onboarding and the Special K and all that so I I remember that part okay okay and social pieces also they were a good project I haven't heard from them a little bit I'm not sure what they're doing but um yeah no my B project is a little bit different and um we're I'm not really partnered with them but we definitely collab and um when we actually have our farm up and running a few of the guys in social bees are beekeepers and they want to come to our property and actually be on our live stream and be like the professional beekeeper to provide some content so definitely collabing with the social bees

um oh sorry queen go ahead no go ahead I just wanted to bring attention to all the giveaways up in the nest right now um because he's getting them ready and then also I think it's the fourth tweet to the right is the open C and if you notice we're closing in on uh point one real fast here so definitely grab yourself a panda there's so much utility if you just click on the panamania page you can see it all even go to the website even hop in Discord um there's just so much utility it's insane this uh Community is amazing and I couldn't be happier to be a part of it that's for sure and I'm definitely trying to grab another one uh before they get too high priced because um I would like to at least get one more before their point one but definitely go check out the open C and grab one

I can't keep cheebs from from spreading the panda love if I want to Chiefs you're an animal bro I love you you're so sweet and kind uh to be just slinging my project left and right I really appreciate that and I'm going to constantly uh be seeing how I can make up and make things up to you and queen I can I can feel it already it's gonna be one of those relationships is it I love it thank you so much and hey we got another uh person from the audience that came up I love this the crypto Rap God that's exciting to me already how are you my friend what's going on man I almost said panda panda panda panda

about him he has like he has a great music what's going on Queen what's going on Cheers

I haven't heard from you in a while I know man I've been I've been I've been working hard behind the scenes man I got a lot of stuff going you know I got my project uh so yeah I'm liking this Panda this Panda movement going on I looked at the collection I love it I'm definitely gonna research more and uh Panda I do have a project called DJ and Park uh you'd be ordered my bio you can be searching whatever so we definitely definitely form some kind of partnership or collab or something like that but yeah I love what you got going on oh man I love it and are you do you actually have some music also I would love oh yeah I actually I actually do I actually make great great music so you have another thing I've been doing I've been getting my album together it's called Web 2 versus web three oh nice do you have anything we can hear right now I'm actually at work right now so I can't okay at the moment okay we gotta click through and find all your stuff ourselves that's okay you guys that's awesome uh thanks for coming through and supporting even though you're at work I appreciate that for sure for sure going back to the Panthers I know I know I have them crawling through my my uh profile through the tweets and the retweets and everything and every space I went to since when we've done the space together and even when I don't talk about it because I'm wearing the profile everyone wants to know what is Panda so I've been I've been asked to talk about pandas every space I've been since uh since our space together it's really been the same way with me and I even um I just decided to put it into my like website link in my on my page so I can just tell people yeah look at the link on my page that's where the secondary is for anybody that's listening if you want to just go ahead and you know buy yourself a panda

and hey you know what I was gonna leave this for the end of the space and we are we are going to be creeping up towards the end of the space here unless we get any more uh people requesting to come up but I'll I'll go ahead and just drop uh the announcement right now anyone in our Discord they already know about this technically it was only supposed to go for 24 hours but I keep popping into spaces today and I'm I'm just uh having too much fun you guys know me too while I like giving stuff away and I wanted to give one last extended offer and then I'll cut this little deal off it's gone for about a day and a half already but I have offered a few free Panda deals for our three different floors right now we've got our Panda floor which is sitting at about uh 0.062 ish we've got our red panda pal floor which is around .09 I think and our bamboo buddy floor which is around point three uh if you buy a panda I will give you another Panda for free if you buy a red panda pal I'll give you two free pandas and if you buy a bamboo buddy I'll give you three uh free pandas and then also uh I cannot extend this offer to other spaces today and not extend the same thing to this space even if you have claimed it from another space today mention this space specifically in a support ticket and I'm gonna get you some of our current Panda token and uh when we launch our new panda token in the future you'll get the exact same amount it'll be swapped nice and easy and so uh go ahead and hop into our Discord that way everyone can walk away from here feeling like a winner and yes we've got another requested speaker lemur I'm gonna bring you up and then I see Walker you've got your hand up and crypto Rap God so Walker will uh we'll hear from you what's up what's going on I just want to make sure I heard this correctly did you say if we sweep one Panda we get one panda if we sweep one red panda we get two pandas yeah and also um right the red panda is what I'm wearing and also buggy is wearing in the room as well it is a different collection so uh queen or or Panda mini I'm not sure if one of you guys want to maybe make a tweet and post the link up there yep and uh the the bamboo buddies also if you pick one of those up that floor is a little bit higher so I'll give you three uh Three Pandas if you pick up a bamboo buddy and uh yeah the best way just hop into our profile and click on our link tree and you'll see all three of our collections there and uh yeah great great offer to take advantage of uh I promise uh it's really I never have to give like that this is not Financial advice you know I'm never preaching to flip uh I I want holders that take advantage of our our utilities and I can confidently tell you no matter what price you get in with us especially right now uh yeah you'll get crazy value if you travel and if you if you work out and if you uh like giveaways so that's one thing I would like for you to speak a little bit more on that if you would um or we could do the hands first uh but I would definitely like you to speak about that stuff sure I just wanted to add on what you just said that your gain value is uh within just the last week I've seen value go higher and higher and higher every single day so yeah don't wait too long I appreciate that guys Jay I gotta tell these guys and get them in the B collab so that they can start preaching uh the the amazingness the beak lab as well these guys are out of control I love you guys uh I I see crypto God Rap God yeah so my question my question uh I agree with you is I do want to know a little bit more but I want to ask about the panda token what's that what is that used for like that's what I want to know yeah great question it's you know it was never a part of our project to begin with we built a video game and that was never supposed to be a part of the project either but we just have so much fun with side projects sometimes they they become serious and our game is how it works though especially yeah that's a good thing that's why that just made you still building yeah yeah I can't it's the right formula for sure it's what I've been missing so we we built the game and it's a lot of fun it's in beta uh real simple platformer type Mario game but um we always obviously wanted to add a token because we we wanted to fill web3 legitimate and we we want to prove to people we're not just web 2 we do like to participate in everything web3 and kind of show that we can keep up at least you know and so uh the token right now it's on the binance smart chain I never liked that but I I got in to tokens and this whole Space without any contact so we do have a new token being built I'm also very much heavily affiliated with Jay and his token so our token will always kind of be uh the play to earn uh utility and we you can use it in our merch store and you'll be able to swap it for uh ethereum here in the future through kangaroo Network and so through USD there's some cool options uh but it's definitely kind of in a a transition phase so any of these current tokens I'm kind of telling people just hold on to them because our new token will launch our liquidity pool will be doubled and the new tokens will be worth more when I hand those out so that's kind of for sure one thing to uh pitch in right bro it's a great thing you did to being B token you feel me because you can bridge ethereum and BNB but B and B tokens for gaming is the wave I don't know why people are hating on BNB or whatever eth is not the token for gaming tokenomics right now just because of the gas speed and stuff so being B was actually the right option in my opinion that's actually I'm really glad you brought that up so people can understand there was a reason I did go with BNB because it was cheaper gas fees I thought about the future I thought about and it's been tremendous uh you know I spend cents versus dollars for gas fees but here's the thing bro my brother he uh developed this kangaroo blockchain you have to look into it go to it was developed for retail the gas is essentially non-existent I launched a i launched a an erc20 uh and spent around thirty dollars for gas at the time that night to launch it I launched my crew 20. it was fractions of a penny I mean it was insane so uh we are we are definitely excited for the gas opportunities on that blockchain and uh they had a really successful launch at 10 cents they're up to about 25 cents right now and it's got really cool potential to get I've experienced the gas fees it's insane it's it's really like 0.0003 it's nuts and so I'm really excited about that that's uh why I've definitely gone with my brother's blockchain and obviously he's my brother and they've gone through like the entire process uh for two years now doing it right and they've got big money from like princes in like Saudi Arabia and [ __ ] I don't know what my brother how he gets these contacts but he's really gone above and beyond uh with this new network it's not just a token it's a full-on coin and a network that they've built a level one uh really you'll hear it from him I know it's coming from my mouth it's going to be like yeah yeah yeah whatever but what ethereum wants to do what Bitcoin wants to do what ethereum has been talking about all these stages of different phases my brother's there it's done it's insane and it's built for retail because the the fact of the matter is Bitcoin is not fast enough and it cannot handle enough transactions even for the current orders on iPhones not iPads not iMacs just iPhones that one product Bitcoin can't handle it and so uh my brother other network can handle more transactions per second per minute than credit cards it's phenomenal so sorry to go off on that tangent but I'm not that's cool people need to know this stuff all it takes for that to blow up is some uh adoption you feel me so Martin yeah that'll that'll go yeah so I'm I'm stoked on that and I'm definitely uh involved with him and so if you have any questions on uh kangaroo I've done a couple spaces with them and uh obviously I'll continue to promote them uh when we launch our our token on theirs but again you guys where where we're going to be focusing some liquidity and really putting in towards like a token that we have plans to watch grow and like grow crazy liquidity that's that's going to be the token with Jay my token with the panda token is always going to be just like you know a way to kind of flex within the community and I never want it to be like Buy sell buy sell and like I don't know I just want it to be there uh for our for our community so I I am developing a strategy for the token just to have a nice steady value to it and and so but as far as uh the fun token that that uh Jay is working on man I'm going to continue to bug him on that and uh whenever that's launching we're we're hopping in on that as well

that is that is amazing man I'm not gonna lie to you man keep doing your thing love it thank you good sir thanks for coming up we also uh have lemur my friend lemur Lounge how are you yo what's going on man how are you doing great I I I'm checking out your art this looks fun will you please tell us what you got going on thank you thank you uh yeah no we're uh we're launching over on the Aptos blockchain and uh we're building out a gamified ecosystem a play to own gamified ecosystem sorry and uh that's gonna be powered by our token that we're dropping called Lounge

tell it more keep going technically I just popped in not to Shell but just to chill but oh that's that's what this time is if you've got a project you know we we love people coming up and asking questions and and asking questions for the guests but we also love projects coming through that's the whole point of this also is to uh the second hour to provide a platform you know we got some eyeballs in here and we've got great projects that uh in this second hour we're always going to give the heads up of like yo be careful do your own research we haven't vetted these guys but man when projects come through that are just obviously on different levels and art wise we you know there's good good non-red Flags what's the opposite of a red flag that it's fun to have projects like yours come through so I'm excited to learn more tell us more yeah it's a it's a blue flag that's the opposite right uh is that it I don't even know what it is a good a good significant Market we don't even know at this point bro but um yeah no we're uh we're building a play to own ecosystem so what we mean by play to own is look at this meta of nfts and the way it's heading right now everybody kind of like was like the way of staking protocol that we had in place right was kind of boring it's like you get this nft you kind of just stake it away and you gain this token and then what right and then we came out with these art upgrades and whatnot and now you're starting to see trade shops which is awesome but like what's the next level right the next level is like getting your nft actually prepared for like implementation into like uh Unity engine games and and spatial and like things like metaverses you know so it's like it's like taking that next step but also offering this aspect of diversification and evolution of that and ft so like you should still be able to acquire these new traits via a trade shop but you should also be able to like see or like have a trait inventory with a Dap where you could actually like physically see your nft like character where you could spin it it's kind of lively you know like heading towards that next step so that's kind of what we're heading towards right now with a little bit of the lounge uh we're building a trade shop and you're going to have your dap that is that you could literally do that so um you have an inventory where you could like equip and unequip your traits and we're gonna have traits dropping on a bi-weekly basis maybe seasonal uh maybe like uh like uh they'll have their own Niche you know every single week there'll be something different and what we're doing is we're actually onboarding artists from the web 3 space to be people that make these traits right so um that's one thing that we want to do is like improve the way of staking protocol that is currently in place make it more more um incentivized and and like unique in like a gamified way and that's kind of what like everybody's trying to do right everybody's claiming to be a brand everybody wants to uh improve it and like that's what we're seeing we're seeing this like race for space except on a blockchain level happening like right before our eyes right because everybody's like forking everything everybody's like trying to improve what's already out there and that's awesome um another aspect is like a lot of projects want to be a brand right so like that's another thing we're building on the side because now that we're in a bear Market it's more important for projects and especially Founders to come out and be like yo um how can we actually create holder value and create a generated stream of income that's not like just royalty based or mint based that could then like go back and provide more holder value you know to to the whole project so um the way we're doing that is me I have a background I'm actually the founder uh if you guys see lemur Lawrence in the in the listeners um that's me um so what I've done I actually have a background in marketing and um I was in sales and Manufacturing for a while so I used to manufacture CBD um we were specializing in the conception and formulation of Nano emulsified CBD products back from like 2016 to 2020 and now we're kind of at like the end of maturity so you're seeing like um a lot more THC products and THC legalized and all this stuff so uh we're kind of um dead in that market for CBD in a lot of places in my opinion so we kind of moved away from that before that I was manufacturing clothing had a clothing line called determined and blessed the acronym for that was dab uh did basically like a lot of Click funnels and things like that to just generate income so I believe that that could be beneficial so we're gonna use that for our Lifestyle brand which is also called lounge and we'll be doing like weekly or bi-weekly drops with that too and it's not just clothing it's like all different items so uh like it could be mugs it could be a little customized sculpture or like bobble head of like your actual nft right like people don't get tangible items of their nfts and like we think that it would be awesome to create that and give it to our uh community for a token that they stake for so like it's incentivized um besides that you know we we have our holder merch we have other things that we're planning uh we have some Partnerships that we're rolling out that we're going to be announcing in the next few days actually with some uh with some pretty big marketplaces and whatnot so that's going to be exciting and then yeah we're kind of just swinging along we've been building since February um I didn't launched the actual Community though till September uh but we've been like conceptualizing since February late January kind of and just been Rolling Along initially we were building on Solana and then um we basically held a vote in our community and our community voted to go to Aptos because it was I guess newer or whatever so like I'm me as a Founder I gotta go buy what the community wants but you know I'm a fan of like all blockchains I think that you know going back to like gamification and like the real like when when things like consoles like Playstation Xbox when they pick up on this technology they're gonna go for things like hedera that are like green um I think Solana is still gonna be around even though that it's getting crushed right now given all this news but um I initially think that you know the big players are here to stay and you know I'm not against Aptos I think that if they could handle uh the TPS and TPM that they say they can we're not going to be able to see it till the next Bull Run but if they can handle it then you know their true competitors and they're here to stay and the move language so I don't know if anybody knows about Aptos but if you don't to keep it short Aptos is built upon a language called move and what move is is it's built on Solana I mean on Rust my bad which is built which Solana is built on and then um basically it's stacked with typescript and python which is two other languages and you know for for like a lot of developers like I believe that it could be more integrative and a lot of developers might agree you know so it's something cool to look into

that's good stuff man I've been scrolling your your profile this whole time and I'm I'm really liking what I'm seeing and I like that you guys are thinking about how to make money outside of this space and the the uh click funnels you know I I come from a very web tube world and I've had tremendous success with ads Google ads Facebook ads and I have been so excited to to put that to use and we've finally got some dope sneakers with donkey kicks that I'm finally going to put to use my my ad skills that have helped me in traditional business over the years so I I'm really liking uh how you're you're thinking along the same lines I had one question for you Mr lemur Lawrence why lemurs I love lemurs and I know why I would have chosen lemurs but uh was there any inspiration behind that so lemurs are one they're indigenous to their own Island right the only place you can find lemurs is the map Madagascar my friend and that's the wild jungle and um you know with that my name is Lawrence um that starts with an L I love I love lemurs uh I think they're cool but also nobody's really done lemurs right so like I feel like you go look at most blockchains right now I don't think you'll find any lemur project besides us and um and like you know when we conceptualized it it actually looked completely different than this and now we've we've just been building for so long it's like every single week we're like wow this is updated and this could look like this and like it's just getting stacked on and um yeah we just been putting love into it lemurs are dope I love it that that answer works alone just lemurs are dope oh man that's lounging bro we're lounging we love to chill everybody loves to lounge around you know everybody wants so build a community that is going to provide educational insight and where people could come hang out in the lounge and lounge around right I love it I love it well I think uh you've come to the right space for tonight great space to come lounge and I'm really grateful that you came up and presented and and I'm really excited to follow along with what you guys are doing thank you so much bro I appreciate you for having me and having us even present up here that's dope like I I think I was in a space with you last night and you were actually explaining the shoes and you were explaining about donating and like that [ __ ] was dope so you know you guys are working we're working everybody's working and that's what it's about is like building these communities and it's not even so much like like I don't care who buys it who mints it but like if I could provide educational insight to anybody in the space and like meet people that have the same creative flow as I do you know that's what's dope about this is that like you know we bounce off of each other with creative ideas and you know we never know who's going to work together later on and who's going to build what so it's sick hey I just have to put a cherry on top of that will effing said yes 37 years I knew you'd love that Jay dude in 37 years of existence I've always done everything by myself even moving a seven foot 200 couch up three flights of stairs I figured out I mean but when I came to web 3 I I finally found people that knew what they were doing they held their own they had an asset and an ability a resource a tool something and then like we were able to combine them together to build something that neither one of us could have ever done without the other person that is what I love about web3 and I've never experienced that until I got into web 3. so well said and I agree I love you lemur anyone that can get a reaction out of Jay before I have to pull it out of him because I was getting ready I was like I was going to say Jay oh my gosh I know you're loving that what do you have to say and he he popped in before so success lemur yeah just I had a conference call last night with three other big dudes that have hundreds of people in their spaces each of them and they're relying on me to be their developer for a project that were that they're collapping on so I've this is just so cool you know it's happening we're building I love it I hope everybody else is experiencing something similar I love what's happening I don't care that eth is dropping and the sentiment is down 99 percent who cares like it's still here it ain't going anywhere it's just on a dry spell and the people that are still here building they just it's just gonna they're gonna be that much stronger when the time comes we're gonna be the reason why the next Bull Run happens is because something along those lines someone's gonna come in someone's gonna innovate something you know we just saw this FTX issue and it's crazy because we've seen it in like stocks and stuff like how companies will go public and use their stock as collateral and stuff and then like go completely bankrupt and like it's crazy that like we see it you know we see it and we know it doesn't work but people still do it and you know it affects everybody unfortunately but you know this is like it was also kind of inevitable like we've we've already been it's like we're kids in class we're finally graduating like how many how many uh Corrections have you been through you know like I've been through already this is going to be the third bear market so it's just it's nuts but you know we're here and like you said the ones that are here building you know where where's lit where are the ones that are here to stay and you know know we're gonna be creating these huge communities and and you know building up the next big thing so it's dope I love that man thank you so much Lawrence for coming up and uh I have to tell you um I really I really have kind of a special connection to the name Lawrence my dad his name uh is Larry he passed about five years ago and he never liked his name I loved his name Larry I I thought it was so cool but he he always wanted to go by Lawrence he always wanted to go by Lawrence everybody calls me Larry and I always tell them to call me Lawrence the same way isn't that funny oh that's awesome they're both awesome dude I can't get it out of my head but the movie Eight Mile when Eminem goes up there and he's ripping on those those four Thugs and he's like man this guy his name's Lawrence

hilarious nearly uh yeah like it's nuts bro uh the nft space bro like seeing how this space well not only nfts but the whole crypto space as a whole like seeing how it's evolved since like 09 bro when when just Bitcoin came out it's like nuts I I was going to these events back in 2011 and like at that time it was nothing but like VCS and it was so formal and now it's like you go to these events and it's a party and like did I get rugged out I think I got no you're good for a second but you're you're back yeah literally uh it's like a party you know when you go to the events these days and it's just so cool to meet people that you've spent like all this time on Twitter spaces with it's dope

yeah it's just confirmation man life is a party and the person who can put on the best party and have the best Vibe that's the one who's gonna win that's the one who's gonna get all the followers that's it's we're catching on man the world is waking up we ain't got a whole lot of time like let's party what are you doing are any of you guys going to Art basil

oh I don't know what that is what's that that's the nft event that's in Miami I think it's on November oh that's right man I'm I'm excited to get to some of these these events in real life I got to make it a priority that's where that's where these nfts become like like that's where the nfts you own actually give you access to something it's funny um but literally I went out to nft NYC I'm I'm originally from from Jersey um so I was out over there and I was able to make it to nft NYC the panels were pretty dope but the real parties were like after after parties and stuff you know like like the the events that you would go and you needed the nft to access and stuff so that was that was pretty dope but I don't know if I'm gonna be able to make art basil this year

uh man yeah I think uh I'm I'm thinking of real life events also for my community uh and I definitely want to take advantage of those those events they sound like a good time man thank you so much uh I I'm excited to follow both let's see let me find your personal profile I'll I'll get I'll catch up with your personal profile but I'm excited to follow you thank you so much for coming up my friend bro I'm chilling man like I'm I'm like you know I'm I'm here to Vibe provide some insight you know we're we're vibing the space is kind of wacky right now it's like things quieted down a little bit but Twitter's like going nuts since musk took it over right yeah and hey the one one last thing uh is if you have a tweet please go ahead and pin that up top my friend oh bro uh 100 perfect and uh we've got BK born my my friend BK born I'd like to turn the time over to you and then old dog I'm hoping I heard some freestyle slash poetry I think that was you I'm hoping you brought some of that to the party my friend BK born what's up my friend

how are you doing Lane how you been been good it's always a pleasure to to have you come up to the panel how are you I'm not bad enjoying the weekend with some family and I just wanted to let everybody know you're not a panda guys please jump in the panda I got one and a few other ones on some giveaways and the utility behind it and me personally I'm not using the health side to help Fitness maybe one day I'm using it for the travel but I gifted one to one of my buddies out in Australia because he's taking a year off guys he saved a thousand dollars to go to Paris Disney where are you going to find out this ain't no Travelocity this ain't no Expedia you talking about JJ yeah JJ she just smoke he saved a thousand dollars I can't believe we found that yeah there's even activities in jifu you can find crazy deals on even even top-notch stuff like Disney yeah thanks for putting that out it's crazy and again I'm I got a big family so I can't go on vacation right now but I know I have it and I will one day but let me tell you if he can save a thousand dollars going to Disney I could just imagine what I'm Gonna Save in the future guys so please jump on that deal especially that buy one get one buy one get two like I wish I can get me a red panda right now but I'm gonna work my way to it but guys don't miss become a panda that's all I gotta say we all know somebody that likes to travel this is a great gift to give to somebody who loves to travel Christmas is around the corner get them into the web 3 world like I got to get another one for my niece she wants to graduate and go to Australia you know and that's my my thing I told if you graduate I'll get you to Australia and I think I'm gonna have a panda do that for me too so guys jump in please all I want to do is just show you some love Lane that's all I want to do I love that BK born you're always showing love and Jay I I have not paid any of these people to come through and and uh and Shout about pandomania I love this you guys thank you so much you're you're really uh warming my heart tonight I've had a crazy week with a flooded basement and I can't tell you like I haven't not had that [ __ ] on my mind until just now I realize this entire space I haven't even thought about that it's now that I am I can hear the noise in the basement it's crazy down there but uh this space has been so nice thank you guys so much and um BK born as always thank you for your love my my friend old dog

oh thank you so much and uh my friend old dog new pics am I incorrect was that you with the poetry uh no you're correct man I it's I'm touched that you remembered that I was uh I had a couple things I wanted to say actually the first thing I wanted to say is I've spent the last 24 hours trying out a bunch of different spaces and I had nothing like the reaction I had in y'all's space and I don't mean that like people liked me in y'all space I just mean y'all were kind and cool it was chibs and queens and pandomania that were hosting it when I was in here last time I mean I got into these other spaces I couldn't even get someone to pass the speaker mic to me and when I put my hand up I got [ __ ] shamed into like acting like I was interrupting someone because I wanted to have a comment so y'all are dope y'all are cool I appreciate that um I do have a little more poetry for you um I wanted to say real quick my shill is no shill I'm not trying to sell anything uh everything I have is for free but what I like to do is I like to look at people's art I like to respond to it I like to connect with people over art so if you've got art that's got symbolism in it it's got that's symbolic and you want somebody to give you a critique or not a critique because I'm not critiquing style I don't have negative [ __ ] to say I just like to explicate I was an English major a semiotics major so I'm into that stuff so anyone who wants to connect with me maybe I'll uh pin a tweet up top at some of my work I'd love for you all to check out my work but it's not for sale it's just for enjoying um so anyway if if uh before I turn the mic back over I was going to do a verse from uh about 15 years ago this was pre-hamilton I'm sure you all know Hamilton the musical I wrote A hip-hop version of Romeo and Juliet and uh I was pretty close to getting that produced bet nobody would take the idea of a hip-hop musical seriously because apparently uh some hip-hop artists had done a version of Carmen I believe a hip Hopper and they called it and it bombed anyway I'm going to do a little bit of that the scene where uh Romeo meets Juliet for the first time or sees Juliet for the first time I don't have a beat I'm not going to put a beat on so I'm just gonna freestyle I hope you all can stay with me

across the room she consumes me like fire but hotter his Rosaline escaped your mind you already forgot to I remember she's an ember and with this fire I find it's like the Clare and stare in that in the clips and I'm going blind like a Jew will build the fuel of the sun to give it light like an angel draped in diamonds burning holes in the night at First Sight it's true love not the first time that you said it once a week I wax poet it gets pathetic I regret it it was Blasphemous but answer this do you know who she is a Capulet I'd have to bet a fool could see this then I expect she will reject me she might be delighted with the feeling she's incited you want to keep love unrequited try to fight it if you're fearful or end up in tears and all have years of your balling assaulting my ears no need to pain oh [ __ ] I can't remember

the ball anyway y'all get the idea um that's on YouTube somewhere and uh until Jana Miller Master P's daughter was gonna play Juliet it almost happened I was almost a big deal but now I'm not so I'm just chilling with y'all I'm happy to be here once again thank you guys so much for hosting the space I'm gonna hang out and listen for a while I may chime back in but I just wanted to send some love back because I've been shopping around and as far as I can tell y'all are y'all are are top-notch so thank you oh man that was amazing that was from memory bro

was that from memory uh yeah man that was for memory I had the uh I had the whole thing yeah I was for a little while I was playing in LA with uh uh the girl's name was Antonio Miller she was Master P's uh oldest daughter I believe and she was doing the Juliet parts and I was doing the Romeo parts and uh we had lyrics up on a screen behind us and we were getting a little bit of attention and like I said bet got on board but they just couldn't get behind the idea of a rap Musical and like in the Heights which was by the same guy who did Hamilton if y'all don't know in the Heights was already on the scene but it wasn't Making Waves it was just kind of hanging around and then Hamilton came along and blew everything open uh but I had already moved on the ship had sailed I had lost all my contacts and all my connections in that business um but yeah uh I got I mean I would I would love to do some poetry or some stuff for y'all whenever I come in here just a little bit because I don't want to run out but I've got you know I've been writing since I was 14 years old that was in 1994 I'm decently old dude that's why I'm old dog I'm not that old you know but I'm old enough but anyway uh yeah for memory and and thanks a lot y'all uh I'm I'm here for the party here for the chat and uh you know I'd say if I had any money I would say I would spend some money on pandomania but uh you know all these people talking about percentages of money going to charity and this and that 100 of my money is going to my power bill okay I live in Southern Illinois and it gets cold here and I've been behind for two months so I gotta get caught up you know um so if anyone just feels like paying my power bill you know because you just think I'm the dope [ __ ] you can send me some free money but I don't have any art to sell um yeah if you do you just brought entertainment for sure you you should ask for tips bro come in prepared with them with a link no joke it's like it's like those guys that cruise around to your table while you're eating and maybe the mariachi band start playing in the nascarson tips that's not a bad idea bro oh that's very kind to you man uh you know uh it's I I don't know what to say I've I'm a I'm speechless and that's rare for me so it's it's very kind that you're being so generous with your praise um I hope uh I hope people do continue to enjoy it I would love to keep sharing stuff and honestly if y'all you know what what I'm gonna do right now uh I'm going to turn the mic back over to Panda and then I'm going to go to my profile and pin a tweet of some of my artwork that has lyrics in it all of my I I actually wrote a novel as well it's called 420 reasons not to Suicide um it was featured in cannabis Culture magazine um and I'm currently working on an audiobook version of that which I could potentially post as well but uh also free not for sale just free on YouTube um but I take the lyrics or bits of the book and I incorporate them into my art so it's sort of like a multimedia digital presentation of images and words together I'll pin it up top hopefully a couple of y'all will click on it and dig it you know and like I said I'm sincere in genuine 100 anybody that wants to show their art to me I will look at it seriously take it seriously give you an honest opinion and uh tell you what I see in it hopefully I'll see something awesome and maybe you'll see something in it that you didn't see before I love that that's actually a really generous offer my friend that uh people people should take uh serious and and take you up on that that goes that is so valuable to get a second pair of eyes and someone that's willing to and actually likes doing that like that's really a cool offer actually so uh please do uh also by the way please do pin some stuff up top and uh again thank you for coming through and I I recognize that old dog yellow dog from anywhere bro stuff like that sticks in my mind so it's easy to easy to find you in a space I do see uh dog face Army chilling out I'd love to have you guys come up if you're if you're available right now my friends and we had one other uh person come up we've got Michael Austin and after that unless we hear from dog face I invited you to come up if you guys don't know them they've got an awesome awesome project they they really focus on vets and man I have had so many amazing community members that came from dogface just a really awesome Community uh if they can't come up I'll give them a little fill and uh if you can't find them it's at dogface nft please click into them they've got just a loving loving community and anyone that oh yeah yeah yeah I don't have to mess things up they're coming up so while they're while they're connecting I will uh turn the time over to Michael Austin and then we'll hear from dog face and we'll start strap rounds up so Michael thank you for coming up what's up okay I love much I just wanted to say hi to everybody the Chiefs the queen to you panda I've been in a few rooms with you today um love your project uh I'm kind of like old dog if I had the money I would love to get involved um but unfortunately it's just not right right now um but yeah just wanted to say hi see what's up with everybody and I hope everybody's having a good night I appreciate that and hey honestly just someone coming up and saying I wish I had the funds and uh man that is that is huge that that just for for me for my project that might have just pushed someone you know that's sitting on the fence and so I I like a retweet uh coming up on the stage saying something that goes a million million miles my friend I really appreciate it I've been following you know I'm following you I retweet your stuff um you hit me up with a a couple of panda tokens so I appreciate that I'm gonna hold on to those just a sentimental value for sure and uh you know when the time comes I'm definitely gonna join up with the panda the panda gang

I love that I appreciate that a lot my my good friend I am uh going to give you a follow back and we'll we'll hop in your DMs and uh get you some more Panda token at least thank you so much awesome appreciate it for sure and hey I'm really happy that dog face came up my friends who who's behind the pfp there somebody it's polly wally or Paul nice to see you man I saw you in the space and wanted to just jump in and say hi brother and I hope you're doing well man yeah so glad to have you up here give us an update what's new my friend I haven't talked to the dog face Army in a minute and I just honestly feel like you guys are it's almost like a Sentimental connection with you and your community and I don't even need to like stay in touch I feel like I'm always connected and that what that does is it keeps me from staying in touch and I'm so sorry how how is everything no man you're good we're both so busy bro I get it man um yeah we're doing good man we sold out the uh first Battalion um the ogs were were sold out now the second Battalion is going to be a free mint that'll go back to the community um uh portion of that will be set aside for some project partners that we've kind of partnered up with some other uh veteran projects you're on that list too bro um and uh we'll probably end up having maybe about 300 left that we'll we'll go ahead and open up for Republic mint it's going to be pretty selective just because um I mean as you know with us like we've built a pretty strong relationship with a lot of other veteran projects and some other projects in the space and then we have a lot of Veteran Charities that were given back to that we're going to give a bunch of those nfts away too and um yeah we're just super stoked man that we sold out that uh first Battalion that we're now able to kind of jump into this free mint for the second Battalion that we've been wanting to get to for a long time um and it's all really exciting because the next um yeah the next project now as you know we have uh five different collections um in dog face it's the Army the Zeno uh which is our like alien enemy and then the Marines Navy Air Force and First Responders so we're really excited that we can now move into the Xeno collection which will actually be a mining collection um just through like uh man like a fluke like we weren't even really looking to do that to be honest with you and one of the veterans in our community uh jumped into voice chat one night and was like Hey I'm you know I'm into mining I own my own business I sell mining rigs if you guys want to do it um I have a connection with a hydroplan I have a connection with some investors that are interested in the project and so it's given us like a huge opportunity to create this mining project that's going to basically bring in like early projections and we haven't finished like the white paper in the road map and we're still flushing all that stuff out but uh earlier projections are looking around 60 million so um it's huge for us because it'll give us the opportunity to do the dog face Retreat um which we were going to have to kind of wait on you know until like maybe project three or four but we're gonna probably start that here in probably about six months or so so it's really really exciting for us because that Retreat is kind of the end goal for us and to be able to do it now really in the the projects um it's just massive man um yeah we've hooked up with some congressmen and legislation um our Senators I'm sorry recently um and so you'll be seeing us kicking indoors in White House soon um we're gonna do a big dog face documentary where fleece and the guys are going to fly over here from New Zealand and Australia and we're basically going to drive across the United States and uh kick doors in and start to enact change for veterans and um yeah just some Partnerships that we've made recently uh with veterans in the space and brought more veterans onto our HQ team like it's just dope man like it's it's so cool to you know you bust your ass like you've done bro like [ __ ] man we've been in this space for over a year like just busting our asses right like and it's so cool to see now like you know all that hard work and all the the effort that's been put into it by so many people on our team um in our community too that we're able to kind of give back and then really to kind of jump forward into this next phase for us it's just really exciting times man so I wanted to pop in and really say hi I wasn't even coming into Shield I just want to say what's up to you bro and hope you're doing well hope the family is well man we miss you guys and we'll talk to you soon bro yeah I'm so glad I got an update from you thank you so much and and for sure I'm I'm always hoping uh anyone that comes up here tells us all about their project and gosh I am really excited for you guys congrats on the sellout what a I don't know about you but it does feel like a new chapter when it when I got to that status it was like oh now I can finally get to that next phase and I'm sure that's how you got to be feeling right now right yeah 100 man totally yeah it's like a huge weight off your shoulders right um and there's there's we've been meeting with a lot of um investors uh a couple that are actually veterans um because of this Dogfish Retreat and you know it was like I mean as you know like as soon as you have like that sold out on your Twitter um you know you have like that sellout project all of a sudden like other people want to talk to you that didn't want to talk to you before which is really funny um so yeah it's like a huge relief it's a huge weight off your shoulders but it's like uh as it was for you for us it's like we're just getting started like we've we've cool we got project one out of the way we still have five other projects um and now we've had other people in the community like reach out to us to help with their projects so it's like um yeah it's like a curse and a bless a blessing at the same time bro it is bro I know that feeling for me it was like it was very much like okay whoo now I can get started it's kind of like that was really a big green light for me of like yes but then it came you know like a daunting you know dun dun dun it was like wait a minute now the work begins nothing not to say that the work wasn't always happening but it is it's like okay you know the community's coming at you with like all right now what how how do we boost this how do we Moon and that that whole phase is so exciting but it it's a yeah it's a new chapter and double-edged sword for sure I'm so excited for you guys and like I said thank you so much for sharing your your community with me I know that's a weird thing to say uh especially now that that collaboration is more common but you you've been around since it wasn't common and you know from when you guys did that with us and when since we've been friends it's never been an issue with you guys you have just been so sharing and so giving and honestly I I can't tell you how much that meant a year ago to do that uh to say hey uh guys come check this out you guys the the community is just insane I don't know how you've done it and it's been like that for a long time so just big props to you guys you're doing it right you can tell you're military and and vets you guys have a well-oiled machine it just runs so smooth and I'm just really really uh happy to be friends with you guys yeah congratulations hey queen queen [Music]

I was like inviting the hell out of them and out all the spaces but I feel the same way like finally you said like I feel so connected that sometimes I miss their spaces and I feel guilty but I know the how forgiving and accepting and loving there that I I know I'm family and I'm forgiven but I love you guys and congratulations

thank you ma'am we appreciate you yeah you you have been um just a constant supporter and I know like it's tough because we run spaces constantly and we're always jumping trying to jump into each other's faces and support each other and and provide support for our communities to each other and uh we just yeah I can't say thank you to you guys enough uh for this report that foreign

businesses helping out and it's been really cool man I will tell you one of the things that we did was we took hardship away from Shell spaces um we just stopped doing them and we stopped hosting them and we stopped doing them and we started hosting spaces like our Sunday space that's just a music and art space uh it's not a chill space people come up and share their projects but it's more just about hanging out and listening to musical artists in the space and art artist in the space and then our Tuesday space that used to be like a mega Shields base is now a men's mental health space um and it doesn't mean like women aren't allowed it's not like that um but if you just look at the numbers across the globe men are twice as likely to commit suicide or not twice as likely but they actually do um and it's actually 22 veterans a day that commit suicide so we've kind of taken up the the helm and and you know taking it upon ourselves to turn that Tuesday into uh just a space that's a safe place for men to come in and just hang out and shoot the [ __ ] and share and not be judged and know that it's okay not to be okay um and we're super fortunate to have a couple of licensed therapists in our community one of which actually works with veterans um that just come out and hang out in the space and they're there if they're needed if they're not you know if it's just loose conversations that we're just hanging out that's okay too but it's just been really cool man to uh to kind of take that shift you know like you when you sold out like you didn't have to hit so many shill spaces for a little while you know you got to kind of take a deep breath and we just decided that it was a good time to kind of shift and take that Focus so we're going to continue doing that even through these other projects um we're not going to stop like that space has become kind of a staple for our community so if there's any men in the audience uh anybody here that just wants a place to come and hang out and we're not selling anything you don't have to buy anything it's nothing like that we don't even talk about the projects or other projects it's literally just a place for you to come and hang out with other men and listen to other men and what they're going through and if you feel inclined to come up and talk um that's always available and it's just a safe place to come in and hang out like I said it's okay to not be okay and to hear other men kind of you know going through some things like kind of a opportunity to reflect so yeah thank you Queen really appreciate the kind words

I'll Echo that too good sir that it is a safe place you know you look at your art and it's like tough guy stuff and then you just enter your community and interact with your people and it's like big guy big hug big warmth you just you're with a bunch of tough guys that are just so loving is what I've is what I've found and I man it you know love from a tough guy feels like double love it's it's extra and it's extra good and I just love it I love you guys so much and I appreciate what you are doing for your community I have that friends and uh they they just don't feel hurt a lot and so I really am grateful just for the people in my life even though they're not participating and I'm always trying to onboard people and your space is just perfect for some of my friends I'll get there but uh yeah I'm really grateful that you're you're providing that that spot and project and goals and missions for vets and I I do think the the collaboration that you're doing with the other projects and everything it's making an impact and it's doing a lot a lot of good so thank you so much and thank you for the update I Feel Complete thank you brother we love you man appreciate you appreciate the opportunity I'll talk to you soon likewise and I I uh I see old dog was raised in his hand and it must have got tired he's still there my friend I'm still here thanks for throwing to me uh I just wanted to say uh at the dog face I think it's awesome what you're doing uh I know about uh 15 badass Marines I never served myself I would have lasted about a week in the Army if I'm being honest um but I know a lot of guys who have got a lot of issues and some of them smoke weed some of them uh do MMA some of them talk but they all deal with it somehow and you got to deal with it and uh I just wanted to the reason why I put my hand up initially before I uh before I heard that and made wanted to make that comment was that uh I managed to pin my tweet up top so anyone who is interested in checking it out they can you get an idea of my style and if anyone would like to work together I forgot to mention that uh I'm a content creator I'm I'm creating at least three or four new images every day uh and I'm gonna run out of stuff to do before too long so if people are into to you know I'm not trying like if you're gonna make money on it you know then let's make some money together but I'm down for just making art that we're not going to make any money onto uh so uh I don't know mainly you can see the title of the novel is 420 reasons not to suicide in the pin tweet and uh men's mental health is super important you know the reason why men commit suicide at such a high rate is because men do it with guns for the most part in in my understanding uh women tend to take pills uh and you survive pills a whole lot easier than you survive guns um so uh it's a scary thing suicide is a terrible terrible terrible thing it's touched my life and I hope it doesn't touch anyone else's I really appreciate you bringing that up and I love uh I love what you're doing with that uh suicide has also touched my life and I've dealt with mental issues uh mental health issues my whole damn life and I really really really appreciate everything that you're doing my friend and I'm also very grateful you came up to the stage today and I think everyone else is as well and uh before I start wrapping up I just want to say thank you if we ever run over time like this uh it's because we had just a great time we had a lot of participation from the crowd thank you guys so much I'm really grateful for that I know uh sometimes you know you you want to come up and you don't and so if there's any anybody next time uh please come up I'd really appreciate that so uh before we do wrap up here and I announced my winner and sheebs I promise you I'll give a little bit of pandomania alpha here at the end but before I do my little wrap up uh J chibs Queen anything you'd like to to wrap up with and Jay we've got some some new people here in the room I I think it would only be wise be wise damn it I didn't emphasize it at the right time and then I had to go back and point out that I did the B Pawn damn it um will you please please please inform everyone of some of your updates again I know you did earlier and again Jay if if you'll uh when when it comes to your time if you'll remind people of the free mint and the program just one last time I have to I love hearing it from you that's my selfish request uh chibs Queen any any last words from our our main guests that were so kind to come and not only stay during the first hour but here during this whole second hour and a half thank you guys so much I love you guys do you guys have any last stuff that you'd like to share with us no we were definitely honored to be here and I know it is no wonder that we are vibing with each other because we feel like we are driven by the same values and we're here to uh better this ecosystem and you know provide a good nurturing environment to the community and good onboarding system makes people safe and um and believe in the system again and maybe bring back what what it was not meant to be so we're very grateful to be here I'm very grateful to be here and I'm grateful for each and every one of you


thank you Queen

yeah it's been uh it's been a fantastic space that's for sure um a lot of good conversation and it's definitely always a good space when you go longer than intended so yeah it's been awesome I've just been hanging out listening to everyone speak for this last hour and a half and it's been it's been great so we definitely need to do this you guys said you do it every Saturday at the same time right so 6 p.m central time for me correct yep we would love to have you come back we we hold this space uh just the same format every every week it's Saturday Saturday same time yep perfect yeah we'll definitely be here um it's been awesome no doubt about that and I cannot wait for your panamania Alpha and to see who won yes yeah and you guys please please keep an eye on chibs and queen they are a dynamic duo holding awesome spaces and from one space to another they uh they have just amazing Vibes just a lot of love great project rolling through you guys have attracted some great friends you seem to know everybody and anybody and uh it's not easy for the kind people to be popular sometimes and it's really awesome that you guys are I love that

big shout out to Queen the cheese for so a big shout out to everyone that came in this space and was speaking because y'all been helping me doing work man because [ __ ] y'all saying some insightful things man there's a lot of people I follow if I followed you follow me back cause I'm a I'm a hard worker in this space and I got a lot going on and we could definitely work together I'm with working with people that's how you win when you work with people you try to do everything by yourself in this world three space I think somebody was talking about that earlier How uh and we have three they started working with more people and before that they were doing everything on their own that's that's definitely truth like very fashionable so thanks for having me up here I'm still listening until they go off I just had to put my two cents in I am glad you're dead thank you so much uh crypto Rap God and I don't know this was crazy timing but uh one musician to another Chris Craig just entered the room and I was thinking to myself you know this has been a great space there's no possible way this space could get better this time and then Chris cray shows up oh what's up Chris hey we can't have the space without hey

I love it and I I really like Queens a a that is a that's really uh cute I that sounded stupid but it was Chris what's up bro [Music]

back to the house real quick give me about like five minutes and have some Anthem ready to flash for everybody to rock out to uh so I'm tapping you know I'm saying I have to be sure off this year live in the now you know what I'm saying live in the now inspirational nft program stack the web free onboarding platform hey hey y'all retweet the room tag three people we bout to blow this face up

I knew it Chris Gray bringing the energy as always thank you my friend uh that was perfect timing and we we might be lingering and have the time for the song but we we also might be wrapping up here for a second so either way you guys Chris cray is working and is complete actually yeah it's I don't know if I'm even allowed to say that but the song is fire and I went through just an amazing little process with Chris he kind of asked me the vibe all sorts of little questions on how he wanted the anthem to be and out came this punk rock song that has just blown my mind and it's on my mind like my favorite cartoons theme songs when I was a kid all day long and I cannot wait I'm gonna see if we can't get like a little animated Rock show of our pandas uh for the music video can't you just imagine them with little guitars jumping up and down on the stage rocking after of the song yeah Chris cray crypto Rap God I don't know if you guys know each other but uh yeah Chris craze just uh he's a celebrity here in the space awesome musician and even uh more awesome human being I love you Chris cray thanks for coming through

[Music] Animania oh man we're literally about to pull out we're just passing the uh there was like the city there so everybody was letting out but we're about to pull up to the house right now uh get inside and have that song ready for you guys uh you see all the kids hanging out in the cars uh with all the long uh multi-colored Fair like the Rave lights it looks like man they're going crazy oh that per that might be perfect timing then my friend okay we'll we'll just uh see how this plays out and that might be our our outro song for the day that might be perfect that's what I want anyways can't wait to get that file baby well in the meantime then uh like I said I am excited to have Jay uh have the floor as we start to wrap up here and Jay if I have to pull it out of you I've got five B's and I need this this damn B project to sell out because I'm so excited about my bees and my my uh what do you call it the bee box damn it what's it called you know what I'm talking about and have different beehive yeah the Beehive man I I want I you're always like oh yeah and then I got a B project so I want I want the world always to know about the B project first and foremost you got so much stuff going on but yes I'm always going to insist that you take a little bit of time to to preach to us about your stuff as well my friend I'm just a weirdo I I'm so raw and real and transparent that like I honestly don't have a catalyst for the B project right now we're at 1760 something mints um our road map that's been up for four or five months says that at 2 000 minutes we start phase two which is development which means we're about 230 something minutes away from me having to go and buy some property and get development now I'm not ready for that eth is really low sentiment's really low in an nfts and crypto the whole Market's kind of really low there's a lot of crap going on there so it's like I'm not really pushing my own project right now because that's gonna happen that's my dream that's my baby that's my project the B collab Sanctuary that is what eventually all of my funds my proceeds everything that I work for every single day all of my money is going to go into making that a reality and everybody that supported me on the way and then holds an nft is going to be rewarded um the two family token the lane Panda Mania was talking about earlier fifty percent of the proceeds in my business with the beak lab is going to be funneled into that token and be well I'm sorry 100 of this can be following to the Token 50 of that is going to be funneled to all my nft holders so by being in Ft holder is basically I'm sharing all of my proceeds for the rest of my life with you that's thank you for supporting me um my Discord is also token gate locked so if you want to get in there you can either free mint an inspirational nft or a B if you hold five B's you actually get artwork on a beehive a real live beehive which will be used on marketing content and then we have 28 people that hold more than 23 B's it's a special number to my heart 23. um so by holding 23 B's you actually adopt a flow High beehive which is a premium one we're going to put your artwork on there it's going to be used for marketing content it's going to be in the front row of our property you know about the flow Hive anything about this yeah that's our that's our whale and there there's a surprising 28 people um hold more than 23 B's to get this flow Hive and it's I just I'm actually humbled by that it's amazing and I do want to get the project rolling but it wouldn't be a very wise investment to pull up the money of ethereum right now to go build something with US Dollars you really should be doing the other way around in my opinion go make that US dollars go pie some ethereum them not Financial advice and then when it starts pumping the next Bull Run then start using some of it to go build your web 2 business so that is our plan uh right now I'm a developer I've actually helped Chris create a little bit um sorry to call that out thank you brother grow your family shout out to Jada what's up man y'all need to tap in he's one of the dopest devs you could ever have on your team in your corner on your back end that man is a foundation of my project right now let's go I appreciate that I got connected with Chris Creator Mr G down there um I didn't charge them a dime I love their project love their idea I love what was going on and I just did kind of a little bit of what I could do without costing me too much time you know what I mean um and they're killing it they're doing what they're doing so if you guys ever need anything let me know but it's telling me you guys have been hanging out together behind my back without advice

it's crazy man

investment if you're going to invest in someone who pays It Forward Mr G pays It Forward yes he does and that's the yes shout out to him

there's definitely a little community that it's all helping each other no one's really monetizing from one another it's it's pretty beautiful um I love it I'm happy to help I I forgot where I was in my story but I'm Jade B Dev I'm just I'm here to help I do need to make a little bit of money I do offer free services I offer paid Services if you're trying to get into what three and make a dream a reality you want to build your own project have a minting site have a contract smart contract all the nine yards you don't have to go and do hundreds of hours of research or pay thousands of dollars or trust somebody that you've never met before um I've got you I'm cheap sometimes free and just let me know what you need and let's do it I'll tell you exactly how to get there worst case scenario we have a five minute conversation do you understand what you're looking for better you know I might not be the person you're looking for but I'm the person that helped you and guide you in finding what you're looking for that's really what I live for and you can't really monetize that I I just love doing that but anyways that's who I am and the the one call to action that I have I don't have a pen tweet or anything for it but if anybody knows Dogecoin ride and or uh Ayo Apollo and or Oddball um the four of us are doing a project and Wednesday at I believe 7 P.M Pacific 10 p.m Eastern Standard Time Dogecoin ride he's a leader of a Dogecoin Army yeah we get seven eight hundred people in our space we are going to be dropping a project very soon that I'm developing we're all splitting proceeds like right down the middle um everybody's got a special talent some people are marketing we've got an artist and then I'm the developer and we all came together and we're just kind of doing something for fun so we'll see what happens but uh go check that out and then lastly I'm an ambassador and developer in-house developer I move halfway across the country to Eugene Oregon to be the in-house developer for Special K Glass we developed the forever bong if you are interested in glassblowing at all a little package there's some Alpha for you we haven't really done this yet or put the promotions out there but I have an Airbnb beautiful log cabin in Eugene Oregon and two bedrooms that are two spare bedrooms for use the whole living room everything backyard beautiful and the trees that you can stay at for free and get glass blowing lessons with Special K Glass the bong father himself if that's something you're looking to do you can actually start a career out of this so we will house you we will feed you we'll take you to the classes and if you love it and you just click and you do it for a week or two he'll actually offer you a job and you can stay with me the B Dev until you get off your fee get a couple paychecks and go find your own place that is a package deal that we are offering for the web 3 community so and the first client we're gonna have is Panda right here Lane he's going to come out we're going to give him a four hour class and he's going to stay with me one night we're gonna take some photos and some videos it's got to be dope I don't know when but it's going to be soon we're not going to get high as [ __ ] at all yeah we are

um it's amazing my wife's like we're almost out of weed and I was like oh my God alrighty what the heck and I was like for a son I was like we're smoking way too much and I was like wait a minute it's 25 an ounce I don't care let's smoke as much as you want

Eugene Oregon baby

anyways that was my heart still thank you so much for for updating us on everything and you guys Jay is a tremendous tremendous person to have in your corner and uh just just to sound board with him he's he's just a tremendous resource and a good friend and I've had so many good conversations that have led to inspiration and ideas and this inspirational nft program and our friendship we met each other in real life I gave Jay a hug in real life it was the best and I met his sweet wife and they met my crazy dogs and this is just what I have dreamed of uh dreamed of uh since I hopped into this space was to make real friends and meet them in real life and I have so many on the list I can't wait so thank you Jay for the update and uh Chris cray I've seen you with your hand up there does that mean the song is ready to rock work of course of course I just wanted to touch on a little bit of what Jay uh was saying he is one of the smoothest devs you could ever work with I've worked with a couple different groups and Dev companies uh some that you may know some that you may not um and out of every group every team of devs that I've worked with Jay buy himself one-man Army alone stand smoother than any of those Dev teams I've worked with and to have my project up running smooth not having bumps in the road you know when we need little things tweaked on when we need something you know added to our project something dropped in in their airdrop for everybody it's there so pretty soon you guys the next airdrop coming from Jay the B uh through the Chris cray music drop is going to be the pandemonious song and we're gonna play that right here for everybody

and I also want to have some exclusive uh hopefully 3D virtual Panda cover art that uh that's something I'm longing for and I love the idea I had made sure that I sent you the text message for that uh Panda that way we could get some virtual cover art of a pandas rocking out together and get that distributed on all major platforms yeah well we'll get that uh customed up for sure you I I think you seem like our little uh Tavern art artwork that our artist did I have it is legendary yeah yeah we'll do something like that for the Little Rock Show and yeah that'll be that'll be easy I'm I'm already thinking of 3D video It's Gonna Make so many people want to click it's gonna make so many people want to click in on your project you guys like when we have it out on the platforms we're gonna have the link right to pandemonia's website and it's gonna be sick so it's like they listen to the song They're gonna rock out and they're gonna be like man these little guys I gotta get me one and they can click the link and go right to panamania's website and mint a panda

without further Ado guys The pandemonia Anthem let's go [Music]

shout out to live in the now movement shout out to panamania

our goal to help a population love pandas let's stand up

our goal to help our population love pandas let's stand up

[Music] 50k to Sable Canada's life they need vitamins and nutrition to survive the nicest friends Alive come join the panda try nor is she so wise they will kick into the skies Josie got to drive it's Animania 999

[Applause] [Music] population of pandas let's stand up let us


see the whole world you can't beat a penis price catch you in the gym trying to get my body bright Planet Mania could change your life [Music] together that's a Mighty Fine Design for the Times let's go and take a dive to the other side and see what you can find it's panamania times

running web three making sure we get them steps all the pain is left

the pandas let's stand up hey hey man hey man hey man I just gotta say one thing bro I remember you played this [ __ ] in the space one time bro that [ __ ] was hidden I like the song but hearing it again that's just a [ __ ] Banger bro that's also probably because when you heard it it was not the finalized rendition yeah it wasn't but that [ __ ] is [ __ ] ridiculous about that well it's a grower too I love that that was [ __ ] that's it that [ __ ] gonna be that [ __ ] look like sound like some [ __ ] that should be on Kung Fu Panda folks let's go I love it

that was sucked out that was like something I would have Jam to it you made me want to save pandas bruh I never wanted to save a [ __ ] Panda till now all right so check me out I have something personal to share with you guys and I like to do this being that I am a spiritual hip-hop artist I like to really get in my emotions I like to share with my my family I don't even consider y'all fans y'all are my family y'all are my backbone my support system if I didn't have y'all I would have absolutely nothing thank you so much for being here every day and supporting Chris Cray's spiritual movement and pandomania and live in the now movement um so I had posted a video of me making this song on Tick Tock uh of an acoustic version while they were playing the guitar um it's got It's Gone pretty viral it's pretty big right now um and there's a lot of people hating on it and they're what they're not really hating it's what they're saying it's kind of confusing in a sense um they're trying to tell me that I'm not juice World which is something I obviously know um but obviously something I've been compared to a lot lately um but rip to juice World The Legend Jared Higgins 999 I've donated to the fund I've bought a live merch for the fund in my music video third eye I will be draped and dripped out in 999 forever merged so everything that I've paid for during that music video was donated right back to juice world and his movement so anybody that says I'm not juice world I know that I'm Chris cray y'all Google me go look me up I'm a legend stop playing with that man bro

hey man I will say one thing about it bro somebody that you should definitely do a song with uh is 24K golden for sure if you know who that is then you know what I'm doing yes I've actually heard of them on Instagram is actually I think I'm following 24K right here dope ass artist but y'all y'all Vibe will match that's sick that's sick Bro do you know him personally by any chance I don't know him personally like no I don't know him personally then we got it I'm pretty sure I can get in contact with him let's do it bro that sounds fire and the fact that you would consider that even trying to reach out is is just a bridge and a Gateway uh that that means the world to me man thank you yeah I got some stuff going on for our music artists in the world three space it's gonna be happening really soon and of course y'all going to like you Queen Chiefs all that that crew Y'all Gonna know about everything first you feel me and we about to really go crazy I got a crazy idea so y'all just stay tuned for that yeah y'all go follow dog face army man y'all go follow all these people on stage big facts big facts already on that already on their YouTube as well subscribe to the YouTube channel I support a thousand percent and I'm so happy that you guys are on board with Chris cray and the spiritual movement as well uh so shout out to y'all and big love thank you I hope this is a compliment but early 90s I was a Sum 41 Green Day uh Good Charlotte Blink 182 kid and you've very much vibed and brought me back to the early 90s with with that so thank you oh bro get this type of song If I could get this type of song in front of Green Day in front of uh you know those guys big wigs to hear and and feel that same Vibe like like crypto said he wants to save pandas if we can get those guys to want to save some pandas man let's go

hey yo I just wanted to say I'm I'm a [ __ ] about lyrics I'm real snobby and uh those are some some solid lyrics man they were they did exactly what they wanted to do they weren't trying too hard you didn't force any Rhymes uh you knew what your song was about you stuck to your your subject and the song worked as a whole so from a guy who's studied lyrics a lot and written a lot of lyrics like maybe thousands of sets of lyrics uh solid work man I really enjoyed it and uh you know crypto guide I already said it it was uh it was good stuff man very good oh yeah so yeah he was hitting he that song was specifically made for the project and you can hear it and you can hear it by the [ __ ] made me want to say pandas but I never wanted to save a panda in my life my boy

I love it that that brings that brings so much go ahead link you got A plus you got an A plus from the professor I love it man listen I'm just happy you guys are happy it brings warmth to my heart that we're making this movement come together that's all I can do is help make that movement a fruition make that movement live make that movement something that can't be stopped and can't be uh not heard when we shot it from the rooftops and it's heard all over the world on all streaming platforms and we dropped this song

I'm so excited thank you

[Music] uh oh can you can you hear me I got a phone call coming and I cut out I'm so sorry we can still hear you okay thank you so much Chris cray oh I'm so stoked on that bro that was just such a perfect way to end this space tonight and to uh hear everyone giving you some praise and some shout outs and compliments just warms my heart man you're just a special friend to me and uh more than an artist doing work for my project I just you've really become a good friend and uh I can't wait to meet you in real life foreign oh yeah we're gonna rock out in Boise that's gonna be fun I can't wait I already told Mr G uh some of the future plans that aren't even fully in set yet this we were talking about yes perfect hey you might be pleasantly surprised Boise is a pretty dope place I can't wait after I rock out for women's web 3 and set the bar for just about every performer that's gonna step on that stage uh I'm pretty sure we're gonna we're gonna set some waves man it's gonna be a nice a nice uh motion we set hell yeah yeah and I've interestingly enough got some fun connections with uh venues and producers here in town and um man I've just got photographer buddies and videographer buddies I've got uh if we could ever get a live band to play the the Panamanian Anthem behind it while I perform yeah bro that'd be dope oh that'd be so cool I got a question do you dude I'm from Florida okay okay I think we talked about that I know my little brother you play the piano you go to school in NYU right now so yeah New York he could definitely use the boxing that's gonna be sick I'm definitely taking a trip back to New York very soon actually got a bunch of family there and uh back to real quick back to Panda's Lane if we uh can make that happening like live uh on stage and stuff and get the band behind me I'll dress up like in a giant panda suit and come out and perform that oh there we go it's done it's a plan this is happening I can see it it's going to be on video it's going to go viral and uh this oh I just had the whole Vision I'm stoked bro I'm stoked just to rock Animania to that level is gonna be like extreme people are gonna be like what I love it and I love that you stepped outside of your normal genre and uh man yeah it's perfect takes me back to my my middle school and high school days that that ages me as well but uh yeah I grew up going to shows and hopping in the mosh pit so that that's right up my my Warped Tour summer alley let's go let's go and we got some big people watching my stories I'm not gonna drop names right now uh we'll talk about that in the back end but I got some big people watching stories there on Instagram and it's like crazy because I don't pay for any type of uh growth I do everything organically on Instagram I do all my sharing through organic listeners organic views and and somehow I'm getting a bunch of major major hitters on my page and I'm not talking about the regular ones I'm talking about other people after we met DJ Khaled in Miami and performed at the Mansion yeah there's there's a lot more people that I think know about our name now and after we do Miami again and then we go to some other places it's going to be insane you guys because we're going back to Palm Beach for the toy drive on December 9th so after I rock out Miami I'm going back to Palm Beach and Performing and we're just going to keep the Antics coming guys it doesn't stop that's what's up I'd love to hear it and everyone be on the lookout for some spaces here in the near future uh with Chris cray and I I'm stoked on that my friend thank you so much for coming through giving us some great tunes and uh I I'm just excited just uh to get that MP3 now I mean that's that alone I'm excited about man it's so so special to me so thank you again well with that being said my friends thank you to our guests to chibs and to queen as always thank you to Jay and Special K couldn't make it tonight but you guys please roll through and check out our sponsor of this show Special K uh I'm a holder and own good morning bong number 31 on the blockchain as well as in real life and uh I am I am stoked on their project so please check them out as well and with everyone that's come up to speak thank you so much I love that kind of participation that's a lot of fun and we just attract some amazing people to this space I love it every time and uh Jay's dream of what this could become each week it's always fun and exciting and surprising to see how we are continuously building and making new friends and relationships and uh that can turn into good business and more so uh before I wrap up Michael you got you got your hand up what's up just curious about the panda okay that's it that's the last thing on the agenda it's coming up my friend and uh let's see before I announce the winner I wanted to pin up top boom okay this is just my pinned tweet but uh I won't take a lot of time to present our project but I will point you to this pinned tweet I I really uh have I should have done this a long time ago but as you know if you've followed pandomania we just keep adding stuff to our projects so uh it was just perfect timing I finally got like a holder utilities little image put together and our pin tweet is a thread and goes through and explains uh in a nice little summary what each of our utilities are and so if you go through there you can see obviously we save real life giant pandas we've uh donated 41.8 thousand dollars so far to pandas International and then please go through and just take a look at uh the different utilities and value that we do have we've got tons of giveaways Diamond hands rewards a play to earn game and Panda token we're diving into e-commerce we have a travel membership and we also have a health and fitness utility with over seven coaches and apps and programs supplements there's some really crazy value just by hopping in with one nft and then you can see with different utilities if you have a few more from our all three collections you'll be set for everything so if you have any questions about our project please hop into our Discord uh I'm always in there and if there are any tickets in there I know I offered some Panda token I will get to them ASAP I promise and also I want to remind you of a deal that I am extending to this space and then cutting it off after that I have a deal go ahead and buy one Panda from our Panda floor and I'll give you another other free Panda buy a red panda pal I'll give you two free pandas and buy a bamboo buddy and I will give you three free pandas and then I'm gonna cut that deal off here pretty soon so just let me know you heard that hop into a ticket I'll get you some pandas from my Personal Collection I've I've started to build up again and uh I can't help myself I love gifting and so I I like to do it for a little boosts the volume too it works out well so hop in check out our utilities check out what we have going on we would love love love to have you in our community and uh also one last pitch for donkey kicks are sneakers please check them out we got some fun stuff coming out with that so all right you guys I'm gonna go ahead and announce the winner of the free Panda nft up top I love this it was JoJo Joe underscore 097 I call my daughter JoJo so I love that I will hop into DMS and get you all situated I know I recognize that uh username from before I think you've won before with us something so congratulations I don't think you're a holder with us yet so I I am excited to hook you up and you guys one more time thank you to everyone our guests our community everyone that tuned in I hope you have a wonderful rest of your weekend and you can charge up and have a wonderful prosperous week and with that being said you guys uh much love and have a wonderful night or rest of your day wherever we're at have a good night

bye bye everyone thanks for the time



[Applause] [Music]

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foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music]

[Applause] [Music]

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MAIN GUESTS - Cheebz & Queen