Community Building with Peter of Elephants of ETHland NFT

October 30, 2022 Peter Season 1 Episode 7
Community Building with Peter of Elephants of ETHland NFT
Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

Peter does many things including an awesome NFT project to help the elephants and all wildlife conservation.


thank you




thank you foreign





good evening we have elephants of eth with us tonight and we are excited I yeah I was on a space and elephants and I just said man I'm gonna have these guys on a panda space we gotta we gotta get to know these guys a little more and find out what they're doing and I'm just really excited that they uh they had tonight available and we are gonna rock and roll this space tonight with them we have some pretty big spaces going on at the moment I I can see uh D Jens has a big space going so I really appreciate you guys hopping in here and getting to know elephants of eth and uh you know as you know with these Panda spaces I really like to dive in and get to know the minds of brilliant people creating brilliant projects and doing amazing things and I reached out to elephants of eth and their DMS and just basically begged hey we got to get you on a space so I'm excited to learn from elephants of eth and uh I'm actually excited to find out who we have behind the profile pic right now who do we have with us tonight this is Peter and thank you so much for all those kind words I definitely appreciate it and um definitely glad to be here and very very excited to be on the space as well so appreciate you very much oh man thank you so much yeah I'm I'm recording the space and what I like to do is uh do a giveaway post after also to kind of spread the content and here shortly I'm going to add to our website kind of a catalog of these uh Panda spaces because you know we we do talk about nfts but I really like to kind of dive into some tangents uh you can see how on the poster I put community building I think you guys are doing such an amazing job at that but beyond that I could have taken that so many different directions you know and so I'm kind of excited to see where our where our discussion goes and our conversation goes because uh I couldn't pinpoint exactly one topic that I wanted to cover with you guys tonight and sometimes it takes a little bit of interviewing and asking to to kind of find out exactly where we want to go with that but I thought community building was a great topic to kind of uh bring up tonight I I just really got inspired by your guys's presentation the other night and uh I thought that was kind of a good topic but I'm excited to see where it goes so why don't we why don't we start off with this uh elephant savith why don't you guys give us uh a brief description of yourself tell us a little bit about who we have with us tonight and then give us a little you know brief overview of elephants of eth and what you're doing and we'll just dive in from there yeah definitely um thank you again um I think community building is probably the best you know uh title for this conversation I mean that's 100 what we're trying to do what we're trying to accomplish and um we're just trying to really really build a a strong Community within the web 3 space so um a little bit kind of about myself who I am as a founder and as a person just in general um I was born and raised in Montana um on a farm so I'm definitely a country boy at heart um I grew up in Montana and um uh absolutely loved it I wouldn't change it for the world um I couldn't live back there now like nowadays but um but I definitely um appreciate the you know work ethic and just everything that I kind of learned growing up you know as a kid um on a ranch you know in Montana so um so that's something you know I'll always keep with me like I said I'm always a country boy at heart um you know kind of live by the cowboy code and and things like that um and then uh we moved from Montana when I was about 10-ish yeah about 10 and um now I reside in Phoenix Arizona so 100 different climate change 100 uh different you know uh um sides of the uh of the US but um I absolutely love Phoenix Phoenix is my home um I call it home and I will probably always call it home so um I love it here I love the people here I love the just everything pretty much that Phoenix has to offer um but I mean I also love to travel and and get out in the world and things like that as well so um in my in real life uh working like position currently I'm an executive recruiter for the Adecco group um so the Adecco group is one of the largest um staffing firms in the world um so I worked in their tech department so I basically talked to developers all day cyber security folks any anyone that has anything to do with like a tech role or Tech position whether it be on a client side or a candidate side I basically talk to them all day long so I'm helping people and some is you know very near and dear to my heart um and being able to find people employment and a lifelong career and something you know is very very important to most people I mean it's you know what puts food on their table and what's you know puts a roof over their head most the time so being able to accomplish that by finding um employment for for these people is something I um enjoy doing so I've been in executive recruiting for about 10 years I absolutely love it I couldn't see myself really doing anything else besides web 3 probably um so hopefully that becomes a full time here sooner than later but um but yeah um and so yeah back to that Community kind of part of things I um got into the web three space I didn't know anything about um nfts probably two years ago um I've been in it probably about a little almost two years or so but um and got involved into a project that really it like I thought it was the most solid project ever like they you know they had everything going right everything seemed so solid and everything seemed like it was perfect and you know that's the project that um that everybody was kind of getting into at that point in time and then they flopped and they literally like overnight the whole entire Discord chain I mean the whole entire project literally just changed and it was it was kind of an eye-opener I guess because I hadn't like wailed into the project thankfully I had you know bought into the project so I was I had owned um that was my first nft but um I didn't like wail into the project but it was definitely a huge eye-opener a huge learning experience um I actually am kind of grateful that it happened in a sense just because I learned it then instead of now type of thing so um but yeah I learned a lot about just wallet security and about safety and just all about kind of the web 3 ins and outs and so um yeah and so then after that I had got into another project that I had wailed into pretty heavily and again that project kind of flopped and it was like what's going on with this web three space like you know at that point in time so that was when everything was hot that's when like eth was like 5 000 that was you know everything was at the height of the market at that point in time so and and I mean I wailed in heavily to this project and then literally I mean I can't even sell I own 130 of the nfts I can't even sell them for like 0.001 now so I mean that again was a very very um learned a life lesson I um just an eye-opener again but um again I'm kind of glad that happened as well just because so out of that project I had bonded really closely with um three other gentlemen um and we got you know pretty close and started just talking you know like how can we kind of fix this and how can we change the Dynamics of like what's happened to us and you know so it doesn't happen to other people and so we started talking about elephants from Eastland it it almost um started just out of you know kind of conversation and not really anything that they were taking serious so then like me myself I mean if I do something I'm gonna do it you know full you know 100 Balls of walls like if I'm in something I'm gonna go all in so I had like started basically like designing the nfts I mean everything Concepts website everything and then um and they didn't even really know that I was kind of doing that to start but then um then I kind of let him know I'm like hey so this you know this is real guys like we're actually doing this and whatnot and so um a few and that was back in March um when we actually started this project and actually started every day full-time you know working on this project and um yeah so then two of the gentlemen actually kind of got busy with their in real life positions and in real life jobs which is you know definitely understandable not everybody has enough you know as much time to devote to the web 3 and nft spaces everyone else does but um um but with myself I mean I was I was already you know head in I was already fully um devoted and committed to to this project and making it work and so um I still have my other founder with me um he's a peace out you can see him here in the audience he's he's down here with me but um yeah so we decided to you know move forward with it and um we basically wanted to create you know the opposite of what we had kind of experienced and so um building that you know really strong community and being able to give back to the community and actually reward the community um I think it's something that you know pretty much all nft projects should be doing and all nft projects should in some sort you know be you know giving to their community in some way shape or form our project we just happen to give a lot to our community and I mean and that's but that's what we want to do and that's kind of what it it's all about and um yeah so that's kind of a it in a nutshell I guess a little long-winded answer but uh hopefully I covered everything that was perfect that was perfect and I I had no idea you were from Montana I actually spent uh quite a bit of time as a kid in Missoula uh my cousins uh grew up there and man I remember looking in their backyard and seeing bears in the trees and deer I have a lot of really good memories in Missoula so I I feel like in a small way I I know how you grew up a little bit what what part of Montana foreign north of like Yellowstone so it was um it was South Montana south of Billings um I I was born in a really small town called Columbus but then um I grew up in an even smaller town um called absorkee so there's I'm from a town my hometown's about 300 people um large so there's more people in most apartment complex than my hometown so just to kind of put it in perspective there so literally like in most apartment complexes there's more people than in my whole entire Hometown so um but I loved it I mean as a kid it was the most amazing thing because I mean we didn't have to find employment we didn't you know there was no stress really as a as a kid and so we just ran around and ran a muck and I mean there was so much to do when you're outside and just have the whole entire country and a river right beside you and I mean and that's back I mean I'm a little bit a little bit older but I mean that was back like in the 90s when I mean you didn't really have to worry about a lot of like I wouldn't say like crime or whatnot but I mean you didn't you didn't have I feel as much to worry about back then as you do now like I mean we wouldn't lock our doors and things like that you know that sort of thing but also we grew up in the country in a town of 300 people so it was we didn't really have a lot to worry about in terms of like anything like safety wise so and I'm the baby out of five so I have two older brothers and two older sisters so they kind of they kind of kept a watch over me uh anyways but but yeah I mean as a kid it was the most amazing experience ever I mean I'll always you know keep that with me and I'll never you know forget the the time that I spent there and my bunch of my family still lives there my mom my sister and everyone still lives there so I go back every now and then as little as possible but um it's just it's a very very slow way of life there now so um yeah it's just it's yeah nothing's changed in about 30 years there so it's um very eye-opening when I went back um just when I went back the first time so I hadn't been back in 20 years when I left there um I hadn't been back there in 20 years so I went back and it was so crazy that all my friends lived in the same house all their parents still drove the same cars like they also have the same jobs and everything I was like Wow and it had been 20 years and I mean in Phoenix down like there's new apartment complexes that pop up on a daily basis I mean everything's changing very very rapidly and like I got off the plane there in Montana my cell phone didn't work and and it was just a very um it was a very uh I guess like surreal experience and um also like a very humbling experience I guess really too and just to you know appreciate what what we do have and and things like that but um yeah so I I do go back and visit every now and then but just as little as possible

man I feel like we have a lot in common to be honest I'm the youngest of six um I grew up in Idaho so not not far from Montana and I feel like you and I uh might be around the same age if you grew up in the 90s we we might be uh hitting the same years here and I'm really excited to actually dive into your first nft project that you were talking about it let me ask you was it the mecca verse no it was on the social bees University oh okay I I don't know why I was thinking the mecca verse but uh I kind of had a similar experience too that's that's when I got into nfts and I kind of saw that project just blowing up and then kind of flop and uh that that's so interesting you said that because I entered the space with very little experience I mean just rookie as rookie can be and I still just had this overwhelming confidence of like what why they can do it better than this why aren't they giving value you know I just started having all these questions of like I could do this why why am I not in this space I want to have fun this looks like too much fun and there's a lot of money I could do good things with that and I just had this almost overwhelming ignorantly like naive confidence of entering this space I I'm kind of curious what how did you enter it you you obviously saw some things wrong with it and wanted to make some some changes but where where do you think that confidence came from well so so how I actually like kind of entered the nft space and like I said like about two years ago I didn't even know what an nft was or or anything about you know I mean and I guess they pretty much kind of um hit the market or hit the the public you know about two years ago but um um so what had happened was I actually got into um uh Twitter space and so at that time they were hosting like a 15 day long like marathon of Twitter like every all hours 15 days long for for these Twitter spaces and it was really about like um uh um working together and how they can innovate using web3 and how they can build this and build that and you know and so I listened to that space for like I'm I want to say the last at least nine days almost like religiously and I was like you know and I hadn't and I hadn't bought an nft yet and I was just you know listening and feeling everything out but what that kind of space had taught me was just a lot about just the nft world a lot about web3 um they would have different speakers come up and different you know people from the crowd or audience or whatnot would come up and I mean it was just a 24-hour conversation so you can imagine you know all the different topics that were covered and things like that so it was very very like informative and very just like a rich kind of um um understanding of web3 you know from uh Twitter spaces and so then by like day there was like two days left of this uh of the spaces and I finally decided to uh to buy um to buy a b and at that time it was like almost like six hundred dollars and me myself at that point I'm like how I was like trying to justify to myself you know like why am I spending this on you know on this on this nft when I don't really know what I'm gonna you know get out of it and whatnot and so they had they had told us that you know there was some benefits and that they were gonna re reward the holders and this that and the other but um I still wasn't you know like completely sold well I should kind of listened to my gut because after I purchased entity and after the Twitter spaces had actually ended um you were able to like claim um like claim like basically royalties from the time that you spent in the space and this and the other so they basically promised that they were going to pay out a large lump sum of of money to people but then how they Justified not paying it out to people was they said that there was like theft involved or that there was um that people were cheating the system but what had happened was it was all their people in their community that were cheating the system that they were still going to reward at a later point in time and so it was it was just a it was a crazy scenario crazy situation and like they tried to justify it in terms of like oh we didn't know and and it wasn't you know our fault it's like it wasn't a sense because they could have easily easily like fixed the problem and they didn't fix the problem and so that's when I came and became like like die hard in terms of like wanting to create my own space or wanting to thinking about you know creating my own space was when they had the opportunity to really fix things and they didn't I was like shocked because there was a lot of people that had gone into that project for the first time so like there was a huge um a large um like um um um South American um group that had like got in and so I mean there was just there was a lot of people that were preaching for the for this community and then the community they basically just kind of [ __ ] all over the community and it was like and it didn't make sense to me in terms of why they would do that when they had the opportunity to fix it and had the opportunity to make it right and so literally they lost almost you know their whole entire Community overnight and like it was the whole it was it was a pretty bad like um like Discord there was like a lot of words exchanged a lot of you know feelings heard a lot of people were weren't you know treated unfairly and so yeah so that's what really kind of like lit my fire I guess in terms of like wanting to do things right and like I knew that it was possible well I know that it's possible you know to do things right in this space and to build a community that's going to stand behind you and and grow together and want to you know have success and and be successful in life so I mean yeah that's some kind of you know the the fire that I guess inspired my my want to be a founder or whatnot so yeah I love that that's that's really inspiring uh to to see you making changes based off of other people's performance and wanting to make it better and I have I have a question in regards to your career so you essentially are a Headhunter is that is that another term for what you do yeah that could be yeah that's yeah pretty much in a sense yeah so okay so I I'm involved in trucking compliance that's my normal day-to-day thing and I find it so funny that uh I do such a bland thing for my career it's really not an artistic uh Avenue there's not really a lot of space for uh a ton of creativity and so when I found this space I I was just blown away and it opened up my eyes again uh for opportunities to become an artist and you know to build community and I I was just blown away by this space and what it what it could do for me to reignite my my artistic passion you know and I'm not I'm not the artist of our project but finding the artist and collaborating and meeting with with the team and all of that makes me feel artistic and building a community I feel is an art and so uh you know I I am lucky enough with my day job that I have time and I said to myself you know what I've got time I'm gonna do this tell tell me about your situation do you do you have time with your day job with with head hunting how do you find the time and how do you organize your real life versus your web 3 life yeah definitely so um um sleep is non-existent it doesn't really happen much at all anymore um that's um one thing that I have uh learned through uh this um through this experience but um I mean sleep is just kind of wasted time anyways though right no I'm just kidding but um um no it is so my in real life job does keep me very busy um I do have to you know remain focused throughout the day and whatnot on on that position it um it's very it's a roller coaster I mean it's up and down every day there's when you're relying on people for your um career it's and people are the most unreliable thing that can probably ever exist it's very um it's it's a roller coaster but again I mean I absolutely love what I do I wouldn't change it for the world but it is very challenging to especially when you're trying to coordinate two groups of people so I have the candidates that I have my clients and so I have to make both of them happy in a sense and make you know make ends meet for both on both parties so it's um it's challenging but again I mean I love it and I've been doing it for quite some time so I mean I kind of have kind of have the reins are you know kind of have the gist of how to do it but um yeah so with the project and with um kind of getting into the web 3 space it is I mean a lot of late hours a lot of early mornings and you know and like I said I mean a lot less sleep but um but again you know just building that Community that's it's more rewarding to know that I'm able to help people and in a position to where I can actually give back to others and and support people's um you know maybe support their dreams or support some of their in real life struggles or or whatever it may be like that part of it is what keeps me going and kind of keeps that fire alive to where I mean when I'm up at four or five in the morning I don't even realize you know I'm up at four or five in the morning because I'm so involved in just making everything right and making it you know solid for the community that it doesn't really phase me in terms of oh I have to be to work in you know my real life job in like two hours so that part of it I don't even really it doesn't really affect me much just because I guess I'm just so driven to to really get this right and really make it you know a solid project so um also two kind of touching on the artistic parts that you were you know saying um so I'm of extremely like artistic person in terms of like um I guess tangible type of things so I can't draw where [ __ ] I can't draw I couldn't draw like I can draw stick figures I'm pretty good at that but um but what I can what I like to do is like sculptures because they're like sculpting um or just creating like abstract pieces of of art or pretty much anything that I can put my hands on and like mold or build or fix or something like that um is pretty much kind of my artistic side of things so about I would say I can't believe I'm telling people this so about like probably about three houses or like three Apartments ago whenever I had lived down here in Phoenix pretty much if you looked around in my apartment everything that you saw was from beside a dumpster but you wouldn't ever know that it was from beside a dumpster because I literally would take you know other people's trash and turn it into treasure for say and so and so you wouldn't ever know that any of it was from beside a dumpster but and and it was all really nice stuff but I had like resurfaced it or refinished it to make it you know look nice again or turn it into something else that that it wasn't before and so that's you know again kind of my like artistic vision and I can see different things within other like pieces of you know furniture or whatever it may be and turn it into something else that's amazing and so um and it's that's a little challenging within this like web three space in terms of not being able to really physically hold on to something and create something physical but I think I'm getting to the point to where we are going to have some physical I guess they call it fidgetal um items and whatnot throughout the collection and and be able to kind of bringing in that that artistic side that I like to do and uh build it into the project as well so I'm thinking something with like some treasure chests and which could be like Ledger holders or something or something to that extent but um that's that's on down the road that's not anytime soon but but yeah that's just kind of my creative mind just thinking how we can kind of bridge that gap between the the physical and the digital and yeah so man do I ever relate with uh the the non-sleeping and it's so interesting because I don't I don't stress myself out over it because you know for example my kids I'll pick them up from school and they'll be like hey Dad what'd you do today and I'll answer well you know I did a little bit of work did some Panda stuff I I completely separate my panda stuff from work I don't think about it as work it's uh it's almost like a game to me I I enjoy spending my time doing nft stuff it doesn't feel like I'm clocking in uh like I do with my normal work and so it it's almost a problem because I'll be up till three four in the morning just having a good time on my Discord and I can I can call it work and it it almost uh gets me in trouble because I I don't manage my sleep and it uh it's definitely a struggle for me to I I need to have almost a different mental focus with nft stuff so that I don't get too distracted because I I have too much fun with it it does not feel like work to me do you do you feel the same sometimes um I mean yeah in a sense like in 100 I can definitely relate although I guess the only thing with me is I don't have like I don't have a kids or family or wife or or any of that I have a little English Bulldog that keeps me very very busy but um um yeah so in terms of like I don't have I guess that other part of um that other I guess those other responsibilities that I would have to separate myself from from like nfts and then like my work um life balance and my home balance and things like that so um I guess the really challenging part for me is I work from home and so I work from home you know on my day job and then I kind of transition to nfts and web three at like four or five o'clock in the afternoon but it doesn't really feel like a transition in a sense I mean I I mean I completely switch computers switch you know everything over but um but in the terms of like that separation it's I don't really um I guess have that that separation but at this point in time I mean for me it's I guess kind of a um of a relief factor that I don't have to worry about other responsibilities and I can just mainly focus on uh building and on web3 for the time being so but um with yeah I mean even to the back to the lack of sleep like it's kind of crazy because I'm not even exhausted and like you said it's almost like um it's not like a job it's not like um anything um it doesn't feel like work at all you know it's it's something that's very fun and very um rewarding and very I guess just it almost feels natural in a sense kind of but I mean it's definitely not natural because it's all brand new but but again I'm like not exhausted I'm not tired when I go to work it's just something that's just I guess happens really

yeah I I agree it's it's almost uh it's almost dangerous for me that I don't get exhausted from it because I I can't keep a good you know tracking on on my hours of sleep because I do I wake up in the morning I get out of bed I'm excited to check the Discord you know check any messages see what see what happened overnight and I man I it's really good for me though because uh that it seemed like maybe about a decade that I was just not finding fulfillment in my work and I've been very successful you know what I mean I I kind of Hit the goals that I wanted to and it was I just have this empty feeling like I just wasn't quite getting any fulfillment out of my work other than taking care of my family and I I guess I just wanted a little bit more than that and so to find myself waking up which has always been a task for me I'm terrible in the mornings but since nfts came into my life I'm getting less sleep but I I wake up easier it's crazy I uh I really do find myself in a space where I'm I'm finding fulfillment and I wanted to ask you uh kind of touching on the the topic that we put in the space community building so taking into account your career your experience you know you got into the space you saw some things wrong with it um what what do you think you bring to the table with your years of experience in your career your childhood growing up uh what what kind of skills do you think you have developed to be able to build a community and uh how how has that been and what are your goals with that yeah definitely I mean um definitely a good well-rounded um question there um I think in terms of like what I can I guess bring to or or for my community building I guess piece of it I think it's just attributed to my like you know childhood and and how I grew up again like so um and you know I grew up by like the cowboy code I grew up very well um mannered and very well just kind of um I guess they call it like you know that Midwestern kind of um just um hospitality and things like that so um just that I guess that die hard in that determination to really put my you know all of my self into the project and not half-ass anything I don't like to cut Corners I don't like to you know anything like that so I mean I guess really just bringing my whole self into the project and being able to be myself really is is another kind of key part of it I don't have to pretend to be you know something I'm not pretend to be anything other than what I want to be because you know it's my project that I'm building and and it's um very I guess in a sense of fulfill like a wholesome kind of feeling or uh or a humbling um you know kind of feeling as well just being able to be who I am and build what I want to build and and just help other people see the vision and you know help them kind of catch on and realize that you know it's gonna be an amazing project for everyone involved and and you know everyone that's along for the ride is gonna be you know rewarded and be you know able to look back and be like you know I'm so glad that I joined that project and I'm so glad I you know actually got into it as opposed to like my experience where I was like oh my gosh I can't believe I got into that project or I can't believe you know before that I had did that and so I guess also too just my um personality I think is a lot has a lot a lot to do with with how you interact with people how you um you know are empathetic towards others and and definitely having empathy and understanding that everyone's going through something you know you might not know exactly what they're going through but um you know you have to be very um understanding of people's just um you know lives in general and being able to to have that empathy and empathetic kind of mindset towards people I think is extremely extremely important within the web 3 space because I mean I talk to people and I don't even know where half of the people are from you know part of the time so like they could be on the other side of the world or or what it so you never really know what people are going through and like even I mean one of my community members like they had just went like through a typhoon and whatnot and so I mean I couldn't imagine going through a typhoon like I would be I would be like like devastated I would think but I mean this person was still like supporting the community and still there and you know it's just it's an amazing using feeling to know that people will support you and want to be part of the community for for their own good but also for the good of the community as well and so I mean it's it's a very again rewarding feeling to know that you're able to help people but you might not even really know that you're helping people in a sense or or how you're helping people but being able to just provide that I guess platform provide that space where someone can come and just you know be themselves as well and things like that is something that's probably I mean it's I mean I wouldn't change any of it for for you know anything and that's again probably the most rewarding part of of this whole experience so um yeah I hope that I think that answered the question right for sure for sure I I love that I have had uh just a tremendous experience uh with people experiencing things on the other side of the world that's funny you say that because I think about that every single day with people in my community um you know I I have a mod that helps me with collaborations and she lives in the Philippines and they had a big storm their power got wiped out and there she was just you know texting me hey I just wanted to update you and it's just like what the heck you guys are going through you know hurricane season over there and stuff and so it's it really is uh it makes the world feel a lot smaller uh which I I have really enjoyed that aspect of web3 is you really you really have to kind of shake your head every now and then and realize holy crap these people are on the other side of the world uh but in this space it doesn't feel like that you you really do make friends and almost uh better friends in the web 3 space and you've never even seen their face you know and I I really relate to that that sentiment about uh the the community and and finding uh how to help people and and sometimes you don't even know and I I uh experience that as a community member in other projects you know and I I try to strive for the same thing so answer me this you've got a community you've got your project going uh what what are your next steps what what's your big next goal with the project so I mean there's so I mean there's so many I guess next steps really that I have to like remind myself sometimes to you know to take it you know one step at a time and to be very I guess um methodical and strategic yeah strategic and just really thinking things out because I'm such a sporadic person I mean I I'll think of things on the whim and I'll Implement them into the project and so like some of my mods and stuff they're like you know I'm sure they have a hell of a time kind of keeping up with with everything that I um Implement and everything that I kind of you know create within the project but I mean I guess really the next steps would be so so project project wise I mean and currently kind of where we're on the project is um you know creating we haven't minted yet so we I just talked to a gentleman today um about kind of uh switching up our one of ones and um kind of re recreating our entire one-on-one collection basically so we'll be a 10 000 piece generative collection but um we'll have at least 10 to 12 one of ones in though in that collection so um yeah I just spoke with the gentleman this morning he's from Italy and um an amazing amazing artist and I'm literally I saw his work and and fell in love with it right away so I just I knew that I wanted to involve him somehow or or his art you know some way somehow in the project and so I mean next steps in this point in time like today are just kind of revamping that um some of the artwork and really making it a lot um like cleaner just just kind of yeah just kind of fixing up the artwork to make it really what what I had envisioned from the beginning um currently the our artist is from Ghana and um he's an amazing artist you know that that has created the The Collection it just I think with them with him being in Ghana and not being able to really communicate as much as as I would have liked to or as much as we should have you know um I think some things kind of got rushed and overlooked a little bit and as you're trying to build a community and as you're trying to you know there's so much involved with being a Founder trying to be on Spaces you know all the time and trying to Market and network and you know build a team and build a I'm just there's so much that goes into it and so it was at that point in time it was I think the artwork kind of got not overlooked or over you know or or that it wasn't you know a main focus it just I think I kind of let some things go that I normally probably wouldn't have let go and would have fixed right then and there but just with me being so busy that that point in time you know it just kind of happened and so um so yeah so currently just kind of you know cleaning some things up and fixing some things that I wish I would have you know fixed from the beginning and I think that's kind of the the like next steps really in the project are just kind of solidifying some things that like some loose ends that you know can be um a lot um cleaner and just um really whenever we do mint I want it to be absolutely perfect for the community I don't want anything to be rushed I want it to be you know whenever we meant we can just you know take off and everything will be solid and no one will have to worry about anything it won't have to second guess anything and so I think really yeah just those next steps are just really kind of focused on I guess house cleaning really in a sense because when when we start the the planning process I mean everyone can kind of imagine there's so much like I just said that goes into the the founding part of a project that when you're on the consumer side you don't really think about it you don't really realize you know all of the time and all of the little fine details I mean even within like creating a Discord and the different channels and having to worry about your Discord getting hacked and having you know there's just I mean there's so much that goes into every little aspect and every little detail because at the end of the day like it's not about me anymore like now I have to protect my community and so like it's very it's a you have to it's a mindset that makes you really really analyze every little step that you do and every I mean down to like every click that you make you know in on the computer because like one wrong click or one one little tiny thing can can you know be detrimental to your whole community and so it's a very it's a different mindset that I have to have or that you know any founder has to have really going in and just being very very aware and very just I guess smart about what you're doing you know at any point in time on the web it's not even like not even if I'm in my metamask or whatever I mean it's it's every single minute of every day I have to be very aware and very cognizant of everything that um that I'm doing just because I'm now focused on my community and it's not just about me anymore so I mean if it was if it was me and I got screwed or I got you know I got hacked or I got you know then it's a life lesson when it's a community of like thousands of people from all around the world it's a completely different ball game and you have to really think of it in a just a different mindset to be able to protect those people and protect their assets you know as well as your own but but I mean their assets and and their safety and well-being is way more important than anything of my you know own well-being and state you know kind of safety within web3 so it's um yeah so that would be I guess next steps and kind of where where we're at is just making everything solid to to really not have to worry about anything whenever we go into mint and and really the project can kind of take off so will you will you tell me about the art itself uh that was fun to hear you talking about working with the artist it takes me back to when we were working with our art and I I missed that process I I did it with my kids we we'd sit down and we'd come up with all of our trades and we'd send it to the artist and that was that was just such a fun process so I'm I'm curious uh why elephants and tell me about the the inspiration behind the art itself the elephant um um kind of came into play you know when we were brainstorming as a project um when we were in the previous project and the four of us were kind of brainstorming we wanted to definitely find a charitable charitable cause and a and something to support and get behind you know to to make you know our time I guess kind of worthwhile really at that point in time because at that point in time I didn't think I don't think again I don't think they were taking it as serious as maybe I took it but um so um elephants I don't know elephants have always had like a near and dear kind of place in my heart they're a majestic animal they're so they're it's the elephant themselves is they're very emotional they're very emotionally attached to each other and to the well-being of like their herd and and they just have like a very relatable I guess kind of personality in a sense so um fun fact I don't know if anyone's like heard me I'm sure some of my community just heard me tell this before but um elephants are like one of the only four um species in the whole entire world that can actually recognize humans as being like and and having a um emotional like connection to humans in a sense of like so however we look at puppies whenever we see like a puppy we're like oh my gosh that puppy's so cute and we like want to play with it want to hold it you know and want to you know everyone thinks puppies are cute in that sense so elephants are like one of the only four species in the world that actually have that same exact um emotional connection whenever they see humans so they view us like we view the puppies and so they just they literally just want to you know play with us and and hold us and and be you know close to us and so I think that's another just interesting you know part about elephants and then again I mean they're so huge and they're they're a massive creature but yet they're so gentle and in a sense too and so like their trunk can lift literally up to I think it's like two like I think it was like two tons of weight but then it can also pick up a single rice kernel like one little tiny piece of rice if they wanted to so I mean it's they they're just very like versatile and very just amazing creatures in a sense of of of the animals so um so yeah I've always had like a near and dear kind of placed my heart for elephants and so um when we started creating the artwork we knew that it was going to be a pfp project you know it was that it was going to be basically it had to be from the the chest up in terms of it wasn't going to be a full body um piece of art so that in itself was challenging because I mean when you think about an elephant you think of their roundness and their and their size and things like that but to put to get that um that I guess um Ratio or that um what am I trying to say that um part of it into the into the pfp I knew it was going to be impossible because it just when you just have the chest up you can't have that size of the elephant so we really kind of put more main focus on like the ears and the head and and knew that the ears on the head had to kind of stand out so then we decided to go with the like skinnier kind of humanoid almost um look just because again without being without having that size even if we would have made it you know kind of like even a little wider it just would have looked kind of strange and so we spent a lot of time on the concept and the design of the the piece and then our artist really kind of took that and ran with it in terms of the design of all the lines that you see in the trunk and the tusks and and the ears and um so then he was building it and um he had the lines and everything on the chest and all that so then what we decided to do was basically make it like um kind of have a glow or kind of like a um like the internal battery oh I wanted people to be able to see the the internal kind of workings of the of the elephant just because at that point in time we it was became a robotic elephant and became a futuristic you know Tech inspired um piece at that point in time and so on some of the pieces you can see like an actual glow um like in the other pfps that we have down there you can kind of see a different color glow on those lines um so that was something that we I wanted to create and I thought that would be unique and and things just to kind of show that like inner workings and the networking of of the internal parts of it um just because we again we couldn't utilize the size of the elephants we had to kind of um pivot and uh so yeah but um I mean yeah I'm I'm happy with what we have and I'm happy with the the the product that turned out um I didn't realize how hard it would be to put traits onto an elephant because you have I mean you have the tusks and you have the trunk and I mean they're they're just an awkward kind of um I guess piece of it that you really can't style without the whole piece looking kind of strange and so it's it's been challenging it has been very very um challenging to deal with like the the Aesthetics of it but again I mean we made it happen we're making it happen and um yeah so that's that's kind of the I guess the inspiration behind the the piece and the art and and things like that so and it's and like I said it's still kind of a work in progress because we haven't minted yet so um it's it'll always be work in progress I mean we're always building the art won't be once it's minted but I mean up until the the time that I can change it I'm gonna change it as much as I can to make it exactly what I want it to be so um but also in that in that um sense too the um we're doing the trait contest right now on our Discord so we're actually letting our community um build three traits into our whole entire Genesis collection so um we're doing we're gonna pick the final winners one today one tomorrow and one the next day um each winner will get a hundred dollars um in eth for their trait that they um that is voted on by the community um that will be put into our Genesis collection so um I think that's kind of just a unique and fun part of it as well just involving the community to be able to you like build a trait into the into the collection and like if they're what if their trait became like a faction or a trait you know group or something it would be so cool if that one of those traits became a leading trait within the group and then um yeah so I just think it's it's something to kind of you know help again build that community and involve them and and make them feel you know a part of the collection because I mean they are I mean we're nothing without community so it's um we want them to be as much or as part of the collection as as we are so I I really like how you uh described the animal the elephant and how uh relatable they are you know they really are a majestic creature I I went to uh what's the zoo called in Salt Lake City I was there with my daughter this summer and they have a couple big elephants and I just remember my daughter seeing an elephant in real life for the first time she was blown away she couldn't believe how big they really were she said Dad elephants really are that big and I was like yes they're so cool and they just they almost look fake you know they almost look ancient like a like a dinosaur almost they're just so cool and big and you're absolutely correct uh how Like Loving they are they and maybe maybe it's just uh you know videos I've seen of how you can train an elephant and I know there's a lot of controversy behind training elephants but uh they they really are a majestic beautiful creature and I I don't know the stats very well but they are hunted if I'm not mistaken is is that are you guys planning on giving back to elephants in real life at all or you did mention uh giving back I I wanted to ask you about that yeah so yeah we're definitely giving back we're um we're supporting a um charity in the Kingdom of Thailand called elephant Hills um so elephant Hills is a very very super ethical um elephant rescue within Thailand and mainly what they do is they um they don't like so much rehabilitate um the elephants but they house the elephants that have been subject to torture subject to you know all the cruelty and and things like that of the tourism and the logging and and um things like that so elephants in um Thailand are still considered so domestic um elephants in Thailand are still considered a um working animal and so they did put a ban on logging but um but you can still domest if you own domestic elephants in Thailand the um the resources and the um like um the groups that are trying to help the elephants can't actually put any resources towards domestic stick elephants because they are considered a working animal and so they're trying to change that they're trying to you know make that um to where it's not as as um so there's not as many of them but about 60 of the elephants in Thailand are captive and um are are held per se like as domestic animals and so also 60 of those animals are used in tourism and used for you know the elephant rides and things like that and so 60 of those elephants are you know tortured and beaten and and treated very very badly to be able to train them to do what the what we as I guess humans you know want them to do for their tourism and and so it's they're they're trying to put um a lot more restrictions on things to where there's not as many captive elephants but um but again yeah 60 of the population of elephants in Thailand are are held you know as captive and domestic um um animals and so and again 60 of those are used in the tourism business so what we're doing is um we're supporting a um a rescue called elephant Hills so again they're extremely ethical they've won a numerous amount of wards they've um they as well like give back to their Community they have like a youth program that they help the kids um of their communities and really just kind of give back as much as they get in terms of of the um support and donations and things that they receive so um they and then what's also kind of neat is they'll have a um luxury tent camp that they just built on on their um Sanctuary so um kind of like how um in like Africa you'll see like the the um the tent camps to where you can stay you know out in the in the wild or out in the Safari or whatnot and you know kind of camp out where the um animals stay so Thailand also just kind of developed that concept to where you can actually stay at the sanctuary um and like when you look out your window I mean it's the elephants are you know out in their in their native home but it doesn't feel like um that you're like interrupting them or anything because it's the way they built it and things like that so what we're also doing is throughout our mint we're giving away 10 trips to the kingdom of Thailand to actually be able to go and stay at the elephant Hills rescue um and then the other kind of cool part about it is since we're donating to them um the people whoever wins the trip will actually get to hand deliver the donation like for that um week or for that you know time period of of whenever they won the trip they'll actually get a hand delivered the donation to The People whenever they arrive there and so that's just kind of another just I guess rewarding feeling for the whoever wins that trip or when they actually get to go hand them the the uh donation and then they get to stay on site with the elephants they get to bathe them and feed them and and stuff like that so they're gonna get up close and personal with elephants and it'll just be an experience of a lifetime that that somebody will never forget so I think um being able to again provide that to somebody and just letting you know giving people the um gift of like travel I know you're very involved in the travel and um things like that so just being able to like let people travel the world world and see other things you know outside of their own you know space is something also very important to me and um something I you know want to be able to do for people and um whatnot it's it's and kind of a little bit back background of that as well so like when I moved to Phoenix it's surprising how many people I meet that have never been out of Phoenix like literally never been out of the city of Phoenix ever and these people are like 20 30 years old and I'm like you've never been like even outside of like not even the state but like never outside of the city and I'm like it's so it's crazy to me that a lot of people don't get to experience travel and they don't get to see the world and they don't get to I guess do some things that they you know might want to do and and so being able to provide that part of things to people is very important to me as well and just and then again with the elephants and being able to donate and support that cause is also you know just something that's amazing and near and dear and so yeah well you've you've certainly inspired me to uh you know for since I started this project I've always had just this uh one day man a trip to China and we're gonna visit the pandas and it's always just been a one day thing but [ __ ] you are really inspiring me to to take the jump plan it out and do a China trip because man that Thailand trip you really bring up a good point that uh handing them that donation especially adding that factor into it that's going to be so special for someone and really you know these these projects of ours that are kind of focused around an animal that man you know a lot of people in my project they they don't even care about the utilities necessarily they just really love being a part of giving back and man that's going to be such a cool experience for whoever wins that and gets to hand the donation because that's really I think with projects like ours that's so fulfilling I mean mean that's a big part of why people get into projects like this sometimes is just for the giving back and I'm I'm feeling jealous already of the person that gets to do that for you guys that is so cool and are you are you planning on going to Thailand and and uh taking that trip or have you already um yeah so me and my best friend are actually I'm getting ready to go before the end of the year um we just kind of have to coordinate it and get it scheduled but um yeah I'm gonna go in and film the whole entire thing and um and show you know the community what they're going to be getting into and and actually make sure that the trip is like legit and safe you know and I don't want to be sending people over and it'd be something absolutely horrible or whatnot but I'm I mean I've researched it I've talked to a lot of people over there I've done you know my due diligence in terms of like making sure that the trip is going to be like legit and safe but at the same time I um um um where was it going with that same time I yeah I'm gonna go on the trip just to make sure that it's you know what I what I Envision it and what I've been told it's gonna be um and then I'll be able to film the whole thing too so that way people will be able to see like what nfts can really do for for like donating and giving back and it's not just you know it's not just a project or it's not just some silly picture or um or something like that so it's I want to be able to film and be able to show people what are what our cause or what our you know project funds are going to and how it is really helping the elephants and just kind of being able to um film that whole experience is going to be something that's going to be amazing and I'll be able to bring that back to the community and and um and you know show it to everyone so um so yeah so I'll be going on the trip here before the end of the year and then um then we'll start sending people over so and also too just to just kind of also exciting right and so I I really really hope whoever does win the trip gets to go on the trip but I know that some people have some like travel restrictions or some people may maybe just might not be you know Keen about the trip or whatnot so so if somebody does win the trip and they're not able to take it then we will we'll give them the eighth equivalent in terms of like the prize just just to help them out but um but for the trip I mean we're paying 100 for the airfare 100 um um of all of the excursions and everything that they'll be doing there um we're gonna give them some like um spending money for their you know put some money in their pocket to spend and everything whenever they're over there um everything is very very like reasonable and very affordable in Thailand so it's not a um it's not you know you want you don't a little bit goes a long way there um but also um we're gonna um provide them with like a GoPro camera so that they can film their you know journey and and things like that so we're gonna also hook them up with like a travel package and stuff like that as well as covering all the airfare all the room the board their food you know everything so we want it to be a a fully immersive experience to where they can just go and relax and hang out and really just enjoy themselves and not have to worry about anything so yeah that's that's going to be amazing and I I wanted to let you know if if there's anything I can do uh to help you guys get some some good travel deals uh let me let me look up some stuff for you and see if I can't help you uh get get people there cheaper or or lodging whatever it might be I'd love to help out with that yeah I also I also wanted to bring up the idea you know there's a few of us projects it would be kind of cool maybe if we do um an animal charity space you know we could we could organize a few of us projects and uh really really uh kind of put our powers together and uh talk about these projects that are helping animals you know there's some great ones with dogs and cats and we got our pandas you got your elephants I I'm just really excited about other projects giving back and man you you guys really chose uh a really I think significant and difficult cult animal to help I think elephants are in a very particularly difficult situation like you said the laws over there they they're you have to navigate them to help them out and um you know kind of the same thing with with pandas uh I feel like the panda project though is is a little bit easier you know because pandas aren't hunted for any particular reason you know elephants have the ivory they've always had a much more difficult uh experience just staying alive than than I think other animals so I just have to commend you guys for going after uh elephants that that just seems almost like a much more difficult task and and helping them and saving them you know the whole the whole country of China is basically backing pandas and trying to help and there's so many organizations I just don't feel like uh elephants have that so thank you guys so much for for sticking up for those lovely majestic creatures like you said and I'm I'm excited to uh get more people involved and excited about helping out animals because man I don't know about you guys but animals just bring a sense of love and peace to my life and I know that sounds silly but animals are so important to me they always have been and I think that's very similar with a lot of people out there so I just have to tell you thank you from the bottom of my heart for doing what you're doing and putting in all this time and effort and strategy and preparation these spaces everything you guys are doing I just wish you guys the the best of luck and I can't wait for uh your mint date do you do you have a date in mind or is it still kind of to be announced um so we have we have set a date of 11 11 um for our mint we're currently at this time we're we're minting our pre-med utility pass so what that does um is it gets you 50 off of our Genesis mint um it also we're currently sold from it started yesterday but we're doing 30 days of 100 giveaways so every day we're giving away a hundred dollars an eighth um and we're doing different um uh contests different activities in our Discord to you know for the winner so whoever wins the activity for the day or whatever it may be um we'll win 100 in each but if you own the pre-med utility pass that prize is actually doubled to 200 so um so yeah you can win 200 a day basically in our Discord if you own that pre-med utility pass then you get OG VIP status for life um you'll get free access into all of our in real life events that we host in the future and then um um and then again you know 50 off of that that uh Genesis mint so it's a pretty um lucrative um pass to have um it's minting at .0333 so it's very very affordable for people um and then again it'll get you half off of the um uh the Genesis mint which will automatically give you your value back right there within the past but then if you if you win one day of the um 100 of uh 30 days of 100 giveaways so if you win that 200 prize you've already like I think like times tens your investment you know so you've already covered the cost of the past cover the cost of your next man and three more minutes you know so it's it's um we made it very affordable for people to get in and to be able to utilize that but also to be able to win some money and put some you know cash in their pocket and whatnot so um the one thing with it is we're we're will be so through the 30 days the people can win the prizes they can win multiple days so I mean even if you won five days that would be a thousand dollars you know in your pocket but um we'll be Distributing the prize money the morning of our mint so um again we just we're since we haven't minted we want it to really go mainly to Holders I mean some people will take the money and you know just kind of run or use it utilize it on like other projects which is completely fine we have no you know no issues with how the people utilize the money but also I mean we're building a community and we want people to you know invest into the project and and make it you know make the project better for everyone so so we're Distributing all the prize money on the morning of our mint so that way I mean hopefully some people will utilize it towards the mint and I mean even if they don't that's completely fine as well but it's just strategically we're doing it that way so not that everybody doesn't just like take the prize money and run and then nobody mints with it and stuff so so some strategy behind that as well but um but I mean it's it's 200 that you can win for just literally like winning a rumble or something you know there's not a lot of um of uh we're not making people grind by any means to to win these 100 or 200 dollars so it's it's very easy to do if you stick in our Discord and then if you own that pre-med utility pass your price is double and then you get half off of our Genesis mint so

I love it sounds like you guys are doing it the right way I you know if I could go back in time there's definitely things I would change about how I did my project and uh I I think in a lot of Senses I rushed into it I was so excited and I just got it going I I'm really impressed by how well uh your project is prepared how you guys are taking the right steps getting getting the community built um and maybe if we could uh just kind of wrap up with that that idea of community building maybe give uh our audience here today just uh one last you know push or exhort them to join your community and and give them a reason why why should they want to join up with elephants of eth land and uh why they should participate with you yeah definitely and um again I mean we we definitely appreciate you guys we appreciate everything that you're doing you know within your project um we love the collaboration and everything that we've in the short period of time we've been you know kind of speaking and everything I feel like we are very you know connected in terms of projects and whatnot so it's um definitely look forward to more um what we can do in the future and just building together and whatnot in the space so um just to also kind of hit on that you know collaboration of the um animal conservation project so what we're all I'm trying to do is we're trying to build um basically a space or or whatever it may be but um a um space called The Watering Hole so anyone that is into or has a project that is revolved around animal conservation or even if you just feel strongly about you know helping animals or whatever maybe I mean everyone will obviously be welcome but but the focus of the project will or of the Community or space whatever you want to call it will be projects that are geared towards helping animals and towards that conservation um and then seeing what we can all do as one you know in terms of how we can all work together to really Inspire others but also you know help the animals and help um these rescues and help these other countries that you know don't have the resources and funds that some of us may have or whatnot so within that Watering Hole we want to really build a United kind of um front of animal conservation projects and so um yeah that's another kind of just poor part that we're you know focusing on and building as well alongside of our own project um just to unite multiple projects together because we all as we know we we can do more things um together than we can you know as individuals and so if if more projects are working together as opposed to you know single trying to single-handedly take on web three and change the world it wouldn't really I mean it could be effective but if if imagine if you know 10 projects all got together and had that same focus and the same mindset and and whatnot I think it would it could happen a lot quicker and it would just be a lot more there'd be a lot more faces and individuals and people involved in things than just an individual project trying to do it by yourself so um so yes that's another goal another um piece that we're trying to build so um but yeah I mean if we're really building a strong community and that's in all of our utility is focused on um building that Community um I mean I haven't even really went into everything that we're doing within the project um we're also bringing in like five in real life businesses that we're literally just giving to the community to teach them to be leaders teach them to be business owners teach them to you know what it what it takes to run a successful business and things like that and um but then also you know put some money in their pocket and build you know those wealth opportunities again and things like that so I mean there's a lot going on in our project that literally I mean you can't you can't really go wrong by by joining the community and and getting into it I mean the entry price for our mint is super reasonable um we're giving we do tons upon tons upon tons of giveaways I mean we haven't even minted yet we've probably given out close to I I don't even want to add it up but um we've given out a lot of nfts a lot of um of you know just straight up Ethan cash and so I mean we are we're devoted and focused on taking care of our community and really making our community feel you know part of something bigger than you know just themselves and something special and something that they can really look back on and be proud of and and you know tell other people that they're you know involved in this community because of all the great things that we're doing and stuff like that so um I guess yeah it's just really one I guess you know that last push of of what why to join our community and why to be a part of it is this it's something special and unique I think a lot more projects should be kind of focused more on the community as and and you know that aspect of it because I say continuously every single day like our community is everything and we're nothing without it so I mean we have to invest into our community and and build something strong and build that core really really strong to you know really go somewhere within the space because I mean we can have the best artwork we can have the most amazing you know um mods whatever it may be but if you don't have that Community backing you your your art is nothing and it's not anything you're not going to go anywhere with it and so really that Community piece is is something I think we're all finding out through this build Market of you know it's it's not really all about just everything that you can do as like an individual or an individual person as a Founder it's it's really how you can help your community and build the community to support your project to really go places within the space and really to take off you know as a project and as a community as a whole I mean it's it's you have to have that foundation and that piece to really be successful so um but yeah I mean join our Discord and look at our roadmap there's um it's it's continuously changing but for the for the good I mean I just I add a lot of things to it just because I come up with you know fun and new ways to really innovate and and bring value to the community so I mean there's a lot of sometimes it changes but it all changes for the good and nothing ever gets taken off of that road map so it's always just you know building to that so um a lot of our roadmap is also pre-funded to where like we don't even really need to Mint to to actually go through with a lot of our road maps so um I mean even if we didn't mint a piece we could still complete about 80 of our roadmap the only the only thing that's not really pre-funded is like the bounties that we're putting um into our mint so like our first 5 000 pieces we're gonna have 75 000 worth of bounties um in the in the first five thousand pieces so one of the bounties will be um a ten thousand dollar Bounty so literally you can mint an elephant and win ten thousand dollars just for minting so um again a lot of things that we're doing to give back a lot of just rewards and again it's all focused on community and really building the best community that we can so man well you guys are doing it right and I have to say the watering hole I am in I wanna I want that to happen bro I think that's such a good idea and I remember you telling us about that so I was I was kind of fishing for that answer I was also fishing for the real life businesses because I remember you bringing that up and I think that's so important uh that's that's kind of one of our next roadmap steps is to uh do our e-commerce utility uh to bring in money from outside of the space and I think that's one aspect of your project that is really really smart that you guys are bringing in businesses to fund the project outside of the nft space you know in a bear Market I I think it's really smart to have uh web 2 businesses uh to you know be bringing in money and fund the project and keep uh keep the community full of liquidity and so um do you do you want to touch on any of those businesses specifically or uh are they are they related at all that's my last question is those real life businesses I'm so excited about that yes so so I mean I don't know if I I don't think it's like cheating or anything I don't it's it's but um so what had actually happened there's another project um that's actually um um taking these businesses and they're they're creating 5 000 businesses and minting them as nfts and so I kind of discovered this project from them um pitching on I believe it was the space somewhere but so and I got to thinking you know I'm like so what if I utilize their project as a utility for my project because they're all software as a service businesses and um they're basically kind of almost like a plug and play like you don't really have to do a whole lot with them to make them grow and to make them you know successful you just you can either dump money into the paid marketing and paid advertising and obviously you know Market them or advertise on Facebook Twitter you know Tick Tock all of those things or you can grow it organically and and you know do a lot of the marketing and whatnot yourself so what what through listening to the project and just everything about it um I got to thinking I'm like I really want to utilize that project as a utility for for my project and so um so yeah so we'll be minting four of their businesses whenever they mint um and it basically throughout our mint we're going to have like four factions created and then each faction will have one of those software as a service businesses and so they'll be able to run it you know each faction will they'll be like leads and you know people voted into like those positions and it's all Community Driven so I mean it's it's and then it's basically like however the faction wants to take that business and how big they want to grow it but these businesses have the opportunity to make upwards of five thousand at ten thousand a month in Revenue so um so I mean the faction can choose to utilize those funds however they want to and so hopefully they you know re reinvest some of it back into the business to make it you know free and make that part of the things it would just make more sense to do it that way but um so yeah everyone will basically own a fractional share of of one of the businesses and then I'm also bringing in one um of my businesses that will be fully under my LLC well all the businesses will be under my LLC to start with but um so I haven't other in real life business that I haven't really told anybody about or what it what it entails just because I'm finishing up the legalities of things and making sure again that it's it's 100 good to go whenever I bring it to the community so um but that one's going to be an extremely like just fun business it's a it's a profitable business it's something that you know people can actually utilize in their real life um and then all the funds from that on putting into a community Innovation fund and so all the profits from that business will go to that Community Innovation fund and then as a community as a whole we can choose to utilize those funds however you know the community votes and however they want to to utilize them so if they want to you know invest in other Blue Chip projects if they want to create more businesses if they want to you know support schools if they want to support another animal whatever they want to do is basically what those funds are going to go to and how how we're going to utilize that so um so that's just kind of a little little touch point on on the businesses and and kind of how the idea evolved and how we're utilizing them and I'm really excited to be supporting another project with using utilizing their project as a utility and stuff like that so again just helping the web 3 space grow bigger and and joining other communities and other projects to really make things happen I think is the best way to do things really in the space so man well I'm I'm loving it I I could sit here and ask you questions all night my friend this is good stuff and I I have to let you know uh that there are a lot of really really cool projects that I think we can gather together for this Watering Hole idea you know just right next to you I see Slippery Fish they're working on Ocean conservation uh I'm a shout out to you guys I love you guys uh and I I just think of all these projects that we could come together and you know Captain Planet this this animal con conservation thing tackle it together I love that idea of coming together and uh the watering hole is just such a great idea I love the name and everything so however I can help be a assistant setting that up and getting that going I would love to be a part of that my friend and uh I I just want to thank you so much for taking you know we've we've exceeded an hour even and I just I really appreciative of people's time uh that that's such a an asset and I I can't tell you enough how much I appreciate just uh talking for an hour with you I've really been inspired and I've had some great ideas uh as you've been speaking I I always tell people this that these spaces I it's kind of selfish I love these spaces for me you know I I get so much out of these and uh just hearing you think out loud and explain your thoughts man I've I've really had uh some great ideas just brewing in my head while you've been chatting and man I I have to tell you also I want to go to Thailand with you guys I I want to support other projects like yours and it would be so cool if if you know our project could show support somehow and uh get our get our trips even uh coordinated you know I've got the travel thing going so I just want to support your project however we can and at the same time I want to ride your coattails baby you guys have something just amazing going on and so I'm just going to keep bugging you guys in the DMS and and working uh together to get more collaborations going because I'm just really impressed with what you have going on your passion behind it your heart uh just the the the whole project is really really well prepared smooth and I'm excited for your community you guys have an awesome awesome plan as far as the bounties holy [ __ ] I can't believe what you just told us there with the bounties uh you guys have thought through all the steps and it sounds like you know you've been real honest and and transparent with us that you're still working on a couple things and figuring out a few more details but gosh it sounds like you guys are just ready to rock and roll so I'm I'm excited for your mint date uh you said 11 11 I believe I'm gonna I'm gonna get that on my calendar have that mentally prepared and uh be there to celebrate with you guys so whatever we can do to uh you know bammed up and and help the elephants and the mint day just keep me posted I'm I'm really excited for you guys and uh I have to shout out also real quick I see glitzy tribe down there uh man I've I've got so many uh regulars here in the crowd I could shout out each and every one of you guys thank you so much for being here and I really appreciate you guys supporting uh elephants of ethland I think they have a really great Mission and I'm just on board 100 to support you guys and and get our community behind your project as as much as I possibly can before before we wrap things up did you have any any final thoughts for us any any last reminders anything you want to leave with us um yeah I mean I just and definitely I want to say you know thank you again for the kind um invite thank you again for inviting me on the show I think our projects you know can work very well together and like you said just um we'll definitely be in contact moving forward and building together and um I mean again thank you thank you so so much for inviting us to speak and just doing this um holding the space and you know building web 3 and really innovating and um your guys's project is absolutely amazing as well and what you guys are doing and um like you said being able to coordinate you know either the trips or utilize the travel or whatever it may be I think I think we can really build off each other and um help each other grow and um as a whole and then um you know just build stronger communities together and and um you know having all communities kind of join forces and and be a um larger Force within the space is is going to really create Mass adoption a lot faster and being able to be unified and having people with the same vision same passion goals and everything is is something that's not always you know get that every day and so it's again I genuinely um appreciate you know you and um your project and everything that you're doing and and again the invite to come and speak and um yeah I look forward to building and innovating and uh creating and um yeah like I said our our mint dates 11 11 so it's coming up way too soon but um um we're you know we're prepared as much possible for it and um I mean it's again it's all about our community so it's um everything that they want to do and want to um go with the project is is how we're gonna roll with it so it's um it's been an amazing adventure so far I'd absolutely love this space I love web3 I love everything about it I love these conversations I mean it's um it's it's yeah it's it's something I would never change for sure so like I said joining um jump in our Discord though and like look over our roadmap and really kind of see everything that um we're doing as a project I think um I don't even I still haven't even explained everything that we're doing with the project and we also have like an Ella rent program to where like we're gonna be paying People's rent and their utilities like in their at their real life residence every month and I mean there's just a lot that we're doing to really really give back to the community so definitely jump in the Discord check it out hang out in the community um it's a very welcoming Community very Lively and um we have fun in there and I mean play games you know just like um building and hanging out together so come check it out and um I promise you won't be disappointed and um yeah come along for the ride and it'll be fun so again thank you thank you I can't even say thank you enough for like everything that um for bringing us up and just letting us speak and share the project and everything about it so it's amazing thank you thank you we will be in touch and talk soon and build together and yeah appreciate you amazing yeah thank you I I gotta thank you you're the one that took your time out to uh come and hang out with the community and and uh tell your project and man I'm I'm really excited so uh let's keep in touch I'm I'm gonna just continue to bug you about that Watering Hole idea because I I think it's brilliant I think there needs to be a collected space of you know projects that people can look towards as man that's that group of projects that's helping animals and nature out so I I think that's just such a great idea and I think we can all band together and uh have some big spaces and so yeah we'll we'll keep chatting about that in the back end and uh for the community you guys I've got that giveaway up top I am taking a screenshot right now of everyone here in the space and I'm going to pull that giveaway for two free months of travel membership and if you're a holder with us already you already have that access so I'll give you some I'll give you 25 in ethereum if if I pull you if you're a holder already and uh I'm also going to post this recording with another giveaway uh give people incentive to hop in and listen to this space and also I'm going to put in there your Discord link elephants of Ethan and make that a part of the requirement of the giveaway to hop into your Discord and uh take a look at and listen to this recording and so yeah and I'll even throw in a three uh pre-mint utility passes into that as well okay sweet awesome yeah we'll we'll get the recording going around I know uh D Jens has a big space going on right now so man I I can't tell you guys that showed up how much I appreciate you guys spending time with us we we really have a good time chatting with these project owners and elephants of Ethan I gotta thank you thank you for your wisdom your inspiration me personally I'm taking a lot away from uh this conversation tonight so I hope other people are also and most importantly I hope uh everyone here in the community is hopping into their Discord getting to know the the elephants of Ethan Community there and supporting them I just uh am really really looking forward to your success I I can't wait to help the beautiful animals of this planet together it's really it's a really uh great way to come together and find friendships uh I think people that are working towards similar goals it's it's just easy to find similarities with them and find friendship and so I consider you a good dear friend I hope I hope we can continue to be friends here in the space and work together to help animals I love your elephants and uh man we got to help them out and we got to help your community grow and and so thank you guys for coming tonight if you guys can please show them some support hop into their Discord and then like I said I'll get another giveaway going so that we can get as many people over to your uh Discord as we can and I just really look forward to the next time we get to chat hopefully it's a watering hole episode right yeah definitely agree and yeah I mean I Echo everything you've said and um yeah I look forward to to many many good things to come so appreciate you all right appreciate you my friend well hey you guys I will uh I'm gonna pull the winner here for the giveaway here in just a bit I've got the screenshot of everyone here again thank you guys so much for spending time with us tonight I hope you guys are having a wonderful week I hope you guys are having and finding success and uh let's let's take some lessons that we learned from elephants of Ethan tonight and take it back to our communities and uh let's continue to to spread the web three love and try to bring new people into this space you've got a lot of great projects to share with your friends I guarantee one of your friends out there loves elephants and uh this is a great project to share with them I think that's a really great way to bring people into this space is just find a project that you think will uh click with someone and man who who doesn't love the Majestic elephant so share this project with your friends and uh we'll we'll pass this space around after this so once again thank you so much elephants of Ethan and we'll we'll keep in touch and uh we'll we'll talk soon definitely thank you again appreciate it we'll talk soon all right thanks have a good night guys thank you everybody yeah thank you guys have a wonderful night